Crimson Nightmare [Currently Editing]


I remember that day,

... being told that she might be gone

... That I'd never see her again,

... That I'd never hear her voice again,

... That I'd never get to hold her and tell her that, I love her

...The day when I saw her lifeless body.



"They say you're supposed to get over her. That there is nothing you can do to bring her back"


Main Character

Elizabeth Locke (Ari)

Ari for short, because of her parent's job she constantly has to transfer around the country. Fortunately her parent receive a job around Seoul, Korea. She's been dying to visit that place ever since she was young but the one thing she absolutely unaware is that a large hurricance is coming her way and about to turn her life upside down.

"You're like a nightmare to be with" -Ari to Sehun


Oh Sehun

A boy who is known as the cold hearted. A nightmare to be with to be more specific. He never trust nor love anyone. But everything started to change when Ari appears in his life. He wants her but she's afraid of him. In the end, everything turns out beyound description.

"Don't ever cut me out of your life" -Sehun to Aira


Hi and thank you to anyone who stumble upon this story! =) I've been working this short story for days and Im planning to make this short. Hope you guys enjoy this story and please do comment! I would appreciate some opinion from the reader as well! Please do subscribe as well and upvote maybe? Im asking asking too much yes? Please do pardon me... :) *There're might be some grammar mistakes so please bear it with me T...T*

Again Im sincerely apologize for this


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