Seokjin's bad encounter

holding back

As yoongi`s eyes changed, his stance became more tense. Seokjin knew for sure that he had struck a nerve that should have been left alone. He backed away from the shorter male and began to moved towards the door. But, unluckily for Seokjin, Yoongi had noticed and decided to use his knowledge to his benefit. Seokjin was only yards from the door when Yoongi began to speak in a hushed voice " Who would of thought that the perfect hyung has himself a definite crush." Seokjin's face paled hoping that yoongi`s voice would stay at its original sound level. Please. Doors. Seokjin hoped with all his will that the other member's weren't listen in like usual. But Yoongi decided to torture Seokjin even more and so raised his voice a level. It was obvious that the other members would surely have their ears up against the door by now. "Who does Seokjin like. Do we want to find out? I bet you want to find out." Seokjin desperately tried to leave  the room but his actions only affected Yoongi more. "Who wants to know Seokjin's crush." "Please don't tell them" Shrinking was desperate by now so his confidence from earlier was dissolving in the feeling of humiliation and rejection. Seokjin's hands finally found the door handle. He twisted it and quickly pulled the door open hoping for a quick escape. But he felt a strong hand wrap around his arm holding him back. "Please let go Yoongi. I just want my dignity." Yoonmin smirked wholly. "Why wouldn't I let you go? Oh what. I'll let you go if you swap places with Jimin." Seokjin's just nodded not realises what his agreement included. Yoonmin let go. "Go get your replacement. -hyung." Seokjin's shivered but went to get Yoong's next Vic..... wait next resident. As the eldest entered the living room he called out for his dongsaeng. "Jimin-ah can you come here." His voice was shaky but it was  loud enough the younger to hear his thing's request. The shorter male entered the room to listen to his hyung. "Can you please go to Yoongi's room now please. I'll carry on with your job."


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Thanks I'll try and get that in its a good idea. And I have watched too many Yoonmin videos to not know them all.
BlueeWings #2
Chapter 4: Yoongi and Jimin having make up XD
Maybe watch some videos or something for inspiration?
rollingpie #3
Chapter 4: continue please :) you're doing a great job :D
amysuju15 #4
Chapter 2: mean yoongi...
dont u torture jin....
please update...hehehe
juliajusnu #5
waiting for update~ :D
BlueeWings #6
Can't wait for the update!