

"My father." she smiled.


"What's the matter Mr. Ham? You look really happy today." asked a young looking guy.

"Yes, you are right Joong Ki-ah. I am really happy today for some reason. I am getting old really fast and in other hand my daughter is growing up even faster." he smiled. "Since my daughter is still immature, I don't think she will be able to handle my business afterwards, that’s why I am really worried. So, it would have been better, if she get married with a trustworthy guy, who could take over me and keep Eunjung happy."

"Did you find any one like that yet?" Song Joong Ki asked.

"Not yet. With her temper and her bad attitude, who would want to marry her." said Eunjung's father disappointedly. “That's why I have prepared something." he smirked. Following a knock came at the door.

"Come in." he ordered. A tall and manly looking guy came inside. He wore black suits with white shirt inside. He bowed down respectably to Mr.Ham.

"Good afternoon sir." he greeted.

"Afternoon........May I help you?"

"I have an appointment with you today. My name is Kim Woo Bin."

".......Kim woo---.....ohhh!...Kim Woo Bin, right. I forgot about today’s appointment. Sorry about that." He got up from his chair putting a big smile on his wrinkled face.

"Joong Ki, meet Kim Woo Bin, remember, a while earlier I was telling you that I have something prepared already. Well, that's him and Mr. Kim, meet my secretary, Song Joong Ki. He takes good care of me and he is a really nice guy." They both slightly bowed to each other. "Please take a seat, you too Joong Ki."

Woo Bin handed his profiles to Mr. Ham. He went through his profile and smiled widely.

"Perfect! Just perfect. I am sure, I won't find any other person like you in this whole world. You have a great profile backgrounds. You have mastered, karate + Judo, top student in school.........just perfect, just what I was looking for. Okay, Mr. Bin you know what to do right?"

"Yes sir."

"Don't let anything happen to my daughter and protect her from any troubles that surrounds her OR otherwise you will get fired immediately and you won't get paid nothing. So, are you still ready to take this chance?" He asked seriously.

"Yes, sir. I am fully ready."

"Hahahaha....that's the spirit, I like it."

Curious Joong Ki asked him. "Mr. Ham, in any case, are you hiring him as miss's bodyguard?"

"Yes. That's true. Since, I am always cooped up inside my office, I really don't know how or what she does outside. Now she is a grown up girl and there are a lot of predators and bad things, looking for a chance to attack her. So, she needs someone to protect her and that will be HIM."

BANG!!!!!!!! The office door flew opens.


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Mickey01 #1
Chapter 1: wahhh i like this story author