Teach me how to Cook and Love

Recipe for the Bitter
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A/N: Because some (*cough hyoaby, reokyu, kyunaleixu cough*) asked for a side-story of 'Reciprocated Gaze' where Kyuhyun... Eh, just read this story for you to know what he did to Ryeowook. XD Also, you don't need to read 'Reciprocated Gaze' to understand this one. Enjoy reading!~


The loud sounds of gunshots and screams reverberated throughout the whole room as Kyuhyun cursed loudly; his fingers furiously and literally banging on his laptop's keyboard. His form was stiffly perched on the chair; his laptop rested atop of the table with his legs haphazardly nestled on its side.

"You damn er, die!" Kyuhyun all but whispered; his eyes intently fixed on his bright screen. Several of his opponents were successfully killed by his character and he rejoiced when he realized that he was almost done on his mission.

And then, everything went black.

Kyuhyun's eyes grew wide like saucers as a scream tore its way on his throat; snapping his head to the side so fast he might have gotten a whiplash. He opened his mouth to curse whoever plugged the charger of his laptop out of its socket but he immediately snapped it shut when he came face to face with the angry and irritated face of Eunhyuk.

Kyuhyun staggered back in surprise; falling to the floor along with his chair with a loud thud. He expected to have Eunhyuk burst out laughing but he was met with uncomfortable silence instead. He then blinked owlishly in confusion before he stood up warily; his eyes never leaving Eunhyuk's narrowed ones filled with an unreadable emotion the maknae couldn't decipher.

Suddenly, a thin finger was pointed on his chest; not only making him step backwards but also yelp in slight pain as Eunhyuk continued to harshly prod his finger on the younger's .

"That hurts! What do you ing wan—"

"This is all your fault!" Eunhyuk accused as he glared at the other with annoyance painted on his face; surprising the maknae on how the other's mood shifted three-sixty degrees from his normal bubby self. Kyuhyun then opened his mouth to protest and probably ask if the other had PMS of some sort.

"Wha—What did I even do?!"

"I was just asking for Ryeowook to teach me a new recipe, and look what had happened!"

And Kyuhyun promptly closed his mouth in deep concern; feeling like he had just been drenched with cold water at the mention of the eternal maknae's name and possible danger.

"Why?! What's wrong with him?!"

"You did this, you fix this!"

"Just tell me what happened, damn it!"

"If Ryeowookie's not back to normal by dinner, I'm going to kill you, you little ."

And Eunhyuk stormed off away presumably to find Donghae and whine to him about his annoying dongsaengs; leaving Kyuhyun painfully curious and concerned for their smallest member.


Kyuhyun took off towards the kitchen as quick as he could with a wildly-thumping heart; hoping to the heavens above that Ryeowook was okay and that Eunhyuk just got scolded by the eternal maknae for meddling around the kitchen. And when the youngest of the group arrived at said destination, a relieved sigh he didn't know he was holding came out of his parted lips and he swore he was going to kill the anchovy later in his sleep for worrying him like this.

"Uh, who's the poor soul getting salvaged tonight?" Kyuhyun asked awkwardly as he stepped around the kitchen aisle and towards the sink; wincing at the loud sounds Ryeowook was making with the butcher's knife gripped on his hand. The older instantly looked up from where he was furiously (and totally not looking like a murderer, thank you very much) chopping a huge piece of meat whilst brooding over the sink with a dark look on his face.

"Oh hi, Kyu. What are you doing here?" Ryeowook asked innocently as he continued his precise but deadly movements; making Kyuhyun laugh uncomfortably while debating whether to admit that he was dead concerned for the smaller's well-being just a while ago (and definitely not while being scared because of the bloody knife).

"Ah... I just, uh, passed by? Yeah, I just passed by to get a drink..."

And Ryeowook's face instantly brightened up as he not-so-gracefully shoved the butchered meat and the knife on the sink and afterwards washing his hands to get rid of the evidence of murde—

"Oh!~ Would you like to join me cook, then? I was teaching Hyukkie-hyung a new recipe but he said he needed to go to the bathroom. He's taking too long though, and our dinner isn't going to make itself!" The smaller man asked with his infamous puppy-dog eyes; Kyuhyun letting out an awkward laugh all the while preventing himself from saying that 'The damn anchovy just ditched you, and here I am supposed to turn you back to "normal". Damn you, Hyukjae; I hope you choke on your drink and Donghae just laughs at you.'

"Um, sure..."

If only Kyuhyun knew what highly amusing trouble he just had gotten himself into.


Kyuhyun blinked continuously in surprise as his mind tried to register what Ryeowook had just said.

"So the first thing you need to do is wash the chicken under harsh running water to get rid of the blood," Ryeowook stated as he mechanically performed what he just said but then a grim smile started to etch itself on his lips, "Just like how you should know that love is harsh and that you should just get rid of all your affections towards the one you love."

Kyuhyun blinked once again; slowly patching things together like a puzzle piece. And once he realized what was happening, an amused smile slowly worked its way on his face.

"Then, after you finished washing the meat thoroughly, set it aside first as you heat up the pan. Add oil once it's heated, though be careful because it might splash on you and then you'd get burnt. Be careful, because loving someone can burn your insides too; in the most painful way you can imagine."

(The maknae finally knew why Eunhyuk ditched his poor little giraffe; although he still wished the anchovy would choke on something for making him lose his game. Defeating his opponents was no easy task, and he was almost done killing them all—)

"Are you even listening?" Ryeowook asked with a slightly ticked-off expression once he saw the smile playing on Kyuhyun's lips; the younger instantly losing it and loudly guffawing as he clutched his sides. The older just rolled his eyes before he grumbled some curses.

"Yeah, of course I'm listening! Who would want to miss this chance to hear you be about your bitter love life while cooking?"

The smaller man huffed as he none too gently shoved an onion and a knife towards the amused maknae, "You're so childish," and Kyuhyun madly laughed, "Now mince the onion thoroughly, just like the man you love would do with your heart. And oh, also do it to the apple and potatoes."

"Because?~ "

"Because he's a ing playboy and he would do it to other girls, too."

Kyuhyun whistled lowly as he put a hand to his chest, but nonetheless doing what Ryeowook instructed him, "Ouch. The guy you love really must be that horrible, huh?"

The smaller man just slightly nodded before he put the minced onions on the pan; soon gasping in surprise when Kyuhyun suddenly grabbed him by the waist and tugged him away from the hot oil splashing out from the pan. Ryeowook blushed red at their close contact before the taller inspected his front for possible burns.

"I thought you said be careful of the hot oil? What if you get burnt, you idiot?" Kyuhyun good-naturedly scolded once he finished inspecting the still-flushed older man, "I'm a greater cook, eh?" He chided smugly and Ryeowook ducked his head to hide his red face before he turned backwards to stir the onions on the pan.

"As I was s

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teddiebears #1
going through some older fics and showing love <3
Rayshun #2
Chapter 1: I love how creative your stories are... This is so sweet...
Chapter 1: you're a genius LOL love this so much. so funny and entertaining
leunah23 #4
Chapter 1: this is so cute!!!! ^^ am i pressing you too much if i would request for a sequel for the kyuwook story? :) i just wanna know what will happen to them LOL

P.S.: are u from the Philippines?
sapphirebluelfarahin #5
Chapter 1: this is brilliant! gonna continue read this ^^
Aseuka #6
Chapter 1: Awwww i loooovvve this fluffy fic!
Chapter 1: Awwww thank you so much for writing this!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!
Hahhahahahah wookie whining about his love life while teaching anchovy a recipe.. Then kyu comes into action and oh man that was so cute!! The ending HAHAHAHHA I LOVE IT!! SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE!!!!:* thank you so much!! Ily<3
ryeohaeme #8
Chapter 1: woah... I like the idea. Smart! Good job author-nim! ^^ I like how Kyu solve the bitter love of Wook. Cute and sweet~
hyoaby #9
oh my! you're fast! the recipes reminded me of something and this is soooooooo cute and romantic and sweet!! Thank you so much for writing this sequel!! i really really love this story! gosh i think i'm falling in love XD Thank you again and i'll be waiting for your future fics ^^