The story of the song.

Wasurenaide (One-shot)


I am thinking of you as I sit on the bed,
It’s alright even if we can’t meet for the feeling of missing you is even enough,
The memories of you which are left behind; a short message from you,
Although it makes me uneasy, I want this happiness to last forever


Jaejoong was in his bed lying like a piece of bed sheet there, quiet and lonely. He closed his eyes and smiled.


“oppa!!” You shouted as you make your way to his bed.  His eyes fluttered open and as he open it a smiling you was in his side and instantly he felt very happy. He faces you and played with your bangs. “yah! Oppa!” you shouted “stop playing with my hair!” you whined like a baby. Jaejoong chuckled and pinch your cheeks. “I miss you!” he sweetly said. You flustered pink and smiled at him. “I know!” you sarcastically said. Jaejoong pouted “Psh, aren’t you suppose to say that you missed me too?”. You shook your head “I didn’t miss you.” He pouted and stood up. “You really didn’t miss me?” he said in a low sad tone, his arms were crossed and were on his chest level. “Mmmm.”  You responded. Instantly he turned his back at you “hmmf” is what you just heard from him. You smiled and hug his back “you really did miss me?” But he didn’t respond but instead he breaks away from your arms.  You keep smiling and hugged his back again “Silly, I didn’t miss you because you were here.” He slightly furrowed. “in my heart” you continued.  He pouted and slowly faced you “really?” “Mmmm” you nodded. “So if you ask me if I missed you then you don’t have to ask because for me you were always here by my side.” You said.

After hearing that from you Jaejoong can help but cry, but of course he keep it away from you instead he kissed you on your cheeks. “I’m so touched my angel...” he held at your shoulder and you know that he is in verge of crying. You instantly smile and pull him out of the room with the help of your bangs and some hairs you instantly wiped your tears that fell a split second ago when you turn your back and pull him out of the room. “Where are we going?” Jaejoong asked. “You’ll see..” you simply said as you and Jaejoong’s hand were intertwined with each other. Suddenly he stop you from going a far, you face him and he step closer at you. “Why?”  You asked. He didn’t say a thing instead he just pulled you back for a warm hug. “Please don’t go to Paris.” he whispered. You bit your bottom lip for hearing those words from him makes you cry. You swallowed hard trying to make yourself calm “but oppa, I want to pursue my career, I want to become a famous designer. Oppa, I promise after I finish my study I will instantly return back here in Korea, for you. For us.” You tearfully said. You break away from the hug and cupped his face “oppa, I love you...” you said but he didn’t respond. You pouted and held his hand “oppa, I love you... Please tell me you love me too. I’m going in Paris tomorrow and you might not say this again.” You threatened him but still there was silence he just kept his eyes on you and you stared back at him expecting that he’ll say he loved you too. Without a word he pulled you and give you a kiss in your lips, the kiss was warm and a bit of scary because the feeling was as if this was the last time you guys will see each other. He broke from the kiss and smiles at you “I love you too... I’m willing to wait even if it takes forever.” He said and once again hug you. You poured your feeling out and cried at his shoulder while he, he is crying with you he just don’t want you to see and feel it.


I felt your shadow on the path we always walked,
I softly pray while closing my eyes for this to never fade,
To you, who would always smile despite the deep wounds to keep me from knowing,
I will keep you precious; I will continue to yell these words out, no matter how common they are


Jaejoong slowly walked at the park while singing Picture of you, which was your favourite over all the songs he had sang to you that one caught your heart, he smiled and closed his eyes.


You clapped your hands “oppa!! Your voice is amazing!!! Waah! You should become a singer one day! And I, I will be your designer!!” Jaejoong chuckled and put his hands on his pocket. You smiled at him and held at his arms. “Oppa, push the swing for me.” You said. Jaejoong chuckled and do so. You were so delighted at how air hugged your body it is cold and yet refreshing. “Angel-ah, aren’t you cold?” Jaejoong asked in a worrying tone. You shook your head but Jaejoong was worried and he instantly stops the swing. You pouted at him. “Why did you stop?”  But he didn’t say a thing. You just felt thick clothing on your shoulders and a familiar scent, Jaejoong’s scent. You stood and faced him. “You don’t have to oppa, I’m fine.” You said. But he wasn’t contented with that he hugged you securely and tightly. “Let’s just stay like this for a couple of minutes please...” he begged. You smiled and rested your head in his broad chest. He caresses your hair while you both enjoy the moment that seemed to last forever. But will it be forever? You both don’t know but one thing is in your mind, you love this guy even if your hundred miles apart from him.

“I wish we just stay like this. If I could just stop the time I would... Please God, make this moment last and to never fade away. I beg you to keep her safe while she’s away... because I love this girl and I hate to see her hurt...” Jaejoong thought while his eyes were closed and continuously caressing your hair. “I love you...” he said and kisses your temple. The kiss was warm and made shivers down your spine but you smiled it away and answered back “I love you too, oppa...” and he hugged you tightly like he doesn’t want to let you go.


The night I was able to reach you,
Your scent which felt so fragile pained me again, baby,
So this won’t end forever,
So I won’t let go of this hand I hold onto so tightlly



Jaejoong cupped his mouth to keep his sobs low. He slowly made his way to you, whose body is lying on a bed. Jaejoong held your hand and it was icy cold, and your scent... it was still the same. He looked at your closed eyes and plants a long kiss in your hand. Once again, his tears fell uncontrollably and once again his tiny bits of broken heart had been broken into smaller pieces than before.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you sir, but we need to prepare her burial now...” 

Jaejoong nodded. “I love you Angel-ah, but why did you leave me? You told me you’re coming back for me... Coming back for us... But why, why did you leave me like this... you left me believing that you will come back. Angel-ah, oppa is mad at you right now...” he whispered.

“uhmmm. Sir, we need to prepare her burial.” The staff repeated.

“Please give me a minute...” Jaejoong said in a low tone. The staff understands Jaejoong’s feeling so he leave him alone for a couple of minutes.


Jaejoong close his eyes and reminisce the last time you guys were together. And he can’t help but cry...


Jaejoong and you were in the airport. You don’t want to let his hands go nor he doesn’t want too, but you need to or else you’ll be late to your flight. You gently let go of his hands and cupped his face. “baby, don’t cry... I don’t want to see you shed a tear on me. Huh... baby I love you..” you said. “I love you too baby..” is only Jaejoong can say it’s like all he wanted to say to you was stuck on his throat.

On the other hand, Jaejoong just don’t want to let your hand go. He had this weird feeling towards you going to Paris. He just don’t want you away from him because first, you’re pretty Second, other guys may hit on you and third, your kind and naive. But he trusts you more than anything, he believes on your words because he loves you so much. “promise me you’ll come back for me... for us.” He said while leaning on your face.

“I promise, Jae I will come back for you, for us. I will never forget you or my promises...” you said as a tear fell from your eyes. Jaejoong wiped it away and lean closer to your face so the tip of your nose is touching his. He smiled and gave you a peck on your lips.

“Flight 5J-109 bound to Paris is now accepting passengers. Please line up to gate 116”

 You break the kiss and soon tears were visible. “Baby I have to go...” you said. Jaejoong nodded but he doesn’t let go of your hands. You smiled at his cuteness and gently let go of it for the second time. You were about to enter the gate but he pulled you again for a kiss... a passionate yet a scary one like it was the last time you guys will kiss each other. You pinch his nose and gently wiped his tears. “Don’t worry baby, I will surely come back for you.” You smiled and walk away.

After a couple of hours later, Jaejoong received a call from the hospital. Saying that Angel was one of the unfortunate passengers who died at the plane crash. Jaejoong doesn’t want to believe it but somehow his heart was broken into pieces. The crew added that she’s in the morgue right now. Jaejoong shut his phone and cried his heart out.

“Please tell me, she’s not my baby... she’s not Angel. Angel said she’ll come back for me“ Jaejoong thought while making his way to the morgue.


Jaejoong’s eyes fluttered open and gently put your hands on your side and slowly make his way out of the morgue. He takes one last glance at you and said “baby, don’t forget me...” he muttered and continues to walk out of the room.


I want to become the wind and embrace you gently,
I want to fly to the world you are in right now,
Although I miss you and miss you again; I’ll wait for you,
Just don’t forget me,
I’ll stay here, don’t forget me


“koko ni iruyo wasurenaide...” Jaejoong sang with all his heart. Yes, he had been a successful singer now with lots of fans that love him. Together with his band mates they smiled at the cheering crowd as the melody started to end. “Angel-ah, did you see how famous you’re baby now? Are you happy that I made your wish came true? This is all for you... did you even recognize me? Of course you do, don’t forget me huh. Baby, I miss you so much! I want to hug you right now. Your baby has been lonely since the day you left him for good... but, hey even though we didn’t make it to the end this dynasty maybe the next dynasty it will be our turn ne? Wait for me huh and don’t forget me... “He smiled as a tear fell from his eyes. “I love you... and It will always be you Angel.” He thought and smiled at the dark sky.





Thanks for reading this story. :) 

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Chapter 1: oh that was so sad,
found this in the random story
Thank you guys. :)
why.. it's sad, really sad.. :'(
oh my god it's so sad D'''':
I want to ask something....Isn't this story is real story?
awwww!!! SUCH A SAD ENDING!! POOR JAE~ :'(
OMG. Why a sad ending? :( Huhuhu.