~ kyungsoo imagine. ~


can you just imagine, just for a few seconds, his lips on your neck. those plum, warm, heart shaped lips that can make your knees weak in seconds. those lips that you either want to play with and squish them with your petite fingers, lips slightly brushing against each other, or bite hard, on his lower lip. it is always one or the other. sweetness and coziness, or lust and rawness. breath warm against your neck, the gelid season right around the corner, snowflakes hitting the rock hard floor. so, so warm. it just makes you feel cozy, like nothing could ever break this little, hopefully forever lasting moment between the two of you. eyes soft, lovable, locked together, staring at each other from a mere distance, close, so close, hearts beating fast but tranquil. you were at peace. mind and heart, at peace, comfortable, happy when being next to him. body filled with serenity, knowing that you are secure, feeling at home. knowing that moments like this, with him, arms wrapped around each other, pulling each other closer and closer, needing to feel each other, caresses, nuzzling your face into the crook of his lightly tanned neck, breathing in the scent of his skin, eyes closing slowly, his lips firmly pressed on your shoulder, staying there, giving you warmth, no words needed, eyes are loud enough. a language that only you and him understand. love that only you two shared with each other. 


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