First Encounter

Who You Think I Am

Yein POV

The first day of fall, my favorite day of the year.

"I kind of want the Pumpkin Spice Latte that sounds good!" I said with excitement.

Now at Starbucks getting some coffee, our dance practice is later today so we thought we might just enjoy our time until then, getting coffee.

"I want the Green Tea Frappucino!" Mijoo shouted happily.

"Yah, Mijoo unnie get something fall inspired!" I said urging her on.

"No" she whined "You know how picky I am with food and drinks, the Green Tea Frappucino is always my favorite."

"Fine, fine" I said defeated.

Fall is my favorite time of year because I can start bringing out my plaid button up shirts, black jeans, boots, and beanies

I even decided to wear them today because why not? I'm fall inspired and I'll get my coffee and look so hipster.

I like wearing street fashion. What can I say?

We finally all got our coffees and decided to sit around just for a little while taking in the laid back shop of Starbucks and took a few selfies.

Some fans even came up to us and asked for our autograph. We weren't super big in the kpop industry yet, but famous enough I guess.

It was exciting getting to meet our fans!

I almost didn't notice the guys that came in, they were wearing face masks and snapback hats. 

It was a little suspicious but I just pretended not to notice them.

Some of them pointed in our direction and seemed to be laughing. 

Maybe they were a gang or something.

They were wearing pretty fashionable clothes though, all in dark colors. The kind of clothes on guys, that I find attractive.

Some of my members noticed them too and started whispering to each other about them.

It was definitely a little awkward.


Jungkook POV

"Everyone get in the car!" our manager shouted at us in our dorm. 

We just started getting ready to head to our dance practice for our next comeback. 

We wanted to dress in our new fall clothes that we bought this past weekend though so we took a little longer than our manager liked, getting ready.

"Coming manager-nim!" Jin shouted as he stood at the door counting us, as we each made our way out of the dorm. 

Once all of us were out, Jin locked the door and was the last to get in the car. He gets the key since he's the oldest hyung.

"Manager-nim, since we've been so good at our dance practices and stages, do you think maybe we could stop by Starbucks and get some coffee?" Taehyung said in an innocent tone.

"Yah, all you boys want is food and drinks!" our manger said teasingly. "Yes, I suppose."

We all yelled in excitement.

We made our way to the Starbucks nearest to our studio.

We put on our face masks and our snapbacks so no one would recognize us at a single glance and went in. 

We made our way in and took in the cool environment of the Starbucks, it wasn't too busy but we all noticed immediately the group of girls sitting at a table, talking and giggling. 

J-Hope whispered to Suga "Yah, isn't that Lovelyz?"

Suga then smiled mischeviously, and went over to the rest of us standing ahead of them, "isn't that Lovelyz?" Suga's gaze directed at me.

I gulped and blushed and didn't look at them again, for a few moments.

The other members were talking and chuckling amongst themselves and patted my back teasingly.

I cannot believe this was happening. It was only a few days ago, Rap Mon and I were talking about Yein and I was so hoping to never see them in person because of it.

I was doomed.

We all ordered our coffees and got them.

"Okay, hyungs, lets go!" I said hurriedly.

"Yah, Jungkook, where are you going so fast? Let's go meet them." Suga said grinning evilly. 

"No, hyung." I said staring wide-eyed at him in panic.

"It'll be fun, Kookie." Taehyung said putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sure Yein would be excited to know you have an interest in her." Rap Mon said smiling with his eyebrows raising up and down. 

"Shut up! All of you!" I said yelling in a hushed tone. "Let's just go, manger-nim is waiting for us." I said motioning outside.

All of a sudden, Jiyeon came up to us almost gracefully. "Are you...BTS?"

My eyes widened in terror, I'm done for. 


Yein's POV

"I think that might be BTS" Jiyeon piped up cutely. "I noticed, um, V" she said shyly.

"How did you notice him, they are all wearing snapbacks and face masks?" Jisoo said curiously.

"I-I don't know, he has distinctive eyes, I suppose" she said clearing . "Maybe I can go see for sure." she said looking at the rest of us.

"If you want to?" BabySoul said biting her lip.

As you can see most of us are very shy, but Jiyeon on the other hand seemed to be on to something.

We all nodded for her to go talk to them.

She got us with focus in her eyes from the table, they were just about to leave.

She made her way over to them, from there, we don't know what was going on but we were onlooking very curiously.

They were smiling and pulled their facemasks down revealing their handsome faces. We all quietly squealed.

I on the other hand, sat there looking intently on one person...Jungkook oppa.

He looked even more handsome in person. I placed my head on my palm and sighed.

This just might be fate.

Then, Jiyeon started walking over to us with the boys and my heart started racing.

"Girls, this is BTS" 

Rap Mon begun "Hana, Dul, Set Bang!" Then all in unison, "Tan, Annyeonghaseyo, Bangtan Sonyeondan-imida" 

then we all stood up, "Annyeonghaseyo, Lovelyz-imida" 

I tried not to look at Jungkook oppa, but when I did glance at him, he would glance at me. It could feel tension.

I decided to just look at the ground.

The other members then started saying my name and Jungkook's name. I immediately glanced up, wide-eyed. 

They were using our names in the same sentence. Was this real?

"Stand by each other, you two, everyone says you two look alike. Let's see it in person."

Suga forced Jungkook next to my side and I froze when his hand brushed against mine. 

Then I looked at Suga and the other BTS members and then at my members.

"Wow, they do look a lot a like. They could be siblings." J-Hope said grinning widely.

All the BTS members were laughing hysterically. My members started laughing because they were laughing.

I stood there, still frozen, and then finally slowly brought my head up and looked at Jungkook.

He then slowly brought his eyes, to mine.

My eyes widened and his did as well and we looked away fast.

What was that?! We are both nervous. I thought only I was. 

"No, they can't be siblings. They look too good together. They could maybe be like one of those twin couples. Have you seen those?" Rap Mon said trying to hold in his laughter.

I heard Jungkook cursing under his breath. I held mine.

From the front door, a man, shouted at BTS "What is taking so long? You said you'd be fast!" I suppose it was their manager.

All of BTS, became serious. 

"It was great meeting you, let's talk again soon!" Rap Mon said politely to all of us. The other members joined in on their goodbyes.

We all returned our goodbyes and just like that they filed out the door. 

Jungkook was the last one out, and just before he went out the door, he turned his head over his shoulder and looked at me, an undescribable look.

I looked back at him and then he turned straight again and ran after his hyungs to their van. 





Author Note: I know I'm posting again, but I just have a lot of YeinKook feels and I just have to put them out there and my ideas are overflowing! I hope you enjoy it! :) 






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Update soon please!!
zSecretz #2
Chapter 4: Update soon pls!!!!
jinheeLn #3
Chapter 1: omg I love the way your story expressed their situation and characters . the feels are real! Not like a fanfic but like their real life story. lol. haha l update soon <3
Chapter 4: It's so fluffy and cute^^ Jungkook and Yein fighting!! They look so good together! I approve^^
najwanabilla #5
Chapter 4: outhornime next chapter please ?? im really love ur fanfic . :)
Chapter 4: The way how yein and jungkook replying message each other feels so real. Ah, they're kind of shy type especially jungkook. And Yein is a cool type girl. She is like will be ok if jungkook message her or not.
Chapter 2: Ah, it feels so fluttering. It always be like this when I imagine how will be if BTS meet Lovelyz. Ah, it's another refreshing and fluffy chapter.
Chapter 1: hahaha, well it's so LOL, reading about the girlgroup game. Jungkook's reaction could be so funny, it's so interesting. I'm very curious how about jungkook's hyungs then
eternityexo #9
Chapter 2: Interesting story~! I hope you update soon author-nim! Hehe finally there's a Jungkook and Yein story that I like! Yay!! :D