Whispered Words in Morning Light

Whispered Words

"I love you" it's whispered, softly into a tan, bare shoulder. "I love you more than words could ever describe." He's yet to say this to the boy when he's awake, to scared to say it. He let's his cold, pale fingers trace the words onto warm, tan skin. It makes the other boy shiver and whine, fumbling around in his sleep. It brings a smile to Yoongi's face and he nuzzles his colder body closer to Taehyung, trying to suppress the laugh that is bubbling up in his throat, as Taehyung whines again, louder.

"Hyung, why are you always so cold?" Taehyung's deep voice resonates in his ears, and Yoongi doesn't need to see his face to know he's pouting. 

"You know I throw the covers off myself when I sleep, maybe that's why?" He grins, gums displayed as he watches Taehyung roll to face him, morning light dancing over his sharp features. 

Another whine leaves Taehyung's throat. "Why are the curtains open so early in the morning?" He latched onto Yoongi, arm slinging over his waist, and leg over his hip as he burrows his face in his neck. Yoongi runs his finger through his hair.

"We got a little preoccupied last night, remember?" Yoongi grins when he hears Taehyung's chuckle. He feels the puffs of breath against the hollow of his throat and laughs himself. "Come on, let's go shower alright?" Yoongi tries to detach himself from Taehyung who only tightens his grip.

"No funny business, hyung, I'm still sore" Yoongi laughs at this, and he feels a palm come down to playfully slap his bare chest, and he quiets down just a little, laughter turning into a quite chuckle. 

"I promise, no funny business, alright? Now can we go shower?" He crinkles his nose, "I don't want to smell like for the rest of the day."
Taehyung hums gently, detaching himself from Yoongi. He takes this opportunity to get up and out of bed, "I'll call you when the showers ready." He turns to leave for the bathroom, but long fingers wrap around his wrist, catching him before he can escape to the bathroom. He turns to see what the other wants and finds Taehyung sitting up, tousled bed hair and a pretty pink blush adorning his cheeks. 

"I-I love you too, hyung." It's stuttered into the air between them, and the words swirl inside Yoongi's head before his smile breaks through, his gummy smile that he knows Taehyung loves, and in return Taehyung gives him his heart stopping boxed smile. 

Yoongi all but tackles Taehyung onto the bed, giggles coming from Taehyung and breathy chuckles from Yoongi. Shower long forgotten Yoongi begins to press soft kisses against Taehyung's neck, fingers trailing across his already body.

"Hyung! You promised no funny business" Yoongi only grins, biting down between the junction of Taehyung's neck and shoulder, relishing in the moan he recovers in return. 

"I promised no funny business in the shower, not the bed." 

"Touché" Taehyung wraps his arms around Yoongi's neck, pulling his body flush down upon his, at the feeling of Yoongi's bare skin against his, "I love you."

Yoongi presses a soft kiss against Taehyung's lips, rolling his hips and earning another beautiful moan from the boy underneath him, "I love you too."

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ShazamJusticeLeague #1
Chapter 1: This was too cute. Loved it!!!
nefelibata #2
Chapter 1: So sweet <3