-ExNeDo Advertisement Shop-



Rules & Guidelines

- Do not unsubscribe once you have your story advertised
- Upvote is optional
- Any genres are fine
-English only
-Transfer Karma Points(KP) after you are told
- Have to be an active fanfic
- A short summary about your fanfic would be great ^^


5 KP - 5 wall posts, 1 upvote & 1 blog post

10 KP - 10 wall posts, 1 upvote, chap adver. & 1 blog post

20 KP - 15 wall posts, 1 upvote, chap adver. & 1 blog post

30 KP - 25 wall posts, 1 upvote, chap adver. & 1 blog post

 50 KP - 50 wall posts, 2 upvotes, chap adver. & 1 blog post

 65 KP - 60 wall posts, 2 upvotes, chap adver. & 1 blog post

 80 KP - 80 wall posts, 2 upvotes, chap adver. & 1 blog post


Request Form is on the next page ^^


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Chapter 1: Hi! Is this shop still open for requests?