your smile^^



“Un sourire est une clef secrète qui ouvre bien des coeurs.”  - ­­Baden Powell



Smile is a secret key that opens many hearts.

Jinwoo smiled upon reading that line, written poorly in a crumpled paper that was slipped in a dusty book he was holding. Judging from its look, the book must be old and been neglected just like their library. He regretted he found the place just now, when he had stayed in the orphanage for three months already. Why no one told him anyway? He loves reading since he had mastered alphabets and library was the perfect place to hide or escape.

There was not much books like in most library, but it provides a lot of reads for 10 years old kid like Jinwoo. He was determined to make the library more decent, at least for his own preference since no one cares with it.

He was in the middle of cleaning the bookshelf when he heard a commotion outside. He tiptoed on the window to see what it was about. Apparently, there were two boys fighting that made the caregivers even the director lost of patience. Wasn’t their fault, it did never happen before. But lately, it happened almost everyday since that boy came. And yes, he was the one who always fight with others.

What’s with him again? Jinwoo asked to himself. Somehow feeling curious and sad.



Smile is a secret key that opens many hearts.

Jinwoo believed in that. It gave him confidence to face people. It didn’t matter if their hearts were firmly locked, he had the secret key. With that kept in his mind, he walked over to the lone kid on the hallway of lavatory, mopping the floor.

- Hey.  – Jinwoo carefully greeted the boy who looked or more like glared at him immediately. He didn’t say anything back, so Jinwoo continued. – I…uhm, is there anything I can help with?


- No.  – the boy answered quickly and coldly.


- Ah…fine then. But, you might need this. – Jinwoo handed him an ice pack while flashing his remarkable smile.


The boy just looked at him weirdly before turning his back, leaving Jinwoo smiling to the air. In the other hand, Jinwoo didn’t mind the rude manner. He was glad that he accepted the ice pack he gave to reduce the swelling on his face.



Since that day, Jinwoo found himself paying more attention towards the boy. Sometimes, he just bluntly showed his concerns that was left ignored by the boy. Jinwoo couldn’t tell whether being cold was his nature or just a character he tried to build. Whichever, he couldn’t agree with both. People is made with heart, and heart was placed inside to keep it warm, to keep us warm.


- What is it?!

Jinwoo was caught staring at the boy and to his surprise, his stern voice accompanied with sharp glare didn’t make Jinwoo flinch a bit. Jinwoo just smiled weirdly yet magically made his eyes locked to the smiling boy standing in the doorway.


- Nothing. I’m just surprised to see you here.


- Is this place even yours?


- Obviously not. But, you can say that I’m the discoverer of this place. – Jinwoo boasted, technically he’s not…but well, since he was the one who treasure the neglected library he had the right to act like one. – I’m Jinwoo by the way.


- Tsk. I don’t care and I don’t need to know your name.


- But I need to know your name…


- For what? we’re not even friends.


- Exactly. That’s why I need to know your name, so we can be friends.


Jinwoo was smiling, still. A smile that looked creepy at first but the more you see it the more you find it captivating. The boy felt disturbed by the sudden appearance and uncomfortable by the beam of light flashed in front of him. He got up from his seat, walking out of the room slightly brushing into Jinwoo’s shoulder.


- Hey!


- Mino, that’s my name.





Time flew fast. It had been two years since that day, Jinwoo finally knew Mino’s name. However the two of them weren’t particularly close. Jinwoo always tried to get close to Mino but… he was difficult.


Mino was still as cold as ice in the North pole and distance himself from everyone. His attitude wasn’t good either to attract others go near him.


Jinwoo didn’t give up, he wanted to be friend with Mino so he just watched over him silently from afar. He knew, Mino latched the door of his heart firmly he must have reason for that. And Jinwoo couldn’t just knock and barge into it. He had to be careful if he wanted to open the door without harming himself and the person inside.

Smile is a secret key that opens many hearts. – Smile means be kind.

If people were still unwilling to open their hearts, it means that we wasn’t kind enough to deserve their hearts. That’s why he had to try harder and to do better while waiting for the time to come.




- Do you think you’re a fighter?  – Jinwoo found Mino in the storage room, he was punished to clean it up by the director because he was involved in a fight again. And this time, Jinwoo lost his patience. He couldn’t just stay silent about it anymore.


- Do you think you’re a charmer?  – Mino referred to how Jinwoo was always smiling despite everything. It wasn’t even an answer or a thing Jinwoo wanted to hear. However, he smiled upon this and without saying anything he joined Mino. Helping him finish his task.


An hour later, the storage room was clean and organized. Jinwoo then dragged Mino to the library. Mino didn’t protest since he actually liked the place though he didn’t like the way Jinwoo held his wrist. It made him feel weird.


- Seriously Mino, can’t you stop fighting with others? they’re our friends too.


- They’re not my friends neither you are.


- Yes, I’m not your friends. I’m your Hyung, so listen to me.


- you're just older than me, doesn’t mean that you're my Hyung.


- It does. Because you are here, in this orphanage with me.


It made both of them fell into stuffy silence. There was another thing behind Jinwoo’s words. A reality, that he was an orphan who has no one -a reality that Mino wanted to run away from. But he was trapped, no he lived in it. There’s no way to escape. Whether he likes it or not.


- I hate to be here.  – Mino stated angrily, but all Jinwoo could see was sadness.


- I love to be here.


Mino was caught of guard by Jinwoo’s statement. He stared at the older boy in front of him, waiting for him to tell him the reasons.


- This place is better than where I was coming from.


- Where were you from?


- Streets.


Mino was silent, giving a space for Jinwoo to extend that word ‘streets’ into a story. He didn’t know why he wanted to hear more from Jinwoo just like when he refused to sleep when his mother only read a half of the story book for him.


- I was an unwanted child. I have no father, I dont know how he looks or if he's still alive. People say, my mother didn't want me. She had tried to abort me, so many times, but I was stubborn. – Jinwoo chuckled bitterly. – My grandmother was the one who saved and raised me. But she had to leave me when I was 5, forever. I got no choice but to live with my mother again. She just ignored my existence though I was thankful enough she gave me shelter. I had to help her working so I could eat.


Jinwoo looked at Mino who looked at him without blinking. He wanted to laugh because Mino looks cute with that shocked expression of his but speaking about reality made his saliva tastes bitter, he had to swallow it hard. But he managed to continue, sensing that Mino wouldn’t accept that his story ended in there.


- And then she met a man whom she wanted to marry but that ahjussi didn’t want me of course. I left the house before my mother leave me and I found my new life on the streets. Then I was collected by people from government and brought here.


Mino turned his gaze out of the window, thinking why he was opposite with Jinwoo…this place was nothing compared to his home. A home that filled of love and laugh. A home that he no longer has. A home that Jinwoo never had chance to have. At this point, he understands that he was a bit luckier. But he missed his father, he wanted to be with his mother again.


Jinwoo stared sympathetically at silent Mino. He knew his story from one of their caregivers. Mino’s parents were dead in a car accident. He was there too, but miraculously saved and alive. He had no relatives that could taking care of him hence why he ended up in here. He couldn’t even imagine to be in Mino’s situation, his feelings, he must be wounded deeply. Yes his life was sad, but Mino's was even sadder from his point of view. At least, he was okay now.


- Mino, I know its hard. I can’t ever understand your feelings but, there’s no other way but to be strong. I will be here if you need someone, we can be friends right? just don’t think that you’re alone, there’s me.


- I think I start to like this place. – Mino didn’t even look back at Jinwoo. He wasn’t even smiling but Jinwoo knew there was smile in his heart. It automatically made Jinwoo smiles too, widely, ear to ear showing his cute dimple. – Stop smiling like that, you look like an idiot.


Jinwoo felt like spring has come... it felt so great to know that the door wasn’t locked anymore, it started to open.



- Jinwoo hyung!!! Help me… DAMN!!  – Mino was screaming and running around the small house like a mad man. He was catching a cockroach that dashing here and there to save its life. 


- Just let it be Mino-yah. Its just cockroach! – Jinwoo didn’t want to waste his energy over it.


- No ing way. Yesterday was ants… and now freaking cockroachs. You know, I hate them so much! I won’t ever share my house with them! I’ll kill them all!!


- Go on with that, I’m out buying something for dinner.


On his way to the convenient store, Jinwoo couldn’t help to not giggling, remembering the first time he found out that Mino was scared of ants and bugs. He was acting like crazy, just like what he did right now in their shared house. Yes, they were now living together and he was 22, Mino was 20.


People used to wait for the right time to come without realizing that they lived in the time. He knew he should make his own right time, not only wait, and he glad he did when he decided to confront Mino first. However, to do that he must have enough confidence and courage. And there's a thing that took those away from him, leaving him putting his trust in time.


- This house is terrible. We need to sanitize it often. – Mino complained while stuffing his mouth with foods that Jinwoo cooked.


- Stop complaining. You’re not the one who pay the rent anyway. Just quietly stay and eat. Okay? – Jinwoo pointed out. True enough, Jinwoo was the one who paid the rent since Mino’s salary from his part time job was just enough for his needs. Meanwhile Jinwoo got decent salary from his job at a book store and full scholarship for his study at College.


- Hyung…


- What? – then Jinwoo was panicked seeing Mino’s sad expression.


- I’m going to leave.


- Y-yah… what are you talking about? I was just joking.


- I know, Its not because of that. – Mino put down his chopsticks and walked to his room. After getting something, he went back to his seat. He handed a paper to Jinwoo. It was a contract. – I’m accepted at YG as a trainee, possibly debut with others as a boy group.


- OMG. Mino…is this for real? – Jinwoo was literally screaming, couldn’t hide his excitement.


- Yes… and I’ll be living in their dorm.


- Hey look at you! What’s with that face? You should be be happy, you’re a step closer to your dream! And I’m sure that dorm doesn’t have ants and cockroachs.


- I’m happy… but it means, I have to leave you.


Jinwoo moved closer to his pouting dongsaeng. He knew it might be hard for both of them since they were growing together, living together for so long. He hugged Mino tightly, honestly he felt heavy too.


- We’re just going to live separately. Listen, we both have dreams. So, we gotta take different paths to go there. It doesn’t mean one of us is leaving, unless you want to leave me for real.


- No way hyung… I won’t ever leave you. But hyung, that path might be hard without you. I’ll be alone and lonely.


- Mino-yah, we just gotta be strong, there’s no other way if we want to win. Don’t be scared, you always have me… nothing’s gonna change. I’m your Hyung, remember?


Mino pulled out from the hug, to get a better look of his favorit hyung, the only person who could envelop him with the warmth in the cold earth. He smiled tenderly at the person who he believed as angel coming into his life.


- No. I want something to change. – Mino continued smiling, even wider, making Jinwoo confused. Not wanting to enlighten the older guy with words, Mino decided pull Jinwoo closer by the nape and lock his lips with his. He kissed him, sweetly and gently.


Only God knows how long it was until Jinwoo pushed Mino carefully to properly breath. His eyes were on Mino as if asking him –what was that? Mino just smiled tracing his index finger on his face, from his eyes to his nose and lips.


- I wanted to do it since long time. This eyes, nose, lips are perfection. I’ve dreamed about it everynight in my sleep.


- Since when?


- That day you held my hand, dragging me to library. Remember?


- Stupid! – Jinwoo harshly hit Mino’s head with a spoon and Mino wanted to cry at that, thinking that he might be… – Doomed. I’m doomed. Damn it. – Jinwoo wasn’t a type who curses but at the moment he just wanted to curse.


- Hyung… d-do you hate me? – Mino scaredly asked while rubbing the back of his head.


- Of course. I hate you so much. God! Its you who keeps me restless this whole time. thinking about you, dealing with these feelings for you, and you just now said that-


- I’m in love with you, Jinwoo hyung. I don’t want to be only dongsaeng to you because for me, more than that. you’re someone that complete me. my other half. I’m nothing without you.


- that. You should’ve told me earlier, I love you too stupid.


Mino laughed. – Well, I guess... you’ll be restless again tonight Hyung…



God is good. When He decided to take something precious, He promised to give back another precious one. Mino lost his home, then he was led to a way where he found his truly home, Jinwoo. He lost a family in such cruel way, but he got someone who would give him his own family in such beautiful way, Jinwoo. Yes, Jinwoo became Mino's everything now.


He looked down at someone who wrapped his body with his, it was warm, his moving blanket was so warm that made him forgot it was still winter. Mino studied a perfect figure hugging him, how can a human be this perfect, moreover he was an unwanted child as he told him? No sense. He was a blessing to this dying world, to him. He deserves all sweet things and loves in the universe. But does Mino even deserve him?


He doesn’t need a word to answer him when he saw those enticing lips formed a beautiful smile he loves to witness everytime. Jinwoo’s face was flawless together with his angelic smile under the moonlight peeking from the window was just a breathtaking view.


- I see now… it was your smile that opens my heart. Then it lure me into you without I realize. How could I not aware of that dangerous smile? How could you smile just like switching on a flashlight, don’t you know what caused to those that are lighted by it? They got blind, just like me.


- Why are you talking by yourself? – Jinwoo mumbled with closed eyes. – Ah right! – Jinwoo woke up abruptly. Ignoring the fact that he wore nothing, he hurriedly ran to the bathroom.


- What’s wrong baby? – Mino asked worriedly.


- You said you’re going to introduce me to G-Dragon. I have to prepare everything.


- What do you mean by EVERYTHING? And Its still ing 4AM.


- Everything in all it means. I think I have to practice smiling too so I won’t look awkward in front of him. Who knows he might-







A/N : Dear God, obama sir, everyone.... I'm sorry if it so much. I know. Since I'm writing this in one sitting in 2hr when I wasn't actually planning to write at all. But then, an idea popped out when I'm listening to EM's song and MinWoo haunting me like newlywed ghosts. It couldn't be helped either when my half soul is MinWoo's trash. TT_TT 

I'm deeply sorry. Even if its not good to read at all, I'll be still keeping it as a poor gift for our lovely Kim Jinwoo who celebrates his 24th birthday! Yay! (or should we call him Mrs.Song instead? lol) Anyway, Joyeaux Anniversaire WINNER's madnae~ I love you though Mino loves you more, still. 

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escapeartist #1
Chapter 1: You got me from sad to happy to cheesy in just a couple of minutes! I enjoyed this story! Thank you♡ please write more minwoo~
maetamong92 #2
Chapter 1: Awwww I love it
Chapter 1: I can totally imagined jinwoo's smile while reading this fic
kiranatabi #4
Chapter 1: aww cute! x)
Chapter 1: This js so so so cute!! Jinwoo's dazzling smile ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: OMG This is just soooo cute!! I smiled non-stop while reading this seriously ;;; This really made my day. OMG The fluff is strong in here I'm meltinggg //7//
elena21julia12 #7
owww i love this
Chapter 1: Awww it was cute ❤ I'm happy that Mino has finally opened for Jinwoo~
Indyie7 #9
Chapter 1: So cute~ makes me smile reading this : )
and loved Mino jealous because of GD xD haha