The One Week Desk (Part 2)

The Seven Mysteries at Ultimate High

Qianxi knew that it was no normal school the moment he entered the classroom. He was not being boastful or anything but TFBOYS was so famous and it was impossible that no one took notice of him. Despite all that, he preferred that treatment more nevertheless. He guessed it was better than having someone fawning over him or being friends with him just because he was an idol. He had enough of that treatment. All his thoughts and suspicions about the school were confirmed when the break time came.

"A student sat on the one week desk!" A student came running into the room, panting, just right after the teacher left. Worry was obvious on his face but it was hard to miss the underlying excitement. It was as if he was anticipating something good to happen but worry that it might not happen or it might cause troubles. Either way, he looked worried but excited at the same time.

That announcement of his was enough to make the students whisper to each other with some sounding excited and some were just anticipating things. Qianxi furrowed his eyebrows. What was happening?

"What's the name of the student?" A girl with nerdy glasses, whose name was Hanna, asked, looking a bit worried. She was the class president and Qianxi thought that she would at least make the class stop chattering, instead, her question made the class even noisier.

"I heard his name is Wang Yuan, a new student." The student who came barging in said.

Qianxi's frown deepen. What trouble did Wang Yuan caused this time and all the students were talking about him? Because he could not contain his curiousity any longer, he turned to the boy who was sitting beside him. "Hey, what's with the desk that they're talking about? It cannot be that serious, right?"

"It is serious." The boy said, nodding his head rapidly without missing a beat. "That desk is a cursed one that claimed dozens of life. The curse said that whoever sits there would only have one week to live."

Qianxi did not know if he was supposed to laugh or to come running to Yuan. The curse sounded like a joke to him but surely, his friend would cry over it. Yuan was gullible, all right. But then, what stopped him from laughing was the serious expressions his classmates had. He wondered if it was a big prank that the school and their company prepared. "That's a joke. They should have thrown the desk a long time ago then." He muttered, thinking that no one would hear.

"They tried." Their class president, Hanna, suddenly replied. "The first man who tried to throw it away died. The students who tried to burn it, burned with the desk but unlike the students, the desk did not burn into the ground. It was not ruined."

Qianxi blinked. Was he supposed to take everything seriously? "Then tell me more about this one week desk." He said, challenging the class president.

"I don't know much about it. But whoever sits down there should be cautious." Hanna meekly replied.

Qianxi held in a scoff. "Sure." He said before walking out of the classroom to look for his friends. He believed that none of it was serious and all he had to do was to talk to Yuan.


Junkai found the school a bit interesting, just a little bit. His classmates did not seem to know him at all and so did his teachers. What was with this school and why was it so strange? That, the leader could not even answer. All of a sudden, the chatterings had died, leading Junkai to be even more confused. He felt his classmates' stares and for one moment, he was relieved for he thought that they had finally stopped being weird and finally recognized him. But when he looked up, he saw a girl with a long black hair and scary eyes staring at him.

"Yes?" Junkai managed to ask, not looking a bit scared when in fact, he was intimidated. It's not everyday that you'll find an intimidated Wang Junkai. The girl just had a dark aura around her.

"T-that's my chair." The girl said. Her voice was cold and barely audible. 

"Hey, newbie, get off of that chair." A classmate told Junkai, looking a bit scared. "Sit here, beside me."

Junkai, though haven't processed anything yet, stood up and quickly transferred to another chair that was generously offered to him. He was panicking inside because of the scared stares of his classmates. "What was that?" He asked his classmate who offered him that chair.

"That is Shancai, a descendant of Grim Reaper. She's scary and she talks to her doll every time." The classmate replied in a whisper. "I think she has something to do with the one week desk because she warns everyone who sat there. She tells them to be careful then they're dead by the end of the week."

Junkai's eyebrows furrowed. What his classmate had said was absurd. Then he was sure, the school was weird and so were the students. He planned on telling their manager that fact and ask him to transfer them to another school.


"Someone sat on the one week desk!" Junkai heard some students yelled outside the room as if informing everyone about it when the break time came. What was it all about? Junkai could only wonder.

"What's that all about?" He finally asked the classmate that was sitting beside him. He recalled that the same classmate already told him about it and he could no contain his curiousity anymore.

"Don't tell me, you haven't heard of the one week desk yet?" Junkai's classmate asked. "Well, let's just say that if you sit on it, you'll die after seven days." He explained when Junkai shook his head.

"How can such thing exist?" Junkai asked, holding in a scoff of disbelief. In all honesty, he was bit uneasy but it was not due to the fact that he actually believed what his classmate was saying. It was mainly because he was weirded out. He was sure that there was something more to this school than what meets the eye if his classmates all believed a silly hear-say. Or was it a hear-say? Did it really occur before?He wanted to find out. Curiosity kills the cat. Junkai was not a cat but it felt like he would die in the cat's place.


Yuan did not know if he should feel happy or feel scared when his classmates gave him some snacks. Almost everyone was friendly with him that day and it was all because he only had a week left to live. 

"Do you actually believe them?" Zixin asked the idol when they were both walking through the hallway during break time. She had no idea when she started walking with the idol but she just let it be. After all, Yuan looked like he was actually dying because of worry.

"I don't know if I should." The idol hugged the snacks that were given to him. He was not kidding when he said that he did not know because he really didn't. If you were told that you only have one week to live, would you believe it and start trying to live your life to the fullest or would you just laugh? What was he supposed to do? "What am I supposed to do?" He wanted to whine.

"I don't think that they're serious though." Zixin replied, even shrugging her shoulder in the process. "How could a desk even claim your life? Don't you think that it's fishy?" She asked. "And, the bigger question is how come everyone believe that silly legend? It's like believing that there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow."

"There's nothing wrong in believing that pot of gold." For a moment, Yuan looked offended. It was obvious that he used to believe that. "Anyway, that's not even our topic. We should focus to our topic. I don't want to die yet." He complained. "Stupid, Yuan." He hit his own head. "Why did you have to be so careless and sit on a desk without knowing its history?"

"As much as I agree with the stupid part, I don't really agree with the second part. You don't really have to know the whole history of a desk." Zixin said, looking at Yuan as if the idol just grown an elephant's trunk on his head. "Look at it this way, if you hadn't known that silly hear-say, you would not talk like this and you would not think about it. I think you're just being bullied."

"What happened?" Junkai run towards Zixin and Yuan with Qianxi following him. As the leader and the eldest, he was panicking. Because he had no idea exactly what was happening, the problem seemed to be bigger.

"What's the one week desk all about?" Qianxi asked Yuan.

"How did you guys know about that?" Yuan asked, looking just as confused as the two boys but because of a different reason.

"Someone announced it in my classroom. Someone also announced it in Qianxi's classroom." Junkai explained. "Now, tell us, what is it all about and people are making such a big fuss about it?"

Yuan's face became plaer, hearing what Junkai said. "If everyone is making a big fuss about it, does that mean that it is actually true? Am I really dying? Will I really die after one week?" He asked, looking like a helpless kid as he hugged his snacks.

"Oi, don't be stupid, Wang Yuan." Zixin chimed in, nudging Yuan as if to wake the idol up from his daze. "It's not true."

Junkai and Qianxi looked confused upon finally noticing Zixin's presence. "Are you Yuan's classmate? Then, maybe, you can tell us what's happening and explain it to us patiently."

"I am Yuan's classmate but I also just transferred here so I don't know anything about what's happening." Zixin replied.

"She's my friend in my former school." Yuan chimed in, forgetting his problem for a moment.

"How many times do I have to tell you that we're not friends?" Zixin glared at Yuan before turning to the other idols. "I actually think that this is just a legend, a baseless one."

"I think that way too. I don't think that we should mind what's happening. Perhaps, this school just have a lot of superstitions and legends. Maybe, the students are old-fashioned." Qianxi concluded. To be honest, none of the three idols was not uneasy. They were all thinking about it so deeply but decided to act as if they did not care but deep inside, they're worrying. "Also, if it's true, they would have thrown away the desk a long time ago, right?" He asked, meeting the eyes of the others as if asking for a confirmation.

"That's right." Junkai nodded, agreeing. He was thinking about that too and now that Qianxi pointed it out, Junkai was pretty sure that the one week desk was indeed a hear-say and he did not want to do anything about it.

"You're wrong about that." Junkai heard the familiar soft yet cold voice that was coming from behind him. He turned around and saw Shancai with her head down as she gripped her doll in her hands. "You're wrong."

Yuan, who let out a shriek upon seeing the scary-looking Shancai, was hiding behind Zixin as if for protection. "W-who are you?" He asked, stuttering as his grip on Zixin's shoulder tightened.

"Stop it. Don't touch me." Zixin removed Yuan's hand from her shoulders and pushed the said idol forward.

"Shancai? Is there something that you know about the one week desk?" Junkai asked.

"Who is she?" Qianxi asked Junkai, confused.

"She's a classmate of mine." Junkai meekly replied, staring at Shancai.

"Wang Yuan." Shancai coldly said Yuan's name. "You have to be careful within this week. Do not walk alone. Do not be alone. Defy destiny. Watch closely." She said before walking away.

Those words caused the four to have goosebumps. It was as if she was telling the truth, telling Yuan to be careful for his time would come soon. Watch closely? Indeed, that was what the idols would love to do to keep each other safe. They could only hope that watching closely was a way to prevent bad things from happening.

Author's Note: Hello! This is LHVP_cute! ^^ First of all, I would like to apologize for not updating until now. School is keeping me really busy. Second, I would like to apologize for this chapter. I personally do not like how I wrote it haha... It's my first time writing about a story like this since I always write stories about killers and psychos so yeah. I still hope that you enjoyed it though. Sorry if I disappoint anyone. Please tell me what you think about the chapter!

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can't wait for the update ^^
Chapter 2: OMG!!!!! Finally JunKai is here hahaha I was waiting for him xD btw, good story of TFBOYS you two got here. keep going, I'm always here supporting you guys!!! hwaiting!!! jiayou!!!
Chapter 1: Yeahh,, I remember her. No wonder that name is familiar to me. Kyaahhhh~~ QianXi is so coooooll. Hoping for another update. Fighting on your family business and your story. I'm supporting you here!!! JIAYOUU!!
Finally an update♡♡♡♡♡♡ I've been waiting for this!!!!
Interesting. The mystery part caught my eye right off the bet x3 Hwaiting~!
fighting!!! :))
I'll be waiting for the update!! 加油 ↖(^ω^)↗