Happy Birthday!

I Never Thought that I Would Fall for You

The week goes by and since Siwon comes home late she tries to stay awake. In the mornings she is really busy because she does the house work and also cooks. On Friday Hero, Heechul and Kibum come to join them for dinner so she starts to cook earlier and do the house work faster.

All the guys are early so they are sitting inside and talking and Sabrina is putting out the laundry. She comes back in and sits on the couch while holding her head. Hero comes over quickly.

Hero: Hey, Sabrina what wrong?

Sabrina: I just feel a bit dizzy. I fine

Siwon: That’s because you have been working too hard. You need some rest.

Sungmin: Why don’t you eat and then go to bed.

Ryeowook: I’ll clean up

Heechul: I’ll help

Sungmin: You don’t help. You just make a bigger mess

Kibum: Why are you so weak?

Kangin: Shut up will you. She’s been working since morning the whole week. When we used to live together we used to take care of you when you were sick.

Kibum: Never asked you guys to.

Sungmin: You sure still got your arrogance and big mouth

Sabrina: I think I’ll turn in early (She gets up from the table and sways when she stands. Hero grabs her arm before Siwon could react)

Ryeowook: Are you sure you are ok?

Sabrina: I should be fine tomorrow

Siwon is watching Hero still holding Sabrina’s hand. There is a look of anger in his eyes and Heechul notices.

Heechul: Um, Siwon why don’t you take Sabrina into the room and Hero come enjoy your dinner

Hero: Ok

Siwon gets up and takes Sabrina to the room.

After a couple of hours the three boys leave and Kangin and Sungmin start to check the doors.

Siwon: What are you guys doing? You’re checking everything as if a burglar has told you that he is going to visit tonight

Kangin: Hello, there is a girl living with us now. We better be careful.

Siwon: Oh, then thank you for doing it. By the way Kangin, did Sabrina keep cleaning and cooking everyday?

Kangin: Ya, she said that she didn’t have anything to do so she decided to clean. The only time she stopped was to eat

Sungmin: She worked really hard this past week. I mean I don’t remember the last time I could actually call this place clean

Hankyung walks in from the room

Hankyung: Tomorrow we should go somewhere to get her something. You know like a thank you.

Ryeowook: Ya, we should

Siwon: We’ll see

Siwon goes into the room and places his hand on her forehead to check her temperature. He pulls the blanket up higher and then places a blanket on the floor and falls asleep.

The next morning Sabrina is still asleep so Siwon slips out of the room. The others are already awake so they decide to write a note and then leave.

Sabrina wakes up and the house is quiet. She gets up and on the dresser there is a note saying that the guys had left and will be back soon. She eats her breakfast and then since she is still feeling dizzy she lies down on the couch.

The boys are having a hard time deciding what to get her. Siwon holds up a t-shirt and then puts it back down. Kangin seems sure of himself and gets her a bag. Sungmin picks a pink t-shirt and pink hair ties. Ryeowook gets some chocopies. Hankyung gets her a pair of gloves and a scarf. After some time Siwon goes into the book store and looks around the English section. He looks through the books and eventually picks one. They head home after they are done buying some groceries too.

At home Sabrina is still sleeping but she is sweating under the blankets

The guys get home but there is no noise in the house.

Kangin: Is she still sleeping?

Ryeowook: She should have eaten something by now

Sungmin: Siwon, go check on her

Siwon goes to the bedroom and finds her still on the bed. He closes the door and comes back out. Hankyung, Kangin and Sungmin are in the kitchen.

Siwon: She’s sleeping

Sungmin: She should eat something. Ryeowook, why don’t you make her something?

Ryeowook: She already did. There is some soup in a pot on the stove but it doesn’t look like she drank any

Kangin: Siwon, why don’t you go wake her up?

Siwon: Maybe I should (He goes to the room) Sabrina

Sabrina: (Whispers) Ommamy

On the desk there is a photo album of her family that is open also a card is inside. Siwon picks it up and it’s a birthday card. He looks at the date and then goes out of the room.

Sungmin: Where is Sabrina? I thought you went to wake her up

The door bell rings. Ryeowook goes to answer the door.

Heechul: Hello, everybody!

Siwon: Keep your voice down!

Hero: Where is Sabrina? I want to wish her a happy birthday.

Kangin: Birthday?

Sungmin: Siwon, did you know

Siwon: Yes, but I kind of forgot.

Kibum: What kind of husband are you?


At the wedding Andrea takes Siwon aside

Andrea: Ok so in three weeks its Sabrina’s birthday. So you better remember

Flashback ends

Siwon: Hey, it’s only been three weeks that I’ve known her.

Ryeowook: Let’s throw a little party

Hero: How old is she?

Kangin: Siwon, how old is she?

Siwon: I’m thirty-one so that would make her twenty-five

Sungmin: She’s six years younger to you?

Siwon: Ya

Heechul: And you married her?

Siwon: Yes

Hero: Ok, guys enough questions. Let’s get the party ready

Ryeowook: (Doing his own little dance) Party! Party!

Siwon: Ssshhhh!

The guys decorate the place and then they hear the sound of a door opening. Sabrina comes out she looks pale and has dark circles under her eyes. Siwon goes to her.

Siwon: Sabrina, what wrong?

Sabrina: I wan…

Siwon: You wan…? (He gives her to Kibum and rushes to the room)

Sabrina: Wa…

Sabrina suddenly faints.

Kibum: Siwon, come quick she fainted

Siwon runs out of the room with a therommaeter. He takes her temperature

Kangin: 40! That’s high. Siwon hurry.

Both Siwon and Kibum get Sabrina into the van and go to the hospital. Siwon gets a call so he leaves leaving Kibum behind with Sabrina.

Back at home the boys are still decorating and talking.

Kangin: I’ve never seen Kibum so worried about any one

Sungmin: Don’t you remember when the other guy was with us he got a fever. He stayed up next to his bed.

Ryeowook: Even though Hyung acts all cool he still cares

Heechul: That guy has his own way of showing his affection

Hero: I hope she’s alright

At the hospital Sabrina is lying on the bed with her eyes closed. Kibum is sitting in a corner with his eyes closed. The door opens and someone comes in.

Girl: (Comes running in and doesn’t see Kibum) Sabrina! Oh my God what happened to you? Sabrina! Looks up and sees Kibum) Kibum?!

Kibum: Joyce?! Excuse me.

Joyce: Kibum (Her hand moves toward her neck and she touches her necklace which has a ring)

Sabrina: Urgh

Joyce: You’re awake

Sabrina: Joyce! What are you doing here? (Sits up)

Joyce: Siwon called me

Sabrina: Oh

Kibum walks into the room but averts his eyes from Joyce.

Kibum: The doctor said that you can go home now.

Sabrina: Siwon, where is he?

Kibum: He had to go pick up his parents, but he told me and Hankyung to take you back

Sabrina: Ok (She looks over at Joyce who is her necklace) You’re still wearing the ring that guy gave you? Come to think of it I saw someone else with the same ring

Joyce: Yes

Kibum: I’ll wait for you outside

She comes out of the room and sees Hankyung standing against the wall.

Hankyung: Are you going home?

Sabrina: Ya, the doctor said that I need to rest. Sorry for all the trouble

Hankyung: What are you talking about? You kept working and staying up for Siwon to come home.

Sabrina: Can we go home now?

Hankyung: I’m going with Kibum? You?

Sabrina: How do expect me to go home?

Hankyung with his head tells her to turn around. Siwon is running through the doors.

Siwon: Sabrina!

Sabrina: Siwon?! I thought you went to the air port.

Siwon: Are you better? (Places his hand on her forehead) Your fever has gone down.

Sabrina: Uh, ya

Hankyung: You both go ahead I’ll come with Kibum

Sabrina and Siwon head home and in the car the two of them are quiet. Sabrina is looking out the window and Siwon is driving but steals glances at her.

Siwon: (Thinking to himself) Do I really like her? Why do I keep looking at her?

Sabrina: Siwon

Siwon: Hmm?

Sabrina: Your parents are back right? Shouldn’t we visit them?

Siwon: They told us to come in a couple of days since they want to get used to the time.

Sabrina: Oh

The rest of the way home they don’t talk. Once they get home they reach the apartment door. Siwon is about to put the key in but Ryeowook answers the door. Heechul, Hero, Kangin and then others are all in the living room

Ryeowook: You’re back!

They go into the house and Sabrina heads for the couch and sits down.

Ryeowook: Are you feeling better?

Siwon goes to the bedroom

Sabrina: Yes, a bit. Oh, why are all you guys here?

Heechul: Happy Birthday!

Hero: Happy Birthday!

Kangin: We each got you a little something, but we’re not too sure if you will like them

One by one they give her their gifts but Siwon is still in the room. Sabrina opens them up.

Sabrina: Chocopies I love them, thanks Ryeowook. Wow! Pink! I love it. Thanks, Sungmin. And a pink scarf and gloves thanks, Hankyung

Siwon: Happy Birthday Sabrina! (He hands her a package)

Sabrina: Thanks (She opens the bag and pulls out a book and a small box) Thanks so much I wanted to read this but I couldn’t find it anywhere. What’s this?

Siwon: Open it

She opens it and inside is a cross pendant on a think silver chain

Sabrina: (She looks at it) It…it’s beautiful

Heechul: Put it on for her

Siwon takes the necklace out of the box and puts it around her neck

Sabrina: Thank you

Kangin: Is that the way you thank your husband

Sabrina: Huh?

Ryeowook: Kiss him!

Sungmin: Kiss him!

Sabrina leans forward and kisses him on the cheek. The others laugh and clap. The door opens and Hankyung and Kibum come in.

Hankyung: Hey, we’re just in time. The cakes here!

Kibum: Happy Birthday

Hankyung: Come on let’s cut the cake

They all cut the cake and enjoy.

Kibum: I think we should get going

Heechul: Already? It’s only… Oh, it’s late.

Hero: Sabrina, rest ok. Don’t do any hard work.

Sabrina: I won’t

Kangin: Don’t worry I’ll start helping

The three boys leave and the rest clean up.

Ryeowook: What are you doing?

Sabrina: What?

Sungmin: You just came from the hospital go sit

Kangin: Siwon, get her to sit down

Siwon: What do you mean get her to sit down? She has to sit I can’t do anything

Sabrina: Fine then I’ll go (She goes to the living room and sees Siwon cleaning off the table)

From the kitchen there are protests coming from Ryeowook

Ryeowook: I don’t want to wash everything. Let’s play rock, paper, scissors to see who has to wash

Sabrina smiles to herself and listens to them play.

All of the: Rock, paper, scissors

Ryeowook: I’m out! Yes!

All of them: Rock, paper, scissors

Sungmin: I’m out

Kangin and Hankyung: Rock, paper, scissors

Kangin: And you loose! Ha!

Hankyung: Why me? How about Siwon?

Kangin: Bye

The rest of them get ready for bed. Sabrina gets onto the bed and she turns to face the window. She hears Siwon come into the room but doesn’t turn around. Siwon gets onto the bed and stays near the edge.

Siwon: If you need anything in the night just tell me, ok?

Sabrina: Ok

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supergirl92 #1
hehe sorry for not updating for so long. Honestly I kinda ran out of ideas for this story so I have been neglecting it. But now I sorta have some ideas....so let's see if I can keep updating. Gotta re read everything I wrote though......please wait for me
leeliiy-suju4ever #2
please update!i cant wait!!
Cool, thanks! I will. Thanks for making this story, its really good :)
supergirl92 #4
@shawol-elf he is not the main character but rather a side couple but I will include him more often if you keep commenting ;)
does kibum have a big part in this? Just wondering, I love him, so I kinda wanna know...
supergirl92 #6
@starmonkey! cools finally one reader from toronto lol
starmonkey #7
Love ur story!
Update soon.
Im from Toronto too!!
leeliiy #8
please update !
celestine #9
maybe u should add in actions? like...
she smiled at Siwon, saying '......'
keke is easier to imagine this way~ ^^
leeliiy #10
when are you going to update it again??i like it~