The SNSD's sisters

My Idol life....

Girls Generation dorm

11 January

"Tiffany-Unnie, wake up." Seohyun, the famous Maknae of Girls Generation, shook her older Unnie.

Tiffany stirred and rubbed her eyes tiredly, "Morning already, why is it so fast?" she asked grumpily.

The younger one laughed and pulled her out of bed, "Come on Unnie, breakfast is ready. We have to leave for the company later to practice."

"Arraso Seohbaby." Tiffany stumbled out of bed and dragged her feet to the bathroom. "Where are the others?" She asked while washing her face.

"Sooyoung,Yuri,Yoona and Taeyeon-Unnie are already downstairs. Hyoyeon and Sunny-unnie are cleaning themselves while Jessica...." She gave Tiffany a look.

Tiffany smile, "I know, I wake her up later. Go down and eat breakfast before Ms.Shinskin eats it all."

"Arraso Unnie." Seohyun gave Tiffany one last smile before heading out of the room.

Tiffany stared at the younger one and smiled. She loves this Maknae. She loves it when she is cheerful and chirpy, and hope that smile will never leave her face.

After brushing her teeth and doing her normal morning rountine, Tiffany walked towards another room and her eyes softened when she saw her best friend sleeping there like a princess.

Tiffany studied her sleeping features. 'She doesn't snore, drool or even open when she sleeps. Her hair isn't even messed up, how is this possible?' To be honest, deep inside Tiffany, she was jealous of her. She was indeed very beautiful and Tiffany and thousand of people out there wouldn't deny it. 'Too bad he left you Sica. What a bastard. If I ever see him again, I swear I will punch his guts out.'

"Jessica, wake up." Tiffany shook her softly. The girl just stirred a little.

"F-five more hours, whoever you are." she mumbled loud enough for Tiffany to hear.

Tiffany chuckled, "I'm sorry Jessica, but you don't have 5 hours. Wake up now and go wash yourself up. Breakfast is ready."

Jessica eyes fluttered opened and she yawned softly, "Arraso, Arraso Tiffany-Umma. But why can't you just give me another 5 hours?" She pouted. If anyone other than Tiffany saw this, they will sure fall in love with this princess.

"Sorry Sica, now hurry up before Sooyoung and Yoona eat the entire table." Tiffany patted Jessica head like a mother patting her daughter. Jessica shook her head and gave Tiffany a glare, but being her best friend for almost 7 years, she was of course unaffected.

Tiffany gave her signature eye smile before heading out of the room.

Jessica looked at Tiffany as she went out and closed her eyes as the feeling engulfed her.

She loves her so much like a family member.






"Did you see that American guy yesterday on M! Countdown? His dance move were DAEBAK!" Hyoyeon shouted. They were all together in the dining room eating breakfast together. The room was filled with chatter from the member of Girls Generation, 90% of the chatting belongs to the pranksters of the group, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung and Yuri.

"OMG! He's so good looking, did you see his serious face when he was performing?"

"Oh,Oh, and did you hear his voice. It very fantastic, one of the best I have ever heard!"

Jessica, who was silently eating her cereal, couldn't take another round of fangirling from the trio, interupt them, "It just morning and you guys are already fangirling?" she asked annoyingly.

The trio just gave her a apologetic smile, "Sorry Sica."

"But seriously, did you guys see Invinsible debut last night?" Hyoyeon asked

Half of them nodded, the other half look confused.

"The new boy group? With that non-Asian guy?" Confusion were still paste on their face. Hyoyeon just sigh, "Nevermind. I show you guys later."

"Oh, by the way Tiffany." Yuri looked at the called girl, "How did Siwon confession go?"

"I rejected him." She answered cooly.

"AGAIN!?" The others groan, "This is your 50 rejection Fany-ah."

"Why did you reject him Unnie. I mean, Siwon is every girl Ideal type." Seohyun asked.

"Maknae's right!" The other shouted. "Tell us why."

Tiffany sigh, "He just.....He doesn't give the feeling. The 'THUD THUD' of my hearty. She told the girls, "You now, the feeling when your heart beats a million times per second when you first met him.That's when you know he's the right one." She grinned, "The others, like Nickhun, Onew and Siwon, I just don't feel it when I'm with them."

Jessica. who was sitting by her side, shook her head in amusment, "You don't just fall in love in first sight you know? Love can gradually grow through tme as well."

Tiffany just shrugged, "Maybe." Tiffany told the others, "Non of the boys gave me the feeling you know."

All chatting in the room stopped when their manager, Eric,burst into the dorm, causing all the 9 girls to look up in shock.

"Why are you still eating breakfast? Hurry up and go prepare yourself. You guys need to be at the company in 30 minutes to practice. GO!"

The girls groaned and went to their respective room to get ready.

And so, this is another day of being an Idol.




Hey guys and girls. I edited this chapter cause my sister said that my story ' like ' and I should change it. So I did. Hope you guys like this chapter more than the last one.

I promise to you guys, that I will update about 4 chapters this week. Snce I been pretty busy with my dance competiton, I promise I will make it up for you guys.

So this is the first chapter, second chapter is coming out, so stay tune and upvote the story. Thanks!

Love Ya All!!!



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50 subbies already? If it reach a 100, I sweae I'm going to make a triple update!!


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Gotu72jae #1
Chapter 3: Update
yunjae23 #2
Chapter 4: Update please
callmebaby22 #3
update soon.
Kai777 #4
Chapter 8: Update ASAP
usher678 #5
how about Sm? and also update more, love chapter 5
12345tanwingjet #6
Update soon, and the company, how about SM?
12345elddy #7
How about a company like SM OR JYP OR YG, and also update more.
fanfics_ss #8
Chapter 5: go to a company that doesn't have much scandals or problems :) and update more pls!
iCass14 #9
Chapter 5: I'd pass out if Tiffany was in front of me like that, can't wait to see what is Sean thinking of their encounter
iCass14 #10
Chapter 4: Well good luck in your exam autor-sshi ^^ and don't worry w'll be waiting here for you