show me yours, i'll show you mine


it's popular, fun-loving, hot as hell gryffindor meets quiet, demure, snarky ravenclaw in the biggest high school romantic cliche ever to be crossed with the harry potter universe, minus the cancer, The and the coffee foam kiss scene. it's not like they have anything other than butterbeer and pumpkin juice here, anyway. got7 hp!au. 


NOTE: please read this before moving on to the fic itself!

this was a remix of the-resolver's markson hp fic house colours, for the 2015 kpop ficmix cycle! ^.^ it was difficult choosing between the b1a4 and got7 fics, but i'm glad i eventually settled on this one hehe, because while i'm not entirely proud of the fic i've written, i do sort of like it ^.^ (see baobei if you're reading this!!! baby steps, baby steps) 

so i highly recommend reading house colours to get a feel of the original fic before reading the remix, hehe, thank you for reading this if you decide to ^.^ comments will be cherished

-angel :)


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Chapter 1: I'm so glad Jackson and Mark were able to fix their relationship. This was honestly so cute! ^^ Telling the part of the story from a stranger's point of view was a nice touch, and the way you transitioned so smoothly made it perfect. This is the kind of thing that makes you want more. ^^
pinkissmonsta #2
Chapter 1: this is the best Markson fic I've ever read. and probably will be the best Markson fic ever.
I've always loved HP, and Markson on top of that... wow!!!
you're wonderful! have a happy new year.
please write Markson more!
great job!
wryhun #3
Chapter 1: Ah, I really really really like this!
Chapter 1: Absolutely gorgeous! I'm happy they decided to give themselves another chance
kanimelife #5
Chapter 1: Who was the guy? Some times my mind only serious markson moments and all other words are gone
Chapter 1: Hp!au omg!!! I love you just for that hahahaha
And this is so cute~~ take good care of YiEn, KaYee <3
Chapter 1: Omg yesss! A MarkSon hp au!!! *hi5s all the gods in heaven* This one is awesome! *;* THANK YOU!!!
P.S: Idk, but after reading a comment below, now I kind of hope that you'd write a story for MarkBum as well.~ ;_; (if only you have enough time ofc). =]
Chapter 1: bless you this was fantastic, hp and got7 what could be better
omfg i've been waiting my whole life for a got7 hp!au bless u