Spices of Life: One Shot Collections






Variety’s the very spice of life,

That gives it all its flavor.”

(William Cowper)




Life, itself, is various.

Variety of life is like the spices that we add in our food. Spice enhances the taste of the foods; makes the foods taste better, more special; and kills or stops the odor. It’s the same in life. Variety makes life more interesting, more colorful and sometimes, it can change someone’s life forever. We live in the big world with different people having different life stories to tell. Today, I will tell you those stories that I was lucky enough to be told by many people I met in my life.

Let’s begin.”



This is an oneshot collections so each story's plot is not related to each other. The only thing makes them connect to each other is the storyteller in the begining and in the ending each story. For each story, I'll pick one kind of spice which, I think, will fit the story, so I hope that you'll not be confused when you see a bunch of food names in the tittles. In the end of every story, I will give the reason why I chose the spice for that story.


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