Bringing Jimin Home

Boarding School

“We’ve arrived!” the male teacher announced as he stood up at the front of the bus. One of the female teachers stood up next to him and began to speak. 

“Well done almost all of you for taking some good notes and I hope you had at least a little bit of fun!” she said enthusiastically. 

“Of course they had fun they only came so they could miss lessons,” the male teacher muttered, looking around the bus blankly as if he didn’t just say that. 

“Anyway…” the female teacher trailed off awkwardly, eyeing her colleague as the students all stood up and filed off the bus in small clumps of people. She nudged him slightly in the ribcage, before walking off the bus too. Yoongi looked around the bus, standing on his tiptoes to see over the seats. 

“Jimin?” he called. He couldn’t see him, had he got off the bus already? 

“Where’s Jimin?” he asked Taehyung, who just shrugged. 

“I sat with Hobi on the way back.” Yoongi glanced at Namjoon and Jungkook who were obviously sat together. 

“Jin!” he called to the front of the bus, Jin turned back to look at him blankly. 

“Who were you sat with?” he said loudly. 

“No one!” he called back. 

“What?” Yoongi whispered.
“Then who?” Taehyung began. 

“Do you think he’s still there?” Yoongi asked, slightly breathlessly. 

“He must be, but why wouldn’t he call one of us? Hey Namjoon, Jungkook!” Taehyung shouted to the front of the bus as Namjoon and Jungkook were about to get off. 

“Has Jimin phoned you?!” Yoongi called. Namjoon and Jungkook both pulled out their phones before looking at them and shaking their heads no. 

“Oh my God,” Yoongi mumbled, pulling his own phone out and dialling Jimin. 


It hurt. Everything hurt. He could be worse, but he hurt. Jimin rolled onto his back to allow himself to breath better as he drifted into consciousness again. A sudden strong vibration in his pocket alarmed him, he quickly pulled his phone at and weakly put it to his ear. 

“Hello?” he croaked. 

“Oh my God Jiminnie! Are you okay?! Why do you sound like that?!” Yoongi panicked. 

“I’m okay,” Jimin said softly, groaning a little as he moved his arm slightly 

“What the hell? Jimin please tell me what happened, you don’t sound right! Where are you?! Are you still at the museum? I’ll come and get you just stay put!!” Yoongi shouted. Jimin pulled the phone away from his ear slightly because of the noise. 

“I’m in an alley way, out of a side door near the entrance,” Jimin croaked. 

“Stay right there!” Yoongi shouted again, hanging up the phone. 

“Teacher!” Yoongi called, jogging to the teachers standing outside the bus, watching the students pile out of the bus. 

“What is it? Are you okay?” the male teacher asked, putting a hand on his student’s shoulder. 

“Jimin! He’s still at the museum!” Yoongi panicked. 

“What?!” all three teachers chorused. 

“But I thought I counted everyone! Oh God…” one of the two female teachers sighed. 

“Why didn’t he get on the bus?!” she asked. 

“I think he’s hurt!” Yoongi cried. 

“Have you spoken to him?!” the male teacher asked, raising his voice more and moe every time he spoke. Yoongi’s eyes glistened with tears as he nodded. 

“Did he say he’s okay?” Yoongi nodded again. 

“Okay…” the male teacher muttered, “come with me,” he said firmly, retrieving his car keys from his pocket. 

“Bring him home safely!” one of the female teachers called after them as they walked hurriedly to the male teacher’s car. 

“Yoongi?! What’s happening?” Namjoon asked. 

“I think Jimin’s hurt, he’s still at the museum, we’re going to get him,” Yoongi said quickly as he walked past. 

“ShallI I come?” Hobi offered.
“No,” Yoongi snapped, now running to the teacher’s car and sitting in the front. The car revved before reversing out of it’s parking spot and zooming out of the school grounds. The teacher glanced down at Yoongi’s shaking hands. 

“At least we know he’s okay,” he reassured. 

“I know,” Yoongi mumbled. 

“Don’t worry.” 

“Thank you, teacher Choi.” The rest of the drive was silent. Completely, silent. Neither dared to say anything until they arrived back at the museum, quicker than they had when they went on the bus. Yoongi spent the whole journey just looking out the window, the occasional tears falling. He had no idea he felt this strongly about Jimin. He had a crush on Seojun, not Jimin, why were his feelings suddenly much stronger for Jimin? Made this whole ordeal had opened his eyes to his true feelings. He had to get over Seojun eventually. 

“Can I go to him alone?” Yoongi asked.
“I don’t know, Yoongi…as the responsible adult I should probably be there too,” teacher Choi admitted. 

“Please!” Yoongi pleaded, big puppy eyes staring into the teacher’s eyes. Teacher Choi sighed heavily before simply nodding, a worried expression painting his face. 

“I’ll bring him back safely!” Yoongi assured him, getting out of the car and bowing slightly. He rushed into the building, looking around frantically for the side door that Jimin was talking about. Each passerby giving him an odd look as he spotted it, shouting an ‘AH’ aloud. Yoongi hurried to the side door and pulled it open. He looked left and right for his friend, his heart dropping when he spotted him further down the alleyway, leaning up against the wall holding his stomach. 

“Jimin,” he said in a low voice, approaching him slowly- like you would a shy animal. 

“I’m okay,” Jimin chuckled lightly, Yoongi breathed a sigh of relief that he didn’t know he was holding. 

“L-Let’s get you back to the car, Mr Choi brought me here,” he muttered, wrapping an arm round Jimin’s waist and pulling him up gently. He helped him walk back to the car, still holding him while he pulled open the door and helped him in.

“I’m going to sit in the back with Jimin,” Yoongi informed Mr Choi, who was looking in his rear view mirror worriedly at the damaged boy. 

“Okay,” he mumbled, “are you alright Jimin?” he asked. 

“Yes, Sir,” Jimin replied clearly. Yoongi sat Jimin in the middle seat so he could sit right next to him. After making sure himself and Jimin had their seatbelt on he wrapped his arms round his friend, pulling him in close and his hair, not caring what Mr Choi thought about it. 

“Jiminnie?” Yoongi asked softly, Jimin breathed out in pleasure at the feel of Yoongi speaking so softly, so close to him. 

“Yeah?” he asked. 

“Who did this to you?” Jimin sunk into his seat a little. 

“Tell me!” Yoongi said slightly louder. 

“Please tell us,” Mr Choi joined in from the front of the car, “we could expel them.” Jimin’s eyes lit up at the thought of his bullies getting expelled. 

“This group of boys from my sociology class, they’ve been on my back for a while but I never expected this…” Jimin said the last part in a whisper. Mr Choi furrowed his brows, trying to picture which group he thought it could be. 

“Is it Donghyun’s group?” he asked, convinced it must be. 

“Yes!” Jimin perked up, “that’s his name! The leader guy, I knew I heard the rest of them say it!” 

“They’re a piece of work- that group, I’ll be happy to personally expel them from this school,” Mr Choi muttered, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. Yoongi continued holding Jimin closely, still his hair. 

“Why didn’t you tell me? Or any of us, that they’ve been bullying you…what have they been doing?” he asked softly. 

“Just things like tripping me up and shouting stuff at me that’s all…” Jimin mumbled. 

“What do you mean that’s all?” Yoongi blinked at his friend in confusion, “that’s bad!” 

“I agree, you really should have told someone, Jimin,” Mr Choi said sternly, “we could have dealt with this ages ago why did you stay quiet?” 

“I’m sorry,” Jimin hummed sadly. “I was bullied all the way through school so I’m used to keeping it to myself. Community schools don’t care about bullying, I forgot that it would probably be dealt with better at a boarding school. Also I’m used to being tormented and hurt, so I guess it didn’t bother me emotionally as much as other people,” he admitted. Yoongi squeezed him tighter for a second. 

“I’m so sorry,” he said softly into Jimin’s ear, Jimin getting chills again from the soft spoken voice next to his ear. 


They arrived back at school safely and got out of the car. Yoongi and Jimin both bowed to Mr Choi, thanking him gratefully for getting them back. 

“Don’t worry about it. Jimin are you going to the nurse now?” he asked. 

“No, really I’m not that badly hurt, I just want to rest,” he assured. Mr Choi nodded, mumbling a small ‘ok’ before turning around and walking into school, passing the rest of the 5 friends who were sat on the stairs eagerly waiting for their return. Once he had gone inside they all ran over to Jimin and Yoongi who were walking towards them. 

“Jimin!” Jungkook called, running to him and hugging him. 

“Are you okay?” they all asked, gathering round him. 

“What happened?” Hobi asked, shocked at the state he was in.

“Hey! Stop crowding him, he’s just been beat up!” Yoongi shouted, pulling Jimin through the crowd of 5. 

“He’s our friend too, we just want to know if he’s okay,” Namjoon said quietly. 

“He’s fine, I’ll take care of him. We’ll see you at dinner, you can ask questions then,” Yoongi declared, whisking Jimin upstairs to his dorm. He sat Jimin down on the bed and kneeled in front of him. 

“Are you badly hurt?” Jimin shook his head. 

“Can I see?” he asked, looking Jimin in the eyes, who just nodded. Yoongi slowly pulled Jimin’s shirt up, trying not to gasp aloud at the bruises, and at the same time trying not to marvel at his beautiful toned abs. 

“How badly does it hurt?” he asked softly, running his hand along Jimin’s stomach where the bullies had clearly kicked him a lot. 

“It’s really not that bad,” Jimin said honestly. Yoongi nodded. 

“Okay well we should go and clean up your hands and face,” he said, eyeing the mix of mud from the bully’s shoes, the blood that had been a result, and the fact that he’d clearly wiped it with his hands and sleeves. Jimin followed Yoongi into the bathroom and perched on the edge of the bath, which was next to the sink. Yoongi wet a near by cloth and rung it out before dabbing it around Jimin’s face as gently as he could. Once his face was all clean he wiped his hands down too. 

“There wasn’t actually that much, you’d just spread it with your hands,” he said as he cleaned the cloth under the tap before ringing it out and dabbing around his hands and face once more to get off the last of it. 

“You need a fresh shirt too,” he commented, taking Jimin’s hand who silently followed him again back into the bedroom. Yoongi went straight to the wardrobe, knowing which shelf was Jimin’s and taking the shirt at the top of the pile. 

“That shirt doesn’t go with these jeans,” Jimin pointed out. 

“Does that matter right now?” Yoongi laughed, Jimin nodded furiously. 

“Okay, okay. This one?” he held up the next shirt. Jimin eyed it up. 

“It’ll do…” Yoongi scoffed at him fondly before putting the previous shirt back and walking over to his friend. Jimin began to take his shirt off, struggling slightly with the movement. Yoongi helped him pull it off and threw the shirt into the nearby wash basket. He grabbed the shirt he had just put down on the bed and pulled it over Jimin’s head. Jimin got his arms in himself and pulled the shirt down a little past his hips. The pair sat down on the bed in relief that Jimin was home and cleaned up. Jimin leaned forward a little, burying his face in his hands. 

“Are you alright?” Yoongi asked. Jimin nodded and took a deep breath.
“Just relieved I guess,” he mumbled into his hands. 

“Yeah I bet,” Yoongi replied, his hand beginning to subconsciously rub Jimin’s back soothingly. 

“Today,” Yoongi began, “I think I realised how much I care about you. I’ve never been so relieved that someone is alright and home safe.” 

“Does this mean…?” Jimin asked, looking up to face Yoongi, who looked him straight in the eyes

“I need to get over Seojun, and this happening has made me realise how much I care about you. So…what I’m saying is, I think, without even realising it until now, I have a crush on you, Jimin.” 

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You haven't been updating lately, are you okay?
I still love this story and I'm excited for more chapters :)
Nayasaee #2
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: kyaaaaaaa, yoonmin gives me life! And I'm glad that they all accept them.. I would've actually liked it better if Namjoon went and beat Boyfriend up XD thanks for the update authornim!
Chapter 14: Thanks for putting so much effort into getting the chapters back, some people would probably just let it go. I enjoy your writing a lot! :)
Nayasaee #4
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: It's ok authornim ^^ im really sorry that this happened though, I know how bad it is to have all your hard work to away
Nayasaee #5
Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Yoongi, it's not a crush if both of u feel the same way dummy XD Aigoo I guess grandpas can't function with relationships XD
Chapter 12: YEESS i've been looking forward to an update! I'm glad you're feeling so motivated and excited :D
Nayasaee #7
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: NOOOOOO, MY CHIM CHIM!! My poor Jiminie ); and authornim, your A/N just brightened my day!! Good luck with everything
Nayasaee #8
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: aigoo my Chim Chim , don't worry I'll have a word with that grandpa if he doesn't ask u out soon XD and Vhope,what can I say.... They're just troublemakers... Great chapter authornim, keep it up!
Nayasaee #9
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: So glad that Nomjoon and V made up, that would've been awkward if they didn't. And don't worry authornim. College is much more important, so really and sincerely thanks for making the time to update :) and I'm smelling some YoonMin here ^^
Chapter 9: Damn, Namjoonie :0 This whole chapter was wild, omg. I hope Namjoon and Taehyung can talk it out and make up >v<
Good work!