The Fiancée

Wedding Crashers

Dahyun and Sua were busy unpacking when they heard the doorbell ring. “Does your cousin have company over?” Sua asked.

“He didn’t say he was” Dahyun heard a familiar voice downstairs. “Sua, go investigate”

She saluted “Yes mam” and made her way downstairs.

Entering the house was Jimin, V, Jungkook, and Yeseul.

“What are you guys doing here?” Rapmon held the door open while they all entered.

“You promised to help us make the party favors!” Yeseul had bags of supplies. “I’ll go set us up in the dining room”

“Now?” Rapmon looked worried.

“We’re going to have to do it eventually.” Jimin told him.

“It can’t be tonight, I have company over” Rapmon protested.

Jungkook noticed Sua on the staircase. “I see that”

Sua waved awkwardly “Hi”

“It’s not just her” Rapmon gave in “Dahyun is here too”

Jungkook froze at the sound of her name.

“Dahyun? For real?” V asked “Where?”

“Is she here for the wedding?” Jimin asked.

Yeseul came interrupted their conversation. “What’s taking so long? These goody bags aren’t going to pack themselves!”

“Namjoon has company” Jimin admitted.

“Well good, we need all the help we can get!” Yeseul made her way back into the dining room.

Dahyun made her way down stairs.

“Dahyun!” V shouted. “I missed you!”

V put his arms around her and gave her a huge hug. “I can’t breathe” She pleaded.

“Oh I’m sorry” V let go.

“It’s okay, I missed you too”

“Hey Dahyun” Jimin greeted her.

Dahyun tried to acknowledge them but all she could feel was Jungkook staring a hole into her. She decided to go for it and greet him first. “Hello Jungkook”

He snapped out of his gaze. “Oh uh, hey”

“Congratulations” Dahyun told him.

“On what?” He asked.

“Getting engaged” she reminded him.

“Oh, yeah thank you” The air was full of tension.

“Let’s go make some goody bags, shall we?” Jimin led everyone into the dining room.

“Oh” Yeseul got up from the table “I should introduce myself shouldn’t I”

Sua approached her first and let her shake her hand. “Hello, I’m Sua”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Yeseul, the bride to be” Then she moved on to Dahyun and shook her hand. “Hello”

“I’m Dahyun”

Yseuel’s eyes lit up. “So you’re Dahyun! Oh I was so happy when I got your RSVP.”

“You were?” Dahyun put on a fake smile.

“Yes I need to ask you a favor”

“A favor?”

Everyone in the room was watching their interaction. They all wanted to see how this scene was going to play out.

“So, unlike Jungkook, I don’t have that many close friends. And the thing is, I really want my wedding to be perfect, so I wanted there to be an equal number of bridesmaids and groomsmen.” Yeseul smiled at her sweetly “So what I am trying to ask is, would you be one of my bridesmaids?”

“Bridesmaid?” Dahyun knew she was going to be in the wedding but she didn’t expect this.

“Yeah, I know what you are thinking. I know we barely know one another but Junkook has said so many great things about you and I think it would be tons of fun.”

“Sure” Dahyun really didn’t want to be of any help to this woman but she also couldn’t say no.

“Really!?” Yeseul spun around in a happy dance “This is going to be great!”


Everyone was sitting at the dining room table busily working on these party favors. It was mostly silent except for the various attempts at small talk.

“So how did you two meet?” Dahyun asked Yeseul.

“Oooh! This is a really great story, right Kookie?” Yeseul rubbed his arm lovingly.

Dahyun flinched at the nickname.

“We met in our science class. We had to dissect a frog, I was terrified but Kookie was so brave!”

She tried hard to keep her composure. “I also met Jungkook in a science class” There was obvious tension in her voice and anyone could tell except for Yeseul.

Jungkook became quiet, as if this was way too awkward to deal with so he was retreating into his shell.


After hours of sticking lotions and cards into tiny little bags they were finally done. “That’s the last one” Jimin proudly stated.

“I hope I never have to touch a tiny gift bag ever again” V complained.

Yeseul got up “I think we need to celebrate, Kookie will you help me pour everyone some wine?”

“Of course” He got up and followed her into the kitchen.

“Well that couldn’t be more awkward” Rapmon complained.

“Looks like they forgot the wine opener” Jimin stated.

Dahyun picked it up. “I’ll go bring it to them”

“You sure? I could do it” V offered.

“He’s got to get over this awkwardness eventually” And with that she made her way towards the kitchen.

Dahyun was about to enter when she over hear the engaged couple talking about her.

“So why didn’t you tell me you invited her?” Jungkook asked.

Yeseul pulled out some wine glasses. “I thought you would’ve wanted me to? You did say she was one of your best friends.”

“No I did, I just don’t see why she has to be in the wedding”

“Because, Kookie, I need another bridesmaid to wear the bridesmaid dresses I bought” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Don’t worry about it. It’s the bride’s job to worry about things like this”

 “Okay” he gave in.

“Now, let’s pour this wine! Do you see the wine opener anywhere?”

Dahyun remembered she had it so she retreated into the living room with the others.


Moments later, everyone is situated with their wine in the living room. Yeseul took a sip of her wine and then looked at Dahyun. “So Dahyun, any embarrassing stories about my fiancée I need to know”

“I can’t really remember high school too well” She lied.

V smiled “I have one!”

“Oh god, do we really need another one of V’s stories” Rapmon complained.

“Just listen this one is good” V argued. “It’s about prom”

Dahyun couldn’t help but smile. Prom was a great night, full of only good memories.

“For our senior prank we decided to rig the ceiling with tons of garbage” V continued “So during the big crowning ceremony when Cindy got prom queen, everyone got covered in trash.”

“Everyone but us!” Jimin added.

Everyone laughed, including Jungkook. “Yeah because we brought umbrellas, everyone thought we were crazy for having them”

“I don’t even know what made us want to do it. Poor Cindy!” Dahyun couldn’t stop laughing.

“That’s hilarious” Yeseul commented. “You guys sound like you were really close”

“We were” Dahyun agreed.

Jungkook nodded “Nothing could keep us apart” He was making eye contact with Dahyun and she started to wonder if they were still talking about the group.


Once they finished Dahyun offered to do the dishes. She was busily washing away when Jungkook came in with more glasses.

“Can I help?” He offered.

“I got it”

“Oh c’mon, let me help” He picked up the towel “Let’s use our old system, you wash, I dry”

Dahyun wanted to abject but he was already drying. She focused back on washing the glasses. “I don’t have to be here if you don’t want me to. I don’t have to be in your wedding, I can fake sick or pretend I have to go back to work”

Jungkook shook his head “I admit that I was a bit shocked to see you”

“A bit? You were comatose”

“Okay I was a lot shocked.” He laughed “But I’m glad you’re here”

She looked up at him. “Really?”

“Yeah, I missed having you around”

“I missed you too” Dahyun handed him the glass and he put his hand over hers around the glass. It was as if they were holding hands like they used to do many times before.

Dahyun knew she had to be the one to break up the moment. “Well they’re all washed” She put the glass down “Get drying”

“Yes mam” Jungkook joked.


It was Jungkook and Yeseul that left first. “Don’t forget we have dress fittings tomorrow at nine! Sua you can come to” Yeseul told them as she walked out the door.

“Okay, see you tomorrow” Sua called.

After they left Jimin and V still remained.

“Are you guys planning on leaving soon? I’m exhausted” Dahyun told them.

V nodded “Yeah, I’m just not ready to say goodbye yet.” He gave Dahyun another hug.

Jimin agreed with him. “We really missed you around here Dahyun”

“Yeah, Yeseul is awful” V muttered.

Dahyun broke from his clutches. “What are you talking about she seems nice to me”

Rapmon laughed. “That’s the problem. She’s too nice! Anytime she does anything wrong you can’t yell at her or she’ll go whining to Jungkook”

“Yeah, it makes me miss your grumpy attitude!” V whined.

“Everything has to go her way, she’s a total brat” Jimin grumbled. “I don’t see what Jungkook see’s in her”

Sua shrugged “She does sound a bit childish”

“Dahyun If you are planning on breaking up the wedding, I am totally in” Jimin assured her.

“I’m not going to break up the wedding. I’m trying to be a good friend”

“Oh c’mon” Rapmon laughes “It’s obvious you haven’t moved on. Why else would you come?”

“Whatever, I can’t hear any more of this tonight. I’m going to bed”

Jimin had to make it clear “Seriously though, I’m totally in on any destruction plans for this wedding”  

Dahyun laughed “You dork”

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