
I'm the Egg to Your Bacon
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[CONTENTID2] Baek Su Min and Jackson Wang. That's all you need to know for now. You would think that two kids who grew up together are like the best of friends. If you thought that, you are completely wrong. The amount their friends talk to them in 1 day, is more than the amount of time they've ever talked to each other. They were both they same age, they went to the same school for their whole life. They had the same teachers and same classes. Su Min and Jackson lived on the same street. In fact, their houses are right next to each others. But NOOOOO...... They would still never ever talk to each other.

Hello! I'm the narrator of this story: BamBam. Well, I'm just a fill in for the author, but I really like narrating stuff, so I'm gonna try to get her to put me on full time duty!! Wish me luck for that to happen. Trust me, I'm way more fun than the author. I call her Petunia, you can too.

'Hello! Nice to meet you!' Would've been the only thing one of them needed to say to get their friendship started, yet neither of them ever decided to do that, the whole 21 years they've lived. Both of them were born in Busan Hospital, although Jackson is Chinese. Both of them always received straight A's for all their classes, and ignore the fact that Jackson is stupid outside of school. Putting his stupidity aside, the two of them are practically the same person, but different gender. I guess it's true that only opposites attract. Why is this getting so 'Your Average Fanfic', Petunia? It better change soon. Anyways, back to narrating.

21 year olds, 4th and final year of college, and school. 21 year olds, legal. 21 year olds, have their own independence and stay far from their parents. 21 years olds, do stuff they wouldn't have done the day before they were 21. Jackson turned 21, 28th of March, and Su Min 2 days later. You see what I mean by the same thing, even their birthdays are close together!!!! There were times where they had been forced to celebrate birthdays together in school, and they TOTALLY wished each other 'Happy Birthday', like totally. 








March 29th, 1999: 5th Birthday Celebration

It was the day in between their birthday,and it was their last 3 months of pre school, the teachers agreed that since their birthdays are that close to each others, they would just celebrate it the day after and before both their b-days, and boy was that a success. Neither of them had even a little bit of cake, they looked away from each other, in their cute little birthday hats. Awww...... So cute!! Su Min was the less willing one. Jackson always thought. Jackson sometimes attempted to s

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