Heavier than air



heavier than air.


If you ask Jiyong what turns he on the most, he will say “bathroom on airplane”. If you ask Seungri the same question, well, you know what the answer is. You can’t expect a different answer if you don’t change the question.

So here they are, on an airplane to Tokyo, departed from Seoul just 5 minutes ago. They booked a first suite class just like they always did whenever they need to go somewhere on Earth. Of course they didn’t have financial ability when they were much younger, 9 or 10 years ago. That was time when their innocent faces were still new on TV, and nobody knew who they were. Except some teenage girls, of course, who believed that they had something more than just “a boy band from YG" or "YG's failure". Despite all that, they are here, on an expensive plane, seat like kings and drink from golden glasses.

Their faces, some of them, still look the same. For example, Kwon Jiyong would be a good example to examine. Baby skin and new hair style did bring back some pre-debut memories, when BIGBANG was trainee and didn’t even have enough money for a decent snack. That’s why they are short, Youngbae once said on a TV show. That’s why we have unusual looking compare to idol standard. That’s why BIGBANG is standing out. That’s why BIGBANG is on top. They could be short, and Seungri’s shoes are Tom Ford and Louboutin but he will fix them anyway. It must help hiding the fact that his legs are not as long as he wants people thought. But it’s a different story and we are not here to talk about it.

Everything changes now. They are famous, too famous their names were not called by their own mothers anymore. A Western kid can too. But at least, except Jiyong’s face, there’s one more thing that doesn’t change. Seungri and Jiyong have it in common. They already have a lot of things in common. So maybe their interest for airplane’s bathroom is just one of the list. 

If you are Youngbae, you will have to watch Jiyong couldn't stop moving his  on his seat. Jiyong's trying to know wherever Seungri is, grinning if he finds Seungri's chatting with some flight attendant girls, and he will turn into a grumpy kid if Youngbae asks what’s wrong. Because Jiyong knows Youngbae knows what’s wrong and Youngbae doesn’t care to be honest. He is just doing what he does best: make fun of his own best friend.

-         Dong Youngbae, can you please? For your mom’s sake, grow up. – Jiyong says, his desperate voice fills Youngbae's lung.  He pins his nape into the chair, closes his tired eyes, and then releases a too long sigh.

-         Yes I can. But I won’t. – Youngbae answered. – You have to fix it yourself, buddy. You just need to stop showing the world that you are jealous. That you are in love.

-          If I can, buddy. – Jiyong tries to put some sarcasm into his words like he always does. But this time, it just sounds like a miserable truth that requires to be accepted. So Jiyong accepts it.

-          It’s not so hard though. But you’ve never tried, that’s all. You’ve never tried to try, even just for once. – Youngbae decided it’s time to stop being an and give some actual damn. After all, Jiyong is still BIGBANG’s leader. And the world can’t take one more depressed period from Jiyong anymore.

Youngbae thinks he can never forget how terrible it was when Jiyong terrorized his followers on Twitter and Instagram. With ton of break up song and broken heart and unicorn’s tears and it felt like love was dead and Jiyong was murdered. Youngbae could be the killer, if Seungri didn’t tweet something back. Are you okay ? And that was all it needed. To stop Jiyong. Or to hold him back, Youngbae didn’t know. But who cares, Youngbae just needed Jiyong to stop. No matter what he was doing, he got what he wanted at last. But Jiyong seems like a person who owns the whole world, doesn’t he? If Jiyong asks for one of your eyes, you will give it to him, yes, your pupil. You will pull it out of your skull and hand it to him. You will make sure to wipe it clean with your shirt because who dares to dirty Jiyong's hand? Oops, not so fast, because Youngbae knows one who dares. You may know him too. His name is…

-          Seungri. – Jiyong shouts.

Youngbae already knew it will happens this way. When Jiyong has finally lost his control, which is something that he never truly has. Result is, Jiyong will explode like a nuclear bomb. It destroys anything, and ruins every building on its way, likes a tornado, likes Sandy. Youngbae decided to call his best friend Bridgette 'til he gets bored, or in case things go wrong again. And then he just has to find a new nickname which could make Big Seunghyun laughs his off.

-      Hey Seungri, leader’s calling. – Daesung, this sweetheart, pocks Seungri’s palm to remind him about the reality that he’s a part of. And it makes him want to fall into a coma, yes, you heard it right, a coma. A coma not a sleep because the last thing Daesung needs for himself is waking up in the middle of whatever is going on between Jiyong and his trouble. Which is his maknae, Daesung’s dongsaeng, Seungri, BIGBANG’s Victory.

-          I know. – Seungri whispers.

Why, Daesung doesn’t know, doesn’t want to know. ‘I think you should go there’, Daesung whispers back, and this time he understands why he did that. Daesung’s scared. He’s always scared of Jiyong, no, of Jiyong’s anger. Yes, this is more accurate. Daesung isn't scared of normal Jiyong, cute and caring Jiyong, angel Jiyong who will pay whenever BIGBANG has a meal together. At Daesung’s birthday, Jiyong was the only person who remembered Daesung's desired gift. 

“No, hyung, I don’t think I need a giant chair in my kitchen and it’s too expensive to seat and what did you say? Please don’t tell me you bought this chair from some of your friends’ exhibitions”.

Sometimes Daesung wishes the connection he has with Seunghyun hyung could be as deep as what Jiyong and Seungri has. Seunghyun hyung has a unique mind and that’s what Daesung finds the most attractive about him. Yet the border between unique and weird is just a thin line that its limited is challenged over and over again by this tall kid, his 5 years old kid. But hey, back to the topic, Daesungie.

-         Seungri. – Jiyong shouts again, then he adds – come.

-         Seungri. – this time it was Daesung who’s begging – he’s going to kill us all.

-         You know he won’t. – Seungri mumbles. 

He could be stubborn sometimes but please not this time, Daesung prays. 2 seconds later, Seungri’s flirty smile vanishes like a smoke. He closes the curtain between BIGBANG and flight attendant’s area, then he stops. His head tilts to the left as if he’s thinking. But Seunghyun is too smart to figure it out. There's nothing in Seungri’s mind at this moment. Seunghyun also knows what actually is on Seungri’s mind at this moment. Seunghyun smirks and enjoys his fantasy for a while. Before he says.

-         Goddammit Seungri, just go there and let him you. – everytime Seunghyun opens his mouth, if it’s not heaven it’s hell. This time, we have to wait.

So, everybody’s waiting. Daesung can barely even catch his breath. Seunghyun’s eyes are wide open because he doesn’t want to miss anything. Youngbae who was waiting since 10 minutes ago, thinks it’s time to give up.

Seungri’s standing still in the aisle, Daesung guesses he’s freezing. Or maybe not, because he’s moving, slow but yes, he’s going to Jiyong’s seat. They say something to each other then Jiyong stands up, and both of them just go to the bathroom.  

-      Thanks a lot, Seunghyun hyung. – Youngbae raises his hand and makes a thumbs up to  Seunghyun. As usual, Choi Seunghyun smirks again before closing his eyes and falls asleep.

Daesung is the only one who’s still awake. They are on a plane to Tokyo. They will get there in about 40 minutes. Daesung listens. A small moan drops into the bubble air is the sign he’s waiting for. Daesung smiles, he knows. The tornado is gone. Finally he can sleep in peace.


Nothing to say. It's too short so just read. I hope you will like it. 


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