Jinyoung and you

Your neighbour Got7

You could hear the sound of another moving truck making its way down the street. Someone was moving into the house next to yours and the new owners were having all of their stuff delivered by. You were lying in bed trying to fall asleep but the people next door were making too much noise. There goes your free day, you thought. You went to the window you could see your neighbor’s lawn from there. You saw a group of guys playing and running around yelling and screaming. They all looked to be having fun, especially one who was dressed in all black was the loudest, and one who wore glasses was trying to calm everyone down.

You laughed at the sight and the poor guys’ efforts which were going to a waste. You moved away picking up your bag from the desk, ready to head to your job.

Your day in the local library, where you worked at, was just the usual. You went around with a trolley of books, placing them where they belonged. It was almost the end of your shift when you were pacing the aisles arranging the last of books remaining in your trolley. You had seen a glimpse of glasses which looked familiar to you but you paid it no more mind.

You were walking straight but not paying attention to where you were going and you practically ran over a guy with your trolley. He fell face first on the floor when the trolley hit his calves making him lose balance. You were going to lose your job, you thought as you moved to help the boy up. The glasses he wore hung crookedly which he righted soon after. You bowed, apologizing profusely.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going. Are you hurt?”

He pushed his glasses higher up his nose and smiled. His eyes crinkled at the ends as they disappeared in half moon crescents.

“It’s alright. Oh you look familiar. Aren’t you my neighbour?”

She had seen those glasses somewhere, in the lawn earlier.

“Yes yes! I saw you with your friends in the lawn earlier.”

“You did? I’m Jinyoung by the way.”

“I’m y/n. I’m really sorry though.”

“No harm done.” He pushed his glasses up again and smiled.

After your shift was done he walked home with you chatting happily the whole way. It turned out he was enrolled in the same university as you and was starting school from the next day. He was also in half of your classes and you both had the same major, and he loved going to the library as well. Time flied and soon you stood in front of your houses.

“It was nice meeting you.” You told him.

“You too, I had so much fun.” He took your hand in his and drew soothing circles on the back of it. “So would you like to get coffee sometime?”

You smiled and nodded, thinking maybe it was all for the best that you had a new neighbour and maybe a new friend.


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trueelee #1
Chapter 3: Awww, Jackson and Jinyoung's stories were so cute! Would've like more for Jaebumme's story, but I liked it all the same