Everthing Nice

Sugar, Spice And Everything Nice

One day

“Let’s leave kids with my Mom that day. Since SungGyu hyung will also be there.” MyungSoo asked, stirring the bowl of soup in his hand.

“Are you sure? You know our kids are handful. They will probably make your mother go insane.” SungYeol smirked, cutting the fruits into tiny pieces.

“Yeah. This is at least they can do for our anniversary and babysit our tiny monsters.” MyungSoo rolled his eyes.

“Yah! Those tiny monsters are my babies.” SungYeol pointed the knife at MyungSoo.

“Yeah. Yeah, they are.” Siding away the knife away from his face.

“I know they are handful but they are so adorable.” SungYeol smiled.

“No only my princess is the most adorable one. You can have the rest of the guys.”

“If SungJong heard that he is probably going to draw everything pink for you for the whole week.”

MyungSoo laughed, “But seriously think about it. We have been married for like what 7 years now since we had kid we haven’t be able to spend a single anniversary on our own. Don’t you want to spend sometime alone with me?”

SungYeol sighed looking MyungSoo’s puppy eyes. “I know but-“

“I am not asking you to go somewhere with me. Just one whole 24hr I want to spend with you and only you.” Sounding desperate.

Sighing, SungYeol gave up. “Fine.”


“Gosh, the house looks so large without our kids running around the house.” SungYeol glanced around the large living room that looked so spacious almost like a one-bedroom flat.

Clinging on SungYeol’s waist, MyungSoo nibbled on SungYeol’s shoulder’s skin. “Now that we are all alone. What do you think we should be doing?”

SungYeol laughed, “What do we be doing then Mr. Kim-Lee MyungSoo?” He teased.

“Hmm. Perhaps something to do with you and me and our king size bed what do you say? Mr. Kim-Lee SungYeol?”

“Oh. It does sound wonderful. Mr. Kim MyungSoo.” SungYeol replied, followed by series of laughter ringing throughout the house.


Time 4.23pm

A sharp ring rang throughout the house, waking up the couple from there almost naps like state on the living room after all the breathtaking activities they were doing throughout the day.

“Soo go pick up your damn phone.” SungYeol kicked MyungSoo leading him to fall from the sofa and pulled the sheets over his ears to block the sound.

Sitting up MyungSoo rubbed his eyes, feeling the floor with his other hand to reach for his phone and when he finally managed to feel his phone.

He blindly unlocked his phone and replied. “ Hello.”

"Appa SungEon won't give my Mr. Soo. He is not listening to grandma." SungJong complained from the other line, followed by tiny sobs escaping his younger twins.

MyungSoo can hear his mother in distant crying for SungEon to come back and return SungJong’s teddy bear in the background.

(“SungEon ah, stop running away with Jongie’s teddy.”

“But grandma I want to play with Mr. Soo today.”

“Then give your teddy to your brother.”

“No. Because it belongs to me only.”

“SungEon ah. Come back right here.”


Wide-awake from his sleep MyungSoo tried to console his younger twin. “shh..SungJong ah. You are a big boy aren’t you?”

“Yes appa but SungEon is being naughty.”

“I know baby but you can play with InSoo okay. You can play her dolls right?”

“But… but...”

“Do you want to make your daddy sad by not staying in grandma’s house today.”

“NO.” SungJong retorted.

MyungSoo can imagine a pout in the younger’s lips already.

“Then be a good boy okay.”

“But… Appa.”

“What is it SungJong?”

“I miss you.”

“Aww…I miss you as well baby.”

“Are we really staying here today?”

“Yes. Remember what daddy said in the morning?”

"Yes. But really are you not coming here?

“Yes SungJong. Now go and play with InSoo.”


“SungJong.” MyungSoo called in a firm voice.

“Okay. I love you daddy.”

“I love you too buddy.”

MyungSoo sighed, hanging up his phone. His eyes wide awake from the sleep minutes ago.

He just hopes that was the final call for today.

But. He was so wrong.



Both MyungSoo and SungYeol was in the dinning table, busy with each other until a ring came through their home phone after they have decided to switch of their mobiles.

"Appa SungJong is coloring my Mr. Y pink. He is not listening to SungGyu ahjusshi."

Both SungYeol and MyungSoo groaned, hearing the phone that was on speaker right now, and they would hear the little conversation that was happening in the background.

(“Jongie, you shouldn't paint the teddy pink but we can paint the flower in that book with pink okay."

"No, Mr. Y needs to be pink too like Mr. Soo because they are twins like me and SungEon.”

"But SungJong you can’t do that."

"No means no.")

“Appppppppppppa.” They can hear SungEon whining in the other end.

“SungEon ah we can hear you just fine.” MyungSoo replied, hammering his head on the dinning table in annoyance.

They were in middle of one of their make out session when the call arrived.

“But APPA TELL SUNGJONG TO STOP. MR. Y is turning really pink and I don’t like it at all.” SungEon cried, screaming to his appa to the other end.

“SungEon ah, baby don’t worry when you come home tomorrow I will wash it and Mr. Y won’t be pink anymore okay.” SungYeol tried.

“Now just be a good boy and play alone with your brother okay.”

“But are you sure daddy I mean…I mean appa tried to wash my Nene when SungJong colored it yellow but it didn’t go and appa threw it because he wouldn’t wash it.”

“Oh really baby. I didn’t know that your appa bought a new nene for you because he wouldn’t wash away the stain hmm.” SungYeol glared at MyungSoo who tried to burry his face on the wooden table.

“Yes Daddy. Appa bought me a new nene and he told me not to tell you.” SungEon giggled.

“Really baby. now be a good boy and behave okay my little Sungie.”


“I love you as well” As soon as the line ended, MyungSoo cursed.




The couple was in middle of getting ready for the dinner outside. Both wearing tight black jeans, cuddling their assets attractively, but before the couple would put on their shoes and get out of their house.

MyungSoo’s phone echoed loudly, in the little porch where the shoes were kept.

Sliding his phone, MyungSoo received his phone.



“Yes. My princess.” MyungSoo replied, happily giving that stupid grin he has every time he talks to their little princess.

No wonder his mood changed, SungYeol rolled his eyes, folding his arms together waiting for MyungSoo to finish slipping his foot into one of his shoes.

“Appa. I love you.” InSoo stated from the other line. MyungSoo beamed and placed the phone in the speaker mode so that he can use his hand to put his shoes on.

“Do you love me?” SungYeol shook his head, understanding exactly where this was going.

“Of course princess. I love you.” He replied.

“Then where are you appa?"

MyungSoo halted his move unsure of how to respond to his princess. He can’t exactly tell her the truth.

But before he would reply back he can her tiny sobs through the speaker which was getting louder and the conversation that was taking place in the other side of the line.

(“Aww…Princess why are you crying? Does something hurt?” WooHyun questioned.


“Shhh… princess come on tell ahjusshi what is wrong princess.”

“Appa doesn’t love me. Wahhhh…”

“Don’t worry. Princess. WooHyun ahjusshi love princess a lot."

"Really Ahjusshi loves me."

"Yes Princess. Ahjusshi loves princess the most."

 "Then princess loves ahjusshi a lot as well." InSoo replied, completely forgetting the phone.)

SungYeol can see MyungSoo burning holes in his phone. But before he can say anything, SungYeol cuts him off.

“We are not going to your Mom’s house.”



Taking a slip from of the red wine, SungYeol beamed looking at man sitting in front of him.

Being married for more than 7 years now and still counting and for first time it wasn’t about nappy changing, bottle feeding, or toilet time.

It was just SungYeol and MyungSoo, staring at each other in this romantic candle light dinner just between them.

Until a familiar rings comes through SungYeol’s phone this time. SungYeol looks at the familiar phone number of WooHyun flashing on his phone.

“Who is it?” MyungSoo asked, taking another slip of his own wine.


“Why is he calling right now?”

“I don’t know. Maybe the kids are doing something stupid again.”

“Take it. Something might be up.” MyungSoo shrugs his shoulder.

Nodding his head, SungYeol slides his phone and locates the phone next to his ear.


“Shhh… SooYeol ah, call Omma. He picked it up.” SungYeol can hear SungEon’s voice encouraging his younger brother from the other line.  “Omma is on the phone. Call him.”

“SungEon ah.” SungYeol calls confused why his oldest voice is in the other end.

“SungEon is not here.” SungYeol shakes his head at his oldest antis when he can clearly hear that SungEon was the one who called him and not WooHyun.

“Sung-“ But he is cut off by the screaming voice of his youngest son, which sounds way too clear for SungYeol’s ears.

“OMMA…WAHHHH… OMMA...COME. COME” Followed by strings of more sobs and screams from SooYeol from the other side.

It sort of breaks SungYeol’s heart hearing his little one cry like this. Obviously he was missing youngest as well since he have been spending so much of his time with him than other kids now days.

But they are in a date right now and it should only about them today and no one else.

Glancing over the table, SungYeol eyes MyungSoo who stares back at him with a questionable look.

“What happened?”

“SooYeol is crying.”


“Can we go and see them please?”  SungYeol begged.

Raising his eyes, MyungSoo rolls his eyes this time. “Nope. We are not going there until tomorrow morning.”

SungYeol sighs.


8: 35pm

Now since the date is finished with there puddings already being served and eaten. 

The final stop for the night was going to be something special, MyungSoo had planned, to reconstruct the day of their wedding. Staying in the same hotel suit, decorated exactly the same way.

Then MyungSoo was going to request for something from SungYeol once again and he going to make sure that he is not going to reject the idea.


“Who was it?” SungYeol questioned, leaning against the wall, waiting for MyungSoo to finish with the call.

“I think we might need to home to pick up kids.”

“I will explain it in the car.” MyungSoo pulled SungYeol towards the opposite end of the hotel than his planned night.



As SungYeol and MyungSoo walked through the household of Kim family, they can see their 4 kids still up holding up around the room. All 4 of them, crying their eyes out, fighting against their urge to sleep. With 3 adults trying to calm them down and make them fall asleep yet failing miserably.

But before SungYeol and MyungSoo can say anything. The oldest of the 4 have spotted the pair as he ran right into SungYeol’s legs.

“Daddy.” Hugging SungYeol’s leg tightly, scared that his parents will leave him again. SungYeol can see the new stain perfectly married to his black pants.

“Hey buddy.” SungYeol ruffled SungEon’s hair. Followed by SungJong and InSoo, who clanged to SungYeol’s and MyungSoo’s legs respectively.

“Daddy.” SungJong cried rubbing his eyes as he takes the empty space left by his twins.

“Hello baby.” SungYeol countered, using his other hand to pet SungJong’s hair as he looked up to see InSoo in MyungSoo’s arm already starting to drool.

Before looking at 3 adults in front of them with SooYeol still crying in WooHyun’s arm.

“What happened? Why all of them like this?”

WooHyun rocks SooYeol in his arm for few second, before passing the youngest to SungYeol who quickly shushes up as soon as he is perfectly laid down in SungYeol’s arm. “Well after Omma decided to punish them for almost destroying her china and get them early to bed early. But your kids decided that they wanted to hug their daddy before going to bed.”

Then MyungSoo’s mother continues. “Then I told them that they wouldn’t be able to see you anymore they all burst into tears and they all refused to sleep at all after that” as she sighed and fell into one of the sofas.

SungYeol smiled, as he walked to take a seat in one of the sofa’s as he can feel SooYeol’s body weighing down on his chest. As SungJong and SungEon cuddled up in each side of SungYeol, refusing to let him go.

“No wonder this two are refusing to let me go now.” SungYeol laughed, as he changed SooYeol’s position in his arms to get comfortable. He can see MyungSoo rocking InSoo in his arm in the kitchen, singing her favorite bedtime song.

“But seriously, as much as I love them. I am not baby sitting them in night time.” MyungSoo’s father complained, taking a slip of his drink from the table.

“Yeah, says the man who didn’t even help at all.” SungYeol laughed, hearing MyungSoo’s mother.

“Anyway where is SungGyu hyung?”  SungYeol questioned, looking around for the missing person.

“Oh. He went to bed already since MiJoo has a fever and she is being really clinging about him right now.” WooHyun replied, his eyes looking really tired.

SungYeol nodded his head in understanding and glances at MyungSoo who just walked inside the living room with a very much sleeping InSoo in his arm. “ How is she doing?”

“She was crying for you for a bit but she is fine now. Completely sleeping.”

“Hmm… MyungSoo I think we should go now before SungEon and SungJong decides it’s fun to sleep now.”

“Yeah, they don’t look far from dozing off now.” MyungSoo agreed, looking at the two boys next to SungYeol.

“Why don’t you sleep over? It is already late and I don’t think it’s the best idea to travel with 4 kids in night time.” MyungSoo’s mom suggests.

Shaking his head, SungYeol retorts. “ I don’t think there is enough space all 6 of us.”

“Yeah I guess.”

“It’s not like it is far away anyway.” SungYeol smiles, as he stands up with the twins suddenly more alert than moments ago, both of their arms hugged tightly around SungYeol’s leg.



“Don’t worry boys, we are just going home now.” MyungSoo assures the boys. “Come on let’s go.”

“Boys tell goodnight to grandpa and grandma and ahjusshi WooHyun.” SungYeol cries.

“Goodnight.” Both twin chimed at the same time, letting out of yawn.

"Goodnight." the other 3 adults in the room replied back. 

“I see you later then SungYeol.” WooHyun smiles at him.

“Yeah. See ya. Goodnight and thanks for looking after them Omma.” SungYeol bows his head.

“I will call you later okay Mom.” MyungSoo quickly drops a kiss on his mother’s cheeks.


As soon as the door WooHyun questions the elderly couples. “But what happened to their hotel they booked at?”


After returning home and changing kids into more comfortable clothes and into their own beds, SungYeol draped his arm around MyungSoo’s waist.

Poking MyungSoo’s arm, SungYeol cries. “Soo…Soo.”


“You said you were going to say something before.”


“I don’t know that’s why I am asking.”

MyungSoo mumbled, “I don’t know, I forgot. Sleep SungYeol.”

“But you said.-“

“If I remember I will tell you first thing in the morning.”

“Fine.” SungYeol grumbled, as he turns his body to face the window away from MyungSoo. Leaving MyungSoo in his side.

Honestly, MyungSoo actually remembered clearly what he was going to ask for. But then again, considering today and the amount of lack of time he has with SungYeol since the day they had the twins he decided he is happy with what he gets.



please do tell me what you think about this. Thanks ^ ^ 


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 9: What happen here?!!!!
Chapter 9: Waaaa what happened T__T
I hope their family will be alright :''(
wintersugar #3
Chapter 9: It suddenly turned angsty. I can't wait to read the next chapter. I hope Yeol wakes up soon. His family's waiting for him.
ninanad98 #4
Man, this is so good! I really adore their relationship here! The way everyone depends on Sungyeol, and the cute little babies. Keep writing, authornim, you're doing great!
vietkid101 #5
Chapter 9: can we get a sequel to this?? this was just so angsty but adorable at the same time and i need to know how it ends!! omg your writing is the best, i love these little shots into their lives, its so cute and ughh the feels i swear.
khasabat #6
Chapter 9: Oh its so long time you update, authornim
See ya
Ugh Yeol, please make him up! The kids so adorable to keep distant from yeolie. and Myungsoo, he really need Yeol beside him!
Cant wait for next up
Fast update, please
khasabat #7
Chapter 9: Oh its so long time you update, authornim
See ya
Ugh Yeol, please make him up! The kids so adorable to keep distant from yeolie. and Myungsoo, he really need Yeol beside him!
Cant wait for next up
Fast update, please
Rosebill #8
Chapter 9: Omg an update finally! I hope Sungyeol wake up.
Chapter 9: omg after sungyeol got sick he was in coma now, it's so heartbreaking to read this ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ i hope he wil wake up soon
Chapter 8: Awwwwwww get well soon sungyeol ;-;
They're all so cute ❤️
The story is so cute ❤️u❤️
Thank you ^_^ ❤️