000: the end

the third wheel.

the end.

Things never seemed to work out for him. Just looking over all the things that happened to him in his life proved that to be true. Jungkook was never one to wear his heart on his sleeve or let anyone into his caged up heart. He put up a front that was too tight to pass through, but no one ever really tried to anyway.

No one wanted the task of mending the heart of a broken boy, who withdraw himself from the world around him. Unlike the other people he met who would come and go like the seasons, she was the only one who seemed to stay. He didn't enjoy the thought of having her around. She was too much to handle and had fire in her eyes that Jungkook had never seen before.

The girl shined brighter than the sun that loved her skin more than the others. She would hold her head high with such confidence that the looks that people gave around her didn't make her bat an eye. He was annoyed.

How could someone with no one smile as bright as she did? It made him feel incomplete, useless. Where was she when it all began? Where did this girl come from?

He didn't know where to begin. Everything about her was different than before. She smiled at him like she meant it. She smiled as if everything hadn't come tumbling down around them and it hurt him. He didn't think he'd ever understand exactly why it happened or why his thoughts still clung to it. Some memories were meant to be forgotten and yet he could still see it all so clearly.

She was the embodiment of everything that went wrong in his life and for the briefest of moments he almost wondered what it would have been like if they had never met. Would it have still been the same?


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makeupyourmind #1
i can't believe there isn't more people subscribed to this!!
i love love your writing style, it just flows so well and is easy to read. There's also this undertone of Jungkook's grimness throughout the chapter which i think you express very well.
looking forward to reading more of this story :)