One Drop


Vampire Chunji is hidden in a boygroup 'Teentop' living off with the blood his manager is secretly delivering him. One day, he comes across Niel who has the sweetest smelling blood he has ever smelled.


Today was the day when my manager couldn't deliever any more blood for me to drink. My head was dizzy and couldn't breathe proparly, and was shuffling around the house like a starving beast looking for food. Suddenly, the tip of my nose was reacting to the sweetest smell of blood I've ever smelled in my entire life, and I saw Niel coming out of his room to get a cup of tea. We made an eye an awkward eye contact, and he blushed. 

"Good morning Chunji! I was just getting a cu...Are you ok? Is there anything I can do for you? Do you want a cup of tea?" Niel made that cute worried face that made me look down on the floor to hide my smile. Yes, you can just give me a cup of your blood instead of tea thank you. No, this isn't right. We've been together for more than five years and this shouldn't be the end of our relationship.

"No..., no I'm fine thanks. Where's everyone else?" I said trying to make my awkward movements as casual as possible to hide my situation. 

"Oh, they went to the interview, remember? Our management said it's not that important for us to be there." There was an awkard silence followed which made my headache worse. Suddenly, I could feel my teeth growing sharper and I got a mental breakdown. I knocked Niel over and placed my lips on his neck as if I was about to bite it. 

"Wha...what are you doing?" Niel was opening his eyes widely like a puppy and I just couldn't stop but kissed him. He didn't know what was happening for a moment but he flowed with my movement of tongue. I fell down next to him after the kiss unconscious. I just couldn't take his life away for my own sake, because I loved him more than I thought.

"Chunji! Chunji! Oh my gosh what should I do?" the sound of Niel panicking was the last thing I heard.

To be continued...




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