Chapter Eleven

In The Other World (On Hiatus)

"We have the same power, you’re me and I’m you. For now I take your power so we can meet our Lady”

Hakyeon-hyung body went limp and Taekwoon-hyung moved fast to catch him just in time before hitting the ground. There’s a circle with symbols that suddenly appeared on the ground exactly under the feet of the person who smiled widely at them, yellowish glow radiated from the circle and a gush of wind blowing strongly. He shielded his face from the blow and got stunned when he saw pure white wings that spread wide from the figure that holding a golden staff with another person, no, a woman appeared in front of them.

“Long time no see…. Jimin.” Before he can answer the woman continued, “Well we shouldn’t waste the time, let’s begin this.” she stretched her right hand in the air, 

"I call upon the powers of the day and the night Sun and Darkness unleash your might. Release!"

a sun shaped long staff materialized in her grasp. A few seconds after, a flash of light shooting out of the staff towards the sky black void covered the sky and swallowed the sun making them surrounded by darkness. Suddenly Jihoon who stood by his side collapsed on the ground followed by Hyuk and Hyerin, he crouched down to look at his younger brother.

“Jihoon! Jihoon-ah….!” He called his brother name with urgency while softly patting the younger cheeks, he moved his trembling hands to the younger neck to feel his hearbeat. Eventually he found it sighing in relieves but still he tried to wake Jihoon. He glanced to the side where Hyuk and Hyerin also laying unconscious, he slowly make her way to his friends and checking on them. They still alive but like Jihoon they didn’t wake up no matter what he try. This, this is it that he feared, he knows something bad will happen and now it’s happening and he didn’t know, didn’t understand why all of this happened. He moved to Jihoon side again shaking the younger body.

“it’s no use, they will not wake up actually they will never wake up.” The woman spoke with an authority. He stood up after gently laying his brother on the ground with Hyuk and Hyerin also unconscious, barely noticing that Taekwoon-hyung still holding Hakyeon-hyung body with a glare and clenching jaw.

“What did you do to them?” he asked with a deep voice – fear, anger, confusion – swirling on his body.

“I just make them sleep forever.” The woman said with a calm voice and he didn’t believe his eyes and his ears for these all.

“Why?!” he harshly asked something tingling and warm feeling coursed through his body.

“It’s necessary.” He gritted his teeth hearing that and opened his mouth to retort but she beat him, “If you wanted to wake them, you must do something about these.” She gestured to their surrounding.

He looked around, the blue sky now pitch black the sun is gone everything just black and void. He saw all his friends unconscious, Taekwoon-hyung was the one barely opened his eyes. He should’ve known the bad feeling he got when he first got here, should’ve do something about it maybe tell his Hakyeon-hyung who’s lying unconscious on Taekwoon arms. Why all of this happened?




Jihoon was dragging him towards the beach while Hyuk already running ahead with Jaehwan-hyung on tow. He heard Rin and Hyerin laugh on his back but he was too focused on trying not to trip and face palm on the sand.

“Jihoonie slow down a bit” he warned the younger boy.

“Come on, Jimin-hyung! I wanna swim!” Jihoon answered back while smiling at him but slowed down his pace.

He chuckled, squeezed their linked arm and walked a bit faster. They arrived near the water Jihoon immediately released his hands and dove on the water, the water splashed on his torso. Jihoon laughed seeing his surprised face but he glared at the younger with actually no anger in them. He was suddenly pulled by Hyuk under the water, the two of them laughed hard making him splashed them water when recovered by the sudden pull. Not long Rin, Hyerin and Ryou joined them. They played for about an hour on the water and deemed it’s enough when people started to gather. They walked to where Taekwoon and Hakyeon had blankets and big umbrella to prevent the heat of the sun. There already some snacks and soft drinks, they gathered around the food and enjoyed the food. Jihoon and Hyuk asked him to come with them build a sand castle or something like that, he refused saying he’s a bit tired and he really felt a bit tired.Unexpectedly Taekwoon and Ryou joined them, and that received a raised eyebrow from Jaehwan and Hyerin.

“Taekwoon’s competitive, he don’t like to lose.” Hakyeon said when Jaehwan looked at him.

“Ryou also don’t like to lose” Rin continued when Hyerin looked at her.

“That’s unexpected…” Jaehwan said, “For the both of them” Hyerin finished, they looked at each other with a dumbfounded look.

He laughed at seeing their face, one of his hand covering his mouth and somehow the four others also laughing with him. His cheeks hurt when they stopped laughing and he plopped his head down on Hakyeon lap.

“Are you tired Jimin?” Hakyeon said while patting his head.

“Hmh…” he moved his head to look at the older, “A bit.” He answered.

“You can take a nap, I’ll wake you up when the others are back.” Hakyeon said starting to thread his hand through his hair.

He moved his head to feel comfortable that ended with him facing the beautiful blue sea and sky with white clouds. The sun making the water looks sparkling, the blue sky and the clouds that adoring it looks so beautiful, he stared at the view with nothing in his mind just enjoying the beautiful scene. The sounds of the wave that periodically hitting the shore, the faraway sounds of laughing children, people talking. All of it made him somehow overwhelm with a calm, nostalgic and happy feeling. Furthermore with the feeling of Hakyeon’s hand that playing with his hair, brushing his head so gently, it lulling him to sleep. He closed his eyes, slowly his conscious gone and his mind is at peace. He opened his eyes to the view of the orange hue that reflected on the sea, the sky had a yellowish hue with the sun that nearing the horizon. He didn’t feel like he falls asleep, his mind isn’t sluggish instead it felt like it’s rushing with so many thoughts. He heard someone calls his name so desperately, so slow and full of feelings he distinguish as love. He was sleeping but it’s like his body is but not his mind. He felt like drifting on the air that void of anything, his eyes still closed but then he heard it, someone calling his name. He tried to open his eyes but that’s not working, he tried moving his body turning around relying on his hearing. When the voice sound so desperate he opened his mouth to ask, but nothing come out.

He wanted to ask ‘Where are you?’ wanted to say ‘I’m here’ wanted to reassure that person wanted to make the person not using that sad tone. He kept trying, moving around following that sound but it’s endless he didn’t even felt closer to where the voice is. That’s all he do until he opened his eyes and back to his conscious. He moved his body until he was facing upwards seeing Hakyeon-hyung face. The older smiled at him gently, he only blinked twice and moved to buries his face on the other stomach. His hands coming to hug the other waist and legs drawing upwards making his body curling on the other.

“What’s the matter, Jimin-ah?” Hakyeon asked while moving his hands on his head to his shoulder.

“Do you have a bad dream?” He stayed silent for a while thinking about it, it wasn’t a bad dream just it has an unpleasing feels when he wake up. He shook his head to answer and he’s glad the older didn’t ask further, they stayed silent just the sound of the wave and Hyerin, Rin and Jaehwan talking near them.

Not long after he heard footsteps approaching their place and Jihoon voice that talking with a cheerful tone. He released his hold on the older waist and sat up seeing the others coming back. When Jihoon’s near enough he gestured for the younger to sit with him.

“Did you have fun, Jihoon?” he asked with a smile, the unsettling feels before he stored on the back focusing on his brother.

“Yeah!” Jihoon answered eagerly, “Taekwoon-hyung and I make a team and we build a gigantic castle.” The younger said while moving his hands in the air.

“Really? That’s great, I wonder how great it is…” he said the last word slowly while tapping his chin.

“It’s really great!” Jihoon beamed and took his phone from his pocket, “I took a picture of it, here!”

He accepted the phone that the younger give him with an excited looks, the picture showed that indeed it is a huge sand castle. From his peripheral vision Jihoon is looking at him with expectant eyes and he smiled internally when he showed a thoughtful face outside. He moved the phone at different angle pursuing his lips and knitted his eyebrow, he did it for a while and that made Jihoon excited face turned down.

“Hyung!” Jihoon whined and pouted at him when he was laughing.

He stopped laughing when Taekwoon-hyung waved his hand to him, gesturing that they should head back because it’s getting dark. They walked back to the house while the sky getting darker, everyone walked back to their room when they arrived. He let Jihoon use the bathroom first and just sitting on the bed looking at his phone. He was searching for a good movie so they can watch them after dinner. The younger got out of the bathroom with his hair still damp with a really cute pajama that has many animals’ patterns. He scolded Jihoon for not drying his hair and grabbed the towel from his bag, sitting on the bed with Jihoon. It was silent when they both just sitting and enjoying each other presence, Jihoon leaned his head back when he reached for the younger front head. When he finished he showed Jihoon his phone that already had a list for movie they will watch later, asking the younger to choose between it. He moved to the bathroom with his pajama – a big t-shirt and loose shorts. He got in the tub with a sigh and sink until his chin touched the warm water. He leaned back and let his mind wandering with the thought of the day that he spend, playing with his friend, having fun all of it made him smile. And just like that he remembered the dream he had when taking a nap earlier. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling, everything is vague and he didn’t understand at all. Maybe he should tell either Hakyeon or Taekwoon or maybe both of them, but he didn’t want to ruin their fun time. This should be their relaxing time, to have a peace from the busy schedule the older had. So he just kept this to himself hoping that this can be taken care later. He got up and dried himself wore his clothes, he walked back to the bedroom. Jihoon was nowhere in the room so he figured that the younger already went to the dining room.

True to his prediction Jihoon was seated on one of the chair with almost all of them. Jaehwan seated beside Jihoon huddled close and looking at his phone probably choosing the movie. Taekwoon looked relaxed just sitting and gazing at the direction of kitchen while Ryou seated beside the older with phone in hand. He faintly heard Rin and Hakyeon talking from the kitchen, Hyuk and Hyerin were the one who's not here. He walked to the kitchen wanted to help a bit, the room is filled with tasty smell from the food.

"What's for our dinner?" He asked making the two looked back, "I want to help" he smiled at them.

"Oh, Jimin-ah. We're making kimchi fried rice and mushed potatoes." Hakyeon smiled while stepping back to let him see.

"Also Kare that I made specifically" Rin grinned.

"Oh, that's looks tasty!" He said after seeing the Kare.

"Yup, it's my mom receipt." Rin answered.

"Help me peels the potatoes, Jimin-ah" Hakyeon said while showing where to do it.


While doing each one of their task they talked about the day, anything that comes with the conversation. He feels somewhat light, happy but something's missing and he couldn't figure it out what is. When they stared their dinner, with happy atmosphere even when they were huddled together in front of the TV watching the movie they choose, he still feels them. The uncertainty and that didn't settled through all of it, and when he go to bed after the movie he still thinking about it.

Jihoon is asleep beside him, but his mind can't calm down. He just laying there mind racing with so many thoughts and after a while he felt his eyes burn with how he just staring at the same spot for a long time. He closed his eyes to soothe them, unexpectedly he falls onto the slumber that he wanted.


- A boy with brown hair sitting on the bench looking out to the court where another boy playing basketball. The boy gaze is fond, a small smile graced his face, small but so sincere.-

- With the dim light and the sky that painted orange two man stood close facing each other. One of them with brown hair looking with wide eyes at the other, they stayed silent for a while. Their gaze didn't wa ver and slowly the brown haired man leaned forward, closing the distance between them. "I Love you too" the words that muttered by the brown haired man is carried by the winds that blow slowly. The two of them with closed eyes and relaxed pose, kissing sweetly.-

- Boxes filled the room, the windows is open on other room. A man with brown hair emerged from that room with a slightly damp hair and clothes. The front door opened and another man with black hair carrying a box walking in. The black haired man grunted when putting the box on the floor, the other man laughed and walked to him giving a kiss on the lips and cheeks.-

- The table full of food and a brown haired man standing with a smile looking at it. The sounds of footsteps and a dark haired male come walking to the room. "I'm home" with a loving smile, "Welcome home" with a loving kiss.-


He wake up from Jihoon shaking his shoulder lightly, the younger smiled. "Good morning hyung."

"Morning, Jihoonie" he answered with a smile.

"I'll be in the kitchen hyung." The younger said and walked out of the room after he nodded.

He slowly sat up and looking at the window showing that he wake a bit later than usual. He feels like he didn't sleep no his mind didn't sleep that exactly he felt. He didn't remember what did he dreamed about, but somehow it feels important. He moved his hand so it placed above his heart, somehow he feels nostalgic and his heart ached for something. He sighed willing his body to stand up, he walked to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth then proceeded to the dining room. Jihoon emerged from the kitchen with a plate of omelette rice followed by Jaehwan also holding two plates. Jihoon put the plates in front of him with a wide smile and sat beside him while Jaehwan gave one of the plates for Hyerin. The omelette taste great with sausage and cheese, he enjoyed the food and their little conversation, it made him forget his problem just for a while.

Everyone agreed that they will go to the beach again after enjoying their free time, Jihoon and him wanted to buy souvenir so they went shopping to the near store. Coming back with their souvenirs Jihoon and him going straight to their room settled their stuff neatly on their bags and then going out when Jaehwan shouted excitedly saying they should head out now. 

"Okay so I just remember that there's a place that we can play beach volleyball." Rin said after all of them gathered.

"Volleyball! That's great idea!" Jaehwan said beaming at the girl.

"We have the ball here." Ryou extended his hands that holding the ball.

"We have the perfect number of person, one should be the referee." Hyuk grinned.

"Alright, then it settled that we will play volleyball and one team has four member." Hakyeon said while gesturing them to get closer, "we divided the team here" 

The team divided by him, Hakyeon, Rin and Taekwoon. The other team were Jihoon, Ryou, Hyerin and Jaehwan while Hyuk volunteered to be the referee. They arrived at the place just when a bunch of grown up man finished playing. His team settled on the right side, Hakyeon with hands on his hips grinned at them.

"Alright, let's talk about our strategy. Anyone have some idea?" He asked looking at us.

"Uh..." Rin said with a sheepish smile, "I just want to tell you something, Ryou and I usually play this so we never separated before but I know his weakness." She said while glancing at the said boy.

"That's great, but Ryou knows your weakness I suppose..." Rin nodded to his word "also Jihoon isn't bad either" he glanced at Jihoon who talked to Hyerin. 

"Jaehwan is average." Taekwoon added with a straight face.

"Okay then, let's decide our position." Hakyeon started to arrange our position that will do the best for us.

After the both team settled with each other posisition they started the game with Hyuk whistle. The other team had their points for the third times, but Hakyeon just smirked when he glanced back. He smiled slightly, the older already planned this all. They countered back after the other team had points for five times. Taekwoon that have more strength got a task to be an attacker with him, Rin and Hakyeon at the back defensing.

They winning the first round with a smash fron Taekwoon hyung. The older smiled that looked like a smirk at the other team, he and Rin high five while Hakyeon patted their back. He heard Jihoon whine and Jaehwan comforting words, he glanced at the two and make a peace sign when Jaehwan looked back at him. They continued the game with how competitive Ryou is the other team win the second round but with their strategy that perfectly planned they win the third round. They deemed that it was enough and stepped out of the place when they saw other people wanted to play too. With how they played they're sweating and it's summer so they decided to go buy something to drink, Rin suggested the place that sell shaved ice cream. The loser team having their punishment that is paying the ice cream, it was abruptly decided in the way to the ice cream place. The place was near the beach and didn't have many people, and that fact making him relieved because he felt sorry for whoever got disturbed by their loud bickering or laughter. He didn't feel ashamed of his friends just sometimes they were just loud, but he loves them all.

He was finishing his ice cream while looking around, his gaze moved from the glimmering sea water to the side where nobody seemed to approach. There's some big rocks that covering the path, and somehow he wanted to see where's that path headed to. Maybe he got to see more beautiful scenery there. When the other already finished their ice cream he opened his mouth to say that he wanted to explore to the place that he just saw but someone already spoken that.

"Hey, why don't we go to walk around? It's still early and I didn't get to explore that side the last time I'm here." Rin said while pointing at the path.

"I think it's okay..." Hakyeon said while looking at us.

"We should! exploring is fun!" Jihoon said excited with the idea making him smile.

"Then it's settled. Let's go!" Hyerin shouted and walked ahead with excited Jihoon beside her.

He laughed and walked beside Hyuk who's smiling at his girlfriend, he nudged Hyuk's side and giggling when he saw the confused face of the other. Hyuk just grunted back but still have that smile indicate that he's not really bothered. The walk is refreshing with the sound of the waves and their chattering, he looked around the blue sky and the white sand. It's relaxing for a while, but slowly he started to feel something, something's wrong. He glanced at each one of his friend and lastly his brother, their relaxed and smiling face making him calm a little. The feeling just increased the longer he ignored it and his sense started to increase, something's bad and it had a strong presence that making his body tingling with how strong it's. He furrowed his brow, trying to concentrate to try find where's this presence coming from. Just when he started to feel it following and near to find out the sound of Taekwoon voice bring him back to his surrounding.

The older was standing at his right side looking ahead to Rin and Hakyeon who were also standing still close to each other, he saw the other also stopped on their track behind him. Rin is holding Hakyeon elbow, the girl turned around with Hakyeon that have confusion clearly showing as his gaze directed at Taekwoon. Rin is tilting her face down making her bangs covered her eyes, he stared at her then back at Taekwoon that have tension in his face his jaw tightening and his eyebrow furrowed.

"Taekwoon what-" Hakyeon started to said but cut off by the latter.

"What are you doing?" Taekwoon tone is serious and it was directed not for Hakyeon but for Rin who's still looking down.

it was silent for a while nobody dared to say anything with the tension hanging in the air, suddenly the strong presence that he felt before is back and it was near that he stiffened.

"I'm just doing what I should do." She said breaking the silence while looking up.

He looked at her with wide eyes, he didn't believe it he couldn't. The strong presence he felt was coming from Rin, the girl now with piercing gaze that he never seen. How...Why...This could be happening his mind is reeling with the view he saw and the feeling he felt, his body still stiff knowing there's a strong person here. He took a step forward trying to do something anything that can make this isn't dream. Hakyeon panicked and stressed tone make him look at the older man.

"What's happening? Rin?" Hakyeon said while trying to make a space between them but Rin hold him still.

"Don't worry Hakyeon, nothing is wrong everything is perfect like we planned." Rin smiled, it's different from her usual smile. It was wide but have no brightness in it. "I must say that all going to well, the moon didn't even confront us. Now we just have to take you." She said with a really different tone with the usual Rin and glanced at Taekwoon.

"Wh-What are you saying?" Hakyeon asked, the older eyes were swimming with confusion and worry and he didn't want to see it he wanted to erase it from the older that he take a step towards them.

"We have the same power, you’re me and I’m you. For now I take your power so we can meet our Lady”






"What am I supposed to do with it?" he said after looking around the black pitched sky. He didn't know, he didn't understand. He looked back at her with narrowed eyes, "Aren't you supposed to be helping me? and...and where's Yoongi?" he asked when he noticed that Yoongi isn't there with the woman, the woman that appeared in his dream before.

"You will know the answer when you can defeat me, break the spell that I cast." She said in monotone voice.

He gritted his teeth in frustration, he was still didn't know what he should do.

"Jimin..." He whipped his head and saw that Taekwoon crouched down with Hakyeon in his arms, he immediately went to the older side.

"Taekwoon-hyung! Are you okay?" he asked and it was a stupid question, the older definitely not okay with how he seemed to force himself to be awake.

"Jimin you must defeat her with your power..." the older said while gently laying Hakyeon down. The older reached for his hands and he hold it firm. "I know you can, you're strong just release them all. I will help you."

White lights started to form around them, he stared at Taekwoon wide-eyed and the older just smiled. A staff started to form in front of them a silvery long staff with Star, Moon and Sun that have a pair of wings attached on the circle. Taekwoon guided his hands until he grasped the staff, the glowing lights slowly gone.

"Just feel it and it will help you." Taekwoon said and the older grip loosen then closed his eyes.

"Taekwoon-hyung!" he shouted while steadying the older. He adjusted that the older laying beside Hakyeon then stand up and facing the woman who stayed still with Rin and Ryou on her side.

The staff in his grasp didn't feel heavy, it feels right. He looked back at the woman with determined eyes, he hold the staff with both hands and closed his eyes. He focused his mind recalling how he released his power, slowly his mind focusing on the warm feeling. Gust of wind started whirling around him, his sense increasing rapidly he can felt the ground, the wind the air all of it. He felt one by one the presence that he always felt with the power, their voice calling for him, they were there for him with him. He opened his eyes slowly and saw cards floating around him, cards with symbols and drawing of many creatures he never seen before. Their voice calling him with that gentleness and he smiled at all of them, his body warm and light.

'Help me...' he said in his mind

'With pleasure, Master' they answered.

They gathered together floating near him, he stretch his hands with his palm upward and they slowly settled at his palm while one cards that have "THE LIGHT" at the very bottom of the card still floating in front of him.



He grasped the cards gently, it feels warm in his hands and glowing bright at the darkness that enveloped them. He tilted his head like he bowed to the card and muttered 'thank you'. He looked up and throw the cards upward the cards floated and he pointed his staff right at the cards, and then he cast the spell the words flowed easily from his mouth.

" I call upon the power of my star sun and moon, ancient forces near and far. LIGHT card transform all your might, and draw your power from my light!"

The card glowed brightly, and he voiced the last spell "Release!"

despite that there's nothing happened the glow dimmed and the card still floating in front of him. He stared at it with wide eyes, panic started to fill up from his body. "Why?" he mumbled. The woman chuckled making him looked up at her, 

"If you're not going to start, I will start it first." he said with a smile, "Dark Sun and Moon, follow my command!"

Rin and Ryou who now with a different persona nodded their head and moved no fly towards him. He just stared at them shocked but the cards that he put in his pocket started to flow out and glowed.

'Let us help, Master' They said and suddenly their some kind of sphere covering his surrounding and deflect the attacks from Rin and Ryou. When Ryou was nearing the sphere a sword suddenly formed in front of the other while a gust of wind combined with fire shot towards Rin from his right side. All of it formed by the cards.

"What are you going to do, Jimin? Your brother and friends will remain asleep forever." she said with taunting voice.

He closed his eyes, he feels scared and helpless despite how he heard the cards comforting and defending him with all their power. What should he do, the Light card that is the key to this problem didn't respond to him. He need to save his brother and his friends, he need to think someway to make the cards released. He wanted to know what the hell is really happening, where Yoongi is...Yoongi. He needed Yoongi wanted to hear him, see him.

'Yoongi' He called in his mind with a desperate and panicked tone.




He opened his eyes surprised it was Yoongi's voice but it sounds strained and exhausted. He hurriedly called the other again.


'Jimin.... I'm here....' Yoongi's voice is rough but he can feel the smile and fondness in there. That making his eyes burn with the tears and he began to sob.

'Yoongi...I need to see you...' he said while suppressed his sob.

'Remember that I always there for you....Everything's going to be alright' Yoongi said with a cough in the end.

'Everything's going to be alright' he repeated and closed his eyes, Yoongi's presence started to disappear.


"Everything's going to be alright" he said aloud and looked up opening his eyes seeing that the light cards was not floating upwards but directly in front of him. He take the cards and noticed that it was not just one cards but two. The other one was behind the Light cards, it was a different cards but have similar figure with the light card - THE DARK.



Light and Dark. It was like two side of the same coin, contrary to each other but need each other to be exist. That was it, he just need to release both of the cards. With determined mind he throw the cards upwards and it floated, he pointed his staff at them.

" I call upon the power of my star sun and moon, ancient forces near and far. LIGHT card, DARK card transform all your might, and draw your power from my light! Release!"

Both of the cards glowing and the figure on the cards forming in front of him, Light is elegant and richly dressed with lengthy, curled, pale hair. She wears a spiked crown with a stylish dress and a sun printed on her chest. Dark is regally dressed with long straight dark hair, She wears a spiked crown and has five gems spread across her chest. They were smiling at him and Light slowly moved closer to him.

'We will grant your wish, Master.' She said her voice is gentle and she was back to Dark side. The two of them hold hands and a combination of black and white shooting onto the sky. The void black sky started to flake where the combined light are, and the orange sky started to appear slowly. 

He was so mesmerized by how beautiful the sky is and the sunset that he didn't notice that the cards already come back to his pocket all of them. Also Rin and Ryou who already stand beside the woman.

"I'm glad you succeeded to break my spell, Jimin." the woman said and he was just in time looking at her genuine smile that he already saw before in his dreams.

He stared at her confusedly because she was so charismatic and a bit scary before but now she was like a different person.






Now all of you know my excuse already, and I finally have my break. I enjoyed it for a weeks and here I write this. I feel sorry for who was waiting for this, but what can I do? this is the best effort I do. I can't say I will update frequently but I will try my best.

The story was nearing it point and then I will releasing a bonus chapter to make everything clearer for you who was confused. Just tell me your opinion or anything you wanna ask about the chapters before at the comment box yea?

That's all. Good luck reading this. Tell me if you found some mistake I will fix it as soon as possible!

Yazaki <3

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ceisyaxo #1
Chapter 15: I hope Everything will be okay for both of them..
What is their purpose?!?! Throwing Yoonmin into other dimensions....I really curious~~~
I know something is about to happen
Thanks for the update♥♥♥♥
Chapter 3: This fanfic remind me of the manga Amnesia
hyleess #3
Chapter 6: fighting and all the best authornim ♡
hyleess #4
Chapter 5: finally jimin's side story and that nightmare is so scary for him :( hope they'll meet up soon. Fightingg
hyleess #5
Chapter 4: noooooooooooooo what happened to jimin :( is he sick? nooooooooo i craved the next chapter alr omfg but i can wait for you ;-; fighting *YOONMIN LITERALLY JUST MADE MY DAY* thank you <3