False Alarm

False Alarm

The sound of someone rummaging around in your fridge woke you up. You were confused at first but then noticed that the other side of the bed was empty. Sighing to yourself, you got up and groggily walked into the kitchen, along the way muttering about how your husband eats at the weirdest times and that a 25 year old man shouldn’t still be eating like a 17 year old boy going through a growth spurt. 

You turned the corner to fuss at your child of a husband when you noticed…his stomach….was huge….he was…pregnant?! “HYUK! What the bloody hell?!” Said husband stuck his head out of the fridge to smile at you. He was holding the ingredients to what looked like cookies. “Oh good you’re up, want to make peanut butter cookies with me? I was craving them so much that I had to get up and get some, but I don’t think anyplace near us is open at this time of night. Plus,I didn’t really want to have to put pants on, so I figured I could make them instead!”  You were really starting to get freaked out.

“Hyuk how the hell did you get pregnant!?” Hyuk just stared at you for a while before starting to giggle, “Well I think you remember how that happened sweetheart, but if you really want me to go over it with you, I would be more than happy to. It all started about 8 months ago when--”  You cut him off, yelling at him again, “HYUK, I am the one who’s pregnant in this relationship!”

Now he looked a bit worried and confused at you. Hyuk pointed at your stomach, “Um, no?” You looked down to see that no, you weren’t pregnant, you were back to your normal size again, and that freaked you out as well. “Honey, maybe you need to sit down for a minute or something. You know women can’t get pregnant or give birth….are you feeling alright? Maybe we should go see a doctor in the morning.”

“HYUK!!” This time when you yelled out you actually yelled. You sat bolt upright in the bed, panting and reaching for your stomach to make sure your baby was still there while you grabbed your phone with the other. It was four in the morning. That was one rollercoaster of a nightmare.

“WHAT! What’s wrong? Is it time? Are you ready? I’m ready!”  Hyuk jumped out of the bed and started running around the room trying to get dressed. You watched Hyuk run around while grabbing his phone, texting as he went.

“I packed the bags in the car a few nights ago just in case,” He ran over to you and grabbed your hands and tried to pull you off of the bed. He started to dress you in your purple maternity sweats, the ones you had picked out for when you were going to deliver your baby. “What in the world are you doing Hyuk?” You walked over to the light switch and flipped it on. After blinking a few times for your eyes to adjust to the light you looked at your husband. He was dressed in one of your purple shirts that had little flowers on it and was wearing his blue gym shorts with sandals on. His hair was sticking up in all directions and he had dried drool on the side of his face. He looked like a bad airport fashion picture, and then some. You started laughing at him. “Oh my goodness, love you look hilarious!”

“Ok yeah not my best outfit but we need to get you to the hospital, like now! Do you want to put a bra on or should we just go, cause I don’t really care and I’m not sure you do either.” Hyuk sounded frantic at this point. Then everything clicked into place and you finally understood what was going on. “I’m not ready, I’m not giving birth right now, calm down, it’s ok. But yes for future reference, I would like to wear a bra if the media is going to be taking a million pictures of me. Of course, I’m not sure how much attention people will pay me if you walk out of the house dressed like that.” Hyuk’s shoulders slumped forward as he took in a few calming breaths, “Oh, oh thank goodness because I was so not ready for you to give birth right now.”

Your doorbell started ringing repeatedly and with a sheepish look Hyuk walked to the door with you following closely behind him. Who in the WORLD would be coming over at this time of night and why is Hyuk even bothering to answer the door?

He opened the door to a pair of frazzled neighbors who lived just down the street. Taekwoon and Hakyeon ran into your house, dressed strangely as well.  “Why are you still here!” Hakyeon took your hand and ushered you out of the door. “Babe, get Hyuk and let’s get going, he looks like he has no clue what to do.”  Taekwoon grabbed Hyuk by the shoulders and successfully pushed him out of the house as well, locking it on his way out.

“Wait, wait, WAIT!” you tried to yell as quietly as possible as to not to wake the rest of your neighbors. Hakyeon glanced down at your face while he lead you to the van, “Look I know you are nervous but you can do this, we will be there for you every step of the  way.” Hakyeon had a firm expression on his face, “Wonshik, Hongbin and Ken have already been mobilized. Wonshik and Hongbin are going to pick up Ken, and then they will meet us at the hospital.” Both you and Hyuk had already been forced into your van at this point. You repeatedly  tried to convince Taekwoon to stop the car which was already well on its way to the hospital. You and Hakyeon were in the back while Leo and Hyuk were in the front.

“Hakyeon I am not ready to-”  Hakyeon covered your mouth with his hand, “LOOK! Who was ever ready to give birth to a child?!” You could tell that this was going to be one of his long rants. You tried to get a few words in, but he was stronger and louder than you were. When you were nearing the hospital he started talking to Leo about the game plan and how Hongbin had texted him already. “Why is Hongbin up this early?” Hyuk asked Leo for you, since your mouth was still covered. Hyuk knew all about the plan, but he also knew you were going crazy in the back while trying to make sense of all that was going on.  

Leo looked up from the road to the rearview mirror, seeing your wide eyes staring back at him he dediced to humor you well. “They went to pick up Ken at his house as soon as we got the kakao group message. Their job is to be at the hospital before us and to make sure they have everything, even though I packed a bag for you as well. Ken is treating this as a practice run for when his wife gives birth. So far operation ‘Help Baby Han’ is a success.”

You were amazed that they had all of this planned out already. You were the first  VIXX wife to give birth (Ken’s wife wasn’t due for another 5 months), and the members seemed to have worked out a plan of attack for their first VIXX baby. It was all so very touching, but there was only one problem with their plan,  you were definitely not in labor yet.  

The van had finally pulled up to the hospital emergency entrance and Wonshik and Hongbin were waiting for you at the curb with a wheel chair. You needed to tell them that it wasn’t time yet but didn’t know how to with the hand over your mouth. Then you remembered what your sister used to do to you when you were younger. You Hakyeon’s hand, making him screech loudly and yank his hand back. You could see Hyuk trying not to laugh at his hyung’s screeching, Leo however, couldn’t hold it in. “Hakyeon I am physically not ready to give birth yet!” The van door slid open and Ravi helped you out of your seat.

 It was official, all of VIXX looked like there were recreating bad airport fashion pictures and you hoped that there was a reporter around to take pictures because you wanted to remember this moment for the rest of your life. Leo drove off to park the van as they all tried to help you into the wheelchair at once.

“Look everyone thanks for all of your support but I’m not ready to give birth yet.” Hongbin gave you an unimpressed look as he helped you into the wheelchair. “Don’t be in denial, it’s ok to be scared. But we will help you in any way possible. Look, Wonshik and I packed a little travel kit for you too, just in case Hyuk forgot something, like your toothbrush. Remember how he forgot to pack his underwear for your honeymoon?” Hyuk turned a bright shade of red and glared at you, “That was intentional and also CONFIDENTIAL information!”

“Yeah and it was still funny when you sent me out to buy you some on the second night because you-” Hyuk interrupted you by waving his arms around and yelling,  “Don’t we need to get her into the hospital now?! She’s having a baby!” Hyuk was frantically trying to save his dignity now and successfully put all of the spotlight back on you. “We will talk about this later Sanghyuk!” you yelled behind you as Hongbin pushed you into the hospital.

“My wife is giving birth and we need help!” Ken told the woman at the front desk. “Ken, I am not your wife!” The woman at the desk looked confused but called for a nurse. “I know, but I’m practicing for when my wife is ready.”

 “Oh please, give her to me,” Hakyeon took control of your wheelchair and started off in a seemingly random direction. Wonshik caught up with Hakyeon while the other three lagged behind and said, “ Hakyeon where are you taking us?” Hakyeon in turn, rolled his eyes and replied with “The maternity ward, where else would I take a woman who’s about to give birth.” Everyone else fell silent for a while, surprised that he knew where he was going.

“Hyung, how do you know where the maternity ward is?” Hongbin was the first one to ask the question that everyone else had been thinking. “Taekwoon and I took the tour. Didn’t anyone else take the tour?” Hakyeon sighed in exasperating. “ Hyuk don’t you remember those papers I gave you a month ago to fill out and hand back to me? I got those from the tour too.” Hakyeon looked down at you as you stared back up at him, amazed at just how much more prepared he was for your baby then you and Hyuk were. “Those papers were the necessary paperwork that you would need to fill out. I handed them in a few weeks ago so you are already in the system.” There was no doubt about it, you would have to make Hakyeon a godparent or something because he was treating your being pregnant like he would his own wife, well, husband.

You arrived in the maternity ward and was at once whisked away, but this time by a nurse, smiling at you and talking to you calmly. Hyuk went running after you with the bags that Leo had handed him. Leo had caught up to everyone while lugging around your packed bag, Hakyeon’s packed bag, and the small travel kit that Hongbin and Wonshik (mostly Hongbin) had put together for you.

Once in the examination room, the nurse was about to start her spiel when you interrupted her. “I’m sorry to have wasted your time like this, but you see, my husband thought I was in labor so he and his friends escorted me here when, in actuality, I am not in labor, I just had a nightmare. You can go ahead and examine me if you want, but there isn’t any….. discharge,  nor have I had any contractions and my water has not broken.” The nurse nodded her head and smiled, “Many first time fathers rush their partners or wives to the hospital when the women themselves know they aren’t ready yet, this happens at least three times a week. If it’s alright though, I would still like to give you an examination, just as a precaution?” You nodded in agreement.

Out in the waiting room the boys were an anxious ball of energy. Ken was Googeling something about premature birth formula (because you weren’t due for 5 more weeks), Hakyeon was on the verge of tears while Taekwoon tried to console him and Wonshik and Hongbin were debating over whether you had gotten Hyuk Hulk underwear or dinosaur underwear on your honeymoon. “Oh I hope it goes fast. Ken how long are women normally in labor for?”, Hakyeon asked. He had finally sat down but couldn’t seem to calm down. “Well, it’s different for each woman. When my wife was born, her mom said it took 12 hours! But I’m pretty sure that when my brother was born it only took a few hours, maybe 4.”

After 40 more minutes of waiting Leo went off to find a coffee machine and took Wonshik with him to get him to stop arguing with Hongbin. Hakyeon was now the one on Google while Ken and Hongbin had started to guess at the gender and come up with names for the baby. Taekwoon came back with coffee and Wonshik had his arms full of snacks. Hakyeon reached out for his coffee, only to realize that Taekwoon hadn’t gotten him one. “Hey Taekwoon, where’s my coffee?”  Taekwoon had only now just realized that while Wonshik had gotten stacks for everyone, he had only gotten coffee for himself. Shrugging, he offered Hakyeon his coffee. They all sat there for a few minutes, munching on their snacks before Hongbin yelled, “HA! It was Hulk! This is the picture that ____ sent to me when she was in the store!  I told you it wasn’t dinosaurs!” Hongbin was proudly holding up his phone in the air when he was tackled by Hyuk. “DELET THAT PICTURE!”

“Where is the baby??? Where is my little angel? Why are you still pregnant?” Hakyeon was up in an instant and next to you within seconds. Smiling at you, the nurse left your side to go hand in some papers to the woman at the front desk of the maternity section. “I told you I wasn’t ready yet. The nurse said everything looks good and that the baby should be read in about 5 weeks.” Hongbin was still on the floor with Hyuk on top, laughing at Hakyeon’s face, while Taekwoon was rubbing his back in what looked like a soothing fashion. Wonshik, once again, was the first to speak, “But Hyuk texted us saying that you were ready. Why did he say that if you weren’t ready? Why does he look like that if you weren’t ready? Why do we ALL look like this if you weren’t ready?” You laughed at their confused faces. This may be the only time in your life that you will get to see Hakyeon wear Taekwoon’s spandex gym shorts, and Hongbin wearing his shirt inside out and backwards, not to mention that Wonshik seemed to not have noticed until later on that he was wearing two different sandals and that he still had his hair pushed back with a pink sparkly clip that you had given him as a joke one year for Valentine’s day. “I’m sorry, but I need a picture of all of us together right now, it needs to go in the baby book, and maybe on the fan café.”

Poor Hakyeon still seemed shocked. Your nurse walked by and you asked her if she could take a group photo to commemorate the event. She agreed and took Hongbin’s offered phone. “One, two, three, say cheese.” She took a few shots of you all posing while making funny faces. She slowly reviewed them and then handed the phone back to Hongbin. He thanked her while Hyuk walked over to the counter to pay for the visit. “Whoa she gave me her number! These dimples still work.” Hongbin smiled while he showed you his phone. “Give me that!” Wonshik took the phone from him and deleted the number. Hongbin took back his phone. “You’re so grumpy at 6 in the morning. I’m in a relationship already and you know that, you fruit loop.”

You walked over to a sad Hakyeon and gave him a hug. “Thanks for taking care of the baby and I so thoroughly, you will be the first one to know when I go into labor and I promise you will be the first person who will be allowed to come over after the baby is born ok?” Hakyeon gave a sigh of defeat as he agreed. Hyuk walked over to your small group and then you all headed out the door, following Taekwoon since he was the only one who knew where the parked car was. Hyuk stretched his arms above his head and then wrapped them around you. You awkwardly tried to waddle to the car with him wrapped around you,  “So, since everyone is awake already, does anyone know of a bakery that’s open this early? I want some peanut butter cookies,” he said. You reached up and slapped him in the side of the head.

“So if you weren’t in labor, why did Hyuk think you were?” Ken asked. “Oh well you see, I had a late night snack and then had a really weird dream, you know how sometimes pregnant women get really weird dreams?” Ken nodded, his wife had had some pretty strange ones when she was in her first trimester of pregnancy, he knew all about weird dreams. “Well, I had a dream that Hyuk was pregnant instead of me and—“ There was a loud outburst to your left, “Oh my GOSH are you serious! Hyuk was pregnant! That’s got to be the funniest dream ever!” Hongbin was leaning on Wonshik as they laughed. Hyuk released his hold on you to go beat up Wonshik and Hongbin who were leaning on each other and laughing against their car. They really needed to get home and get some sleep, they were hysterical.

Ken, Hongbin and Wonshik got into Hongbin’s car and drove off after all of them had hugged  you and Hongbin promised to send you the group pictures in the morning. It was a silent drive home. You could tell that Hakyeon was upset and that you would have to make it up to him. Why were you having to make it up to him when it wasn’t even your fault? You knew why, because Hakyeon was more prepared than anyone for your baby to be born, he may have even been more excited than your own mother. He wanted to be there every step of the way, and he wanted to be there with you and Hyuk while you went through this big life changing event together. Hakyeon had become your surrogate big brother and you hated to see him upset. When Taekwoon parked the van in your driveway, Hakyeon and Taekwoon had sprinted to your house from theirs (which was just a few houses over), you all got out and stood around your front door.

You hugged both of them and then kissed Hakyeon on the cheek. “I’ll come over tomorrow and we can bake cookies together and talk about baby names alright? I’m sorry it was a false alarm.” Hakyeon hugged you back and Hyuk and Taekwoon made it a group hug. “You better make a lot of cookies to make it up to me.” Hakyeon smiled. Taekwoon and Hakyeon slowly walked back to their house, Taekwoon had his arm around Hakyeon’s shoulder the whole way there.

As you and Hyuk slowly got back into bed you talked about the nights events and how unprepared you two actually were compared to Hakyeon. You also realized that Hyuk did forget to pack both a toothbrush and toothpaste.

“I can’t believe you told the hyungs about the underwear thing.” He poked you on the nose. “Yeah well, I still can’t believe that you didn’t pack any. Who doesn’t pack any underpants? I’ll tell you who, my dingdong of a husband, that’s who.”  You laughed while he grumbled, “Yeah well you liked it.” You slapped his chest at that comment, “Oh my gosh don’t say such erted things, the baby can hear you from in there  you know.” Hyuk was trying to cuddle with you, only your baby belly was kind of in the way, not that it stopped him. “Oh please, like you aren’t just as erted as I am, if not more.” You both started laughing because you knew he was right. “Look, if you don’t shut up and let me sleep, you won’t get any cookies tomorrow.” Hyuk pretended to zip his mouth shut, lock it, and throw away the key. You laughed and kissed him one last time before going to sleep.

It was a good thing you had a practice run that night, because exactly four weeks later, at three in the morning, you actually did go into labor. Hyuk still forgot the toothpaste and toothbrush and Hongbin still remembered everything that Hyuk forgot. Hakyeon was much calmer this time around and Taekwoon remembered to buy coffee for all the members and not just for himself. Uncle Hakyeon was the first person outside of you and Hyuk to hold his new nephew and that made up for the false alarm weeks earlier, better than any batch of cookies could.  This time, operation ‘Help Baby Han’ was a success.



Sorry if anyone gets a notification from this again. I just went through and edited some grammar and spelling stuffs. Sorry Sorry

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Chapter 1: I cry X'D WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY HAHAHAHAHAHA i ken imagine vixx being in panic and how messed up they look kkk~
Chapter 1: Its a mess
A big mess
Help baby han .. bwahahahahahaha
Chapter 2: This is the funniest story I've read in a while, I couldn't stop laughing. I loved it!!
Chapter 1: Supeeeer cuuuutee~~
starlighthoney #5
Chapter 1: Omggg this sooo cute. Thanks author-nim ♡
shnannae #6
So so so so so cuteeeee~!
Ah, authornim, Ken and his wife for a new oneshot, neh? ^ ^
Ah, this was so wonderful, Hakyeon's the best!!!!! ><♡
DesdemonaDeLaMort #7
Chapter 1: So freaking cute~~~~
I died ><
Thanks for writing ^-^
MarLea #8
Chapter 1: so freaking cute!!!.please write a continuation :D
Kuroneko_sinclair #9
Chapter 1: This is sooooo adorable please make a sequel i need a continuation :)
604800vixx #10
OMG, this is the cutestthing i've read today <333 please write a sequel <33