
Too Hot? Hot Damn

It all went downhill for Taemin when the electricity outage broke after the earthquake disrupted everyone’s daily routine.

The first instinct that crossed Taemin’s mind was to carry his beloved laptop with him outside. But what was the point if the earthquake had come to a stop already and stole the wireless internet along with it? He had spoken the manager of his house complex, who sadly informed him that it would be three hours before the power went back on again. What a disaster, Taemin practically paled at the news.

He never admitted that his entire life revolved his laptop and the internet. But how things turned out after this power out, he had to convinced himself that he had an actual life outside his bubble. Although he knew otherwise.

That basically summarized what had happened before Taemin decided to resort to his front yard. He couldn’t recalled the last time he stepped outside his house by choice. Taemin had expected himself to return inside as soon as he arrived in front of his house, but he was taken aback how pretty weather today contained. The sky was a nice shade of blue while the air was accompanied by the cool and crisp wind.

The neighborhood was overcrowded with people, who probably surrendered to the heat caused by the absence of electricity for air conditioner. It was summer after all. A rare sight of kids playing with each other instead of gluing themselves to video games brought him to an astonishment. He saw people he wasn’t even aware lived in this neighborhood. When he roamed his attention toward people’s faces, his heart nearly jumped out of his throat, unable to take in the fine gentleman roughly twenty feet away. Taemin wanted to slam his head to a wall for living across from such an attractive boy—sharp jawline, tall posture, and all—and having absolutely no single clue about it. He made a note to himself: less wifi, more creeping on exhibit boy across the street.

As cute boy stretched his arms toward the sky, their eyes caught not before Taemin had discreetly admired at the exposed area of his stomach. It was tanned and nicely toned, putting Taemin’s sorta flabby nonexistent abs into shame. The male quirked an eyebrow, mirroring Taemin’s previous expression when he discovered seconds ago that they lived in the same neighborhood. Taemin practically lost all of his sanities when his neighbor started to approach him, cutting the distance of the street between their houses. 

The boy had a smile on his face that caused Taemin to swallow his bundle of nerves down his throat. Thinking that he might had imagined it all, Taemin could not help but blinked at the sight of said boy standing right in front of him.

His thoughts swirled in chaos and he didn’t think he was thinking at all. “You’re cute,” he blurted carelessly, then his hands instantly clasped over his mouth after realizing he had spoken his inner thoughts aloud.

His neighbor laughed, boyish and lightheartedly, Taemin took notice. “Thanks, I think?” An amused smile stuck on his face, radiating more than the sun blazing down in this summer’s heat. “I was going to introduce myself first, but I guess you had already do me a favor and skipped to the point.”

Taemin gave out a mixture of nervous and embarrassed laugh. Then grimaced immediately at the ridiculous choked sound he just produced. “I’m Taemin,” he attempted to recover.

“Kai,” the other boy introduced with a dazzling smile. “I’ve never seen you around. Hard to miss someone this cute. ”

Another nervous laughter with a dash of embarrassment but also with a dash of fluster at the comment later, Taemin stumbled, “I only go out on special occasions. Like taking out the trash or school or earthquakes.”
“Cute and funny,” Kai restated, sending a mixture of pinks and reds to Taemin’s flushed cheeks.

Taemin’s issues with the wifi dissolved somewhere amidst the summer’s air, and his attention was completely shifted to the boy standing in front of him. Taemin bit his lips, suppressing a certainty that his attractive neighbor might have rocked his world more than the earthquake did.








i'm posting drabbles that i wrote on tumblr for a while ago, because I felt weird having them on two different places ??? OTL
so yea thank you for reading this lil itsy bitsy thang

link to read this on tumblr x
other tumblr drabbles

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Chapter 1: Lil cutiesss >3<
Chapter 1: This was totally cute! Things like this are why I keep saying that you're my fave Taekai author!
Chapter 1: Awwww! "Attractice neighbour might have rocked his world more than the earthquake did." Best line ever!
Chapter 1: omg omg omg!!! I want a neighbor likes Kai ><