Hoseok: Part1

That Boy I Only Met For One Day(On Hiatus)

KK Guys

    I’m sorry I haven’t been on.

    school ughhh






The boy slowly opened his eyes, adjusting the whiteness of the room. Almost immediately, his memories started flowing in.

That blind boy, where was he? Is he alright? His teacher said that he would.

Hoseok sighed and sat up. He glanced at the IV line connected to his arm and wished that he wasn’t so weak, because then, he might’ve been able to play the piano a bit longer. He might’ve been able to make him happy a little bit longer.

The teacher said that he would be safe though, as long Hoseok never got near him. He stared out the window, pondering about his decision. A sudden slamming of the door made Hoseok try to jump, snap his attention to the door, where his guard had made his entrance.

He growled. “Eric-hyung, do you have any idea how much I hate you right now?

His guard pushed back a chair near his bed. “I know, but you don’t give me orders.” Leaning in more, he whispered. “Plus, I didn’t tell master that you were gay so you should actually be thanking me.”

Hoseok scoffed. “What? Thank you for letting me almost die? Wow, kamsamida.” He bowed his head sarcastically.

Eric sighed. “Anyway, master already arranged your schedule for college.”he said, handing a small stabled package to him.

“Great, than- wait, College!?” Hoseok yelped, finally taking in his guard’s words. “How many days have I been out?”

“Ten days and a half.” The latter answered, amusement all over his face.

Ten days, that meant that the blind boy was long gone, he wouldn’t be able to say goodbye or anything. Other than that, it meant another thing, he had just wasted ten days of summer vacation doing nothing but sleep.

He almost cried -and thank god he didn’t in front of Eric, the man would’ve never stopped teasing him about it. Instead, he flipped through the sheets of stapled paper Eric gave him.

Note: These are actual classes at SNU. I REALLY WANT TO GO THERE!!!

Advanced English: Prose, Statistics, Politics and Political Ideology, Honor Physics 1, Art and Society, and lastly Market Economy and Law.

He smiled, seemed like his father, after all, almost all had to do with continuing the business, with the exception of physics and art.

Hoseok sighed and closed his eyes, imagining the other boy in his head.

Are you safe?

In the next few days, he started college. He gained some friends, Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin. It was weird how they first met, Hoseok was trying to research about the blind boy when they bumped into him after crashing into each other over books, and thus knocking a book onto his back.

They didn’t question him, they didn’t think he was weird when he said that didn’t even know his friend’s name. They accepted that he was searching for someone he barely knew, and let him fit right in.

Seokjin and Namjoon started to date later, leaving Hoseok to thirdwheel/ make fun of them. He was happy to meet them, and happy to continue this way.

He almost forgot about the blind boy.

Thank god he didn’t.

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