Just The Way You Are Part 2 Final

Just The Way You Are *Two-Shots*


                “You’re going to what?” MinHo asked.  You sighed.  “And he said what?”

                “I know that you knew that I like JongHyun oppa.  And I’m not saying what he said again,” you responded.  You heard MinHo sigh at the other end. “Oppa, do you think it’s a good idea?”

                “Well you do need a new change of style,” you heard him mutter.

                “Oppa!” you exclaimed, feeling offended.

                “I’m kidding.  I like that you’re only one of the guy.  It’s cool,” MinHo responded.  You smiled and nodded.  “Okay, I’ll be coming over at eleven.  I’m going to be with you and support you.”

                “Thank you, oppa.  You’re the best!” you said happily.  “I’m going to sleep now.  Good night.”

                “Good night, _______.”

Once you two hung up, you stood in front of your full length mirror.  Your hair was down.  It was long, a little bit past your mid-back.  You have side-bangs that you hate moving because it covers your face, nonetheless, you feel great with them, too.  You stared at yourself as you wore an over-sized black T-shirt and black basketball shorts.  You can’t really imagine yourself wearing anything else but something sporty like.  You sighed and turned your lights off, getting ready to sleep.

You held MinHo’s hand while you two followed your umma inside a hair salon.  She talked to the owner and she smiled.  The woman signaled you to follow her.

                “Can you add a lot of layers and keep her side bangs,” your umma said.

                “I can do that.  Your daughter is so pretty,” the woman said while she shampooed your hair.  You smiled at the comment.  MinHo saw and smiled at you.

You stared at yourself in the mirror with a smile.  ‘Wow, cute and simple hairstyle,’you thought.  You bowed to the lady and thanked her as much as you can.  When the three of you walked outside, you hugged your umma.

                “Gomawo, umma,” you said happily.  Your umma hugged back.

                “No problem sweetie.  _______~ah, MinHo is going to take you shopping, okay?  My boss called me while you were getting your haircut and I have to fill in for someone.  Is that alright?” she asked.

                “It’s alright.  Good luck at work.”

You watched your umma as she entered inside the taxi.  You then looked up at MinHo with a smile on your face.  MinHo faced you and smiled.

                “Okay, time to go shopping for your clothes,” MinHo said.  “All on me.” Your eyes widened.

                “Anio, oppa!  I’ll pay for them,” you quickly responded.  MinHo shook his head.

                “Nope, I’m buying you clothes.  Besides, we won’t have to buy so much,” MinHo replied.  “…maybe.”


                “We’ll see how things go.”

You shook your head.  You didn’t like it when your friends pay for you.  Back in Japan the guys would constantly pay for you, even though you keep declining, they were persistent.

                “_______, you’re my little sister,” KenJi said.


                “Yeah, _______.  So, we will pay for you,” Hiro added and paid for the food.

You looked at MinHo again and smiled before facing forward as you two headed to the mall.  MinHo lead you inside a store that you never entered inside before.  You followed MinHo around, seeming like a loss puppy.  You stared at the clothes.  ‘I’ll admit, they are really cute,’ you thought.  MinHo stopped and you looked at the rack of clothes that he was looking at.  He smiled and found a dress.

                “No!  Anything but a dress and skirt.  I refuse,” you demanded.  MinHo laughed and put his hands up in defense.

                “Okay, okay.  Chill,” he said and put the dress back.  “C’mon.”  He lead you out and you two entered into another clothing store.  “Okay, sit here and I’ll be back.”  You nodded and did and started to listen to your iPod.

After about twenty minutes, you looked up to see MinHo in front of you with the clothes he picked out for you:

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5

Number 6

                “I figured plaid won’t kill you.  Plus a white shirt wouldn’t hurt and I don’t care what you say, I am going to buy one dress.  Just one.  It won’t kill you,” MinHo said.  “Oh, and I got you two pairs of shorts.  For sure they’ll fit you, so let’s go to the register.”  You only nodded, not even bothering to talk back.

                “Gomawo, oppa,” you said.

                “No problem.  Anything for my baby sister,” he cooed.  You stuck your tongue out but broke into a smile.

                “I never knew you had good style for girls,” you said.  MinHo blushed.

                “Well, it’s because of Key.  Him and fashion,” he muttered.  You laughed and nodded.

                “No!” you argued.

                “Yes!” MinHo and Key argued back.





                “Yah!  It’s just for today, please _______,” MinHo begged and gave you puppy dog eyes with a cute puppy pout.  You looked at Key who did the same, too. You sighed.

                “Fine, fine, fine,” you grumbled and grabbed the dress that MinHo bought you a couple days ago at the mall.  You entered inside your bathroom and MinHo and Key looked at each other in triumph.

                “Hyung, you brought her shoes, too?” MinHo asked.  Key then showed him a pair of brown and white flat sandals with a smirk on his face.

                “Of course.  Since you told me about this, I had to buy this for her.  I’m so excited now!  I can shop for my baby sister!” Key squealed.

You looked at yourself in the mirror.  Your hair was down and a pink headband was on your head that Key gave you.  You felt a little uncomfortable in the dress and with the makeup that was added on to you.  You weren’t used to it, but you did admit that the dress was cute.

                “…I’m so excited now!  I can shop for my baby sister!” you overheard Key squeal.  You smiled widely and laughed.  You came out of the bathroom and the guys stared at you with wide eyes.  Their stares made you more uncomfortable as you played the ends of the dress.

                “It’s bad, huh?” you asked.  They shook their heads frantically.

                “You look so cute!” MinHo cooed and pinched your cheeks.  You quietly growled and kicked his shin.  “Yah!  Be lady-like.”  You stuck your tongue out and smirked.  Key laughed and gave you the sandals.

                “It matches the dress,” he said.  You nodded and quickly put them on.  You grabbed your backpack, but Key suddenly took it off of you and gave you a brown purse.  You stuck your tongue out and sighed as you just took the bag.  Key smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.  “Okay!  Let’s go!”

The closer you got to the school, the more nervous you became.  You bit your lip and hid behind MinHo and stared at the ground.  MinHo saw and gave you a gentle smile.  He soon held your hand, making you calm down a bit.

                “Don’t worry, _______.  You’ll be fine,” MinHo said.  You looked at him and nodded with a smile.

                “Gomawo, oppa.”

All eyes were on you and you felt nervous.  You, Lee _______, no matter how happy and easy going you are, you are easily nervous, sad, and shy.  You can hear them talk about you.  What’s with the sudden change?  Are you trying to win someone’s heart?  Did you change for MinHo?  You sighed and faced MinHo as you were now at your classroom.  MinHo lightly ruffled your hair, which made you smile.

                “Good luck.  You’ll always be the real _______ to me,” he said and walked to his class. 

You took a deep breath and entered the class.  Everyone turned around at you in shock.  You can see SooYeon scowling at you, but you just ignored her.  However, you noticed JongHyun staring at you with huge eyes.  You bit your lip and quickly walked to your desk.  Suddenly, a few guys walked up to your desk with flashing smiles, ready to talk to you.  One of the guy’s caught your attention as he mentioned *your favorite football team*.

                “Omo!  I love that team!” you exclaimed happily.  The guy smiled.

                “So, despite the fact you’ve been here for a month, do you know who I am?”  You nodded.

                “Jung YunHo?” you answered questionably.

                “Impressive, Lee _______,” he said.  You giggled and lightly blushed.

JongHyun just watched you two, ignoring his friends who were talking about their plans for today after school and lightly blushed.

JongHyun just watched you two, ignoring his friends who were talking about their plans for today after school.  ‘Why did _______ change her style?  Why didn’t she look my way today?’ JongHyun kept thinking to himself.  ‘I already miss _______ with her baggy boy clothes and shy smile quickly going to me.  Her blushing and innocent face.  The girl who I bumped into me and made my heart flutter.’

                “So, would you like to each lunch with me today?” he heard YunHo ask. His head snapped to your direction.  He wished that you turn your head to him so he can see his pleading eyes to say no.

                “Sure,” you answered.  ‘Maybe I’ll just move on,’ you thought.  You looked at YunHo’s charming smile.

                “Great.  I’ll meet you by the cafeteria door, okay?”  You nodded and you two quietly said bye since your teacher arrived.

Finally lunch came.  Many girls came up to you, questioning you on your new look and style.

                “A change won’t be too bad, right?” you would answer.


The girls nodded with a smile.


                “Well, you look cute, before and now,” a girl named EunMi say.  You smiled widely when she said before.

Your smile widened when you saw YunHo casually leaning against the wall next to the cafeteria door.  He gave you a genuine smile when he saw you.  You stopped in front of him.

                “Would you like to eat outside?” he asked.  You nodded happily.

                “I usually eat lunch outside, plus, I need to get out of school for a bit,” you answered.

                “You’re right,” YunHo answered once you two reached the outdoors.  “I need my fresh air.”  You nodded in agreement.  “So, I heard you lived in Japan?”

                “I did.  It was nice there, but I like it here more.  When I moved to Japan, my neighborhood was filled with guys, so I only stuck with them,” you said.  “They taught me how to play a few sports that I wanted to learn, but MinHo oppa wouldn’t want to play it.  It’s not his type of sport to play.”  You heard YunHo chuckle.

                “Let me guess.  It didn’t involve soccer, basketball, and football.”

                “Yup!  I practiced playing those three sports though but I learned volleyball, tennis, baseball/softball, and we always had running races and swimming races.  It was a blast!”

                “You know, you’re a really interesting girl,” he said.  “I kind of find you like my sister though.  It’s this feeling I get.  You give off cute expressions and when you talk, you’re like a cute five year old.  I have a younger sister and you remind me of her.”  I smiled.

                “Almost every guy says that to me,” I blurted out.

                “Almost?” YunHo asked with full curiosity.  You nodded.  You looked up at him with a smile.  “I’m going to bet that Kim JongHyun didn’t say that.”  You nodded again.  “He broke up with SooYeon last week.  Thank goodness,” he muttered.

                “He told me that he was interested with someone else,” you responded. “Someone not clingy yet pretty.  I heard him say that he likes girls that are feminine.”

                “He used to, until you came here.”  You froze and YunHo stopped walking and turned to you with a smirk.  “Here is what he said.”  He cleared his throat before speaking.  “I tell the other guys, but I trust you the most, man.  That girl, _______, MinHo’s best friend, she’s…whoa.  I mean, yeah I did say I like girls like SooYeon, but I don’t know.  When I first saw her, I thought it was just us two in the school.  It was a feeling that I never felt before.  The greatest feeling ever.”  You were silent, wondering on what to say.

                “He-He said that?  For real?” you asked curiously.  YunHo nodded with a smile.

                “I know you feel the same for him.  I see you two talk and hang out.  He loves you.”

You then ran, but suddenly turned back to him and smiled and hugged him to thank him.  YunHo chuckled and hugged you back and let you go as you ran to where the guys are.  You stopped to catch your breath and fix your hair and dress. ‘And why am I doing this?’ you thought to yourself.  You shook your head and slowly walked to where they were.  There they were, just goofing off but JongHyun just sat there, doing his homework.  You walked towards them and sat down next to JongHyun.  You were about to cross your legs, but he suddenly held them and straightened them out.

                “Be careful.  You’re wearing a dress,” he quietly said to you. 

You blushed and nodded.  You said hi to the guys once they noticed you.  Slowly, they all left, leaving you and JongHyun alone.  He was still staring at his homework.  You just sat there next to him with your hands folded on your lap.

                “Hi,” you quietly said.

                “Hi,” he said back, his gaze not leaving the paper in his hand.  “I thought you were going to be with YunHo.”

                “I was, but I wanted to be here…w-with you,” you mumbled the last part. This time, JongHyun’s gaze was towards you.

                “With me?” he questioned.  You looked at him and blushed with a nod. JongHyun smiled and scooted closer to you.  You bite your lip while your grasp on your hands tightened.  “So…why the change?”  You quietly gulped and stayed silent.

                “For you,” you whispered.

                “Me?”  You only nodded before responding.

                “I heard you say to SooYeon that you like girls like her last week,” you said.  JongHyun chuckled.  You gave him a weird look.

                “Ah~, that.”  He said.  You looked at him.  “I also said that those thoughts were in the past because of you.  I really do love you.”

                “Why do you love me?” you asked so curiously as you stared into his eyes. JongHyun gave you a soft smile and leaned in closer to you, holding your cheek.

                “You’re different.  You don’t seem to care on what people think about you, at least, I don’t think you do.  You’re strong and always happy.  I know that you’re sensitive and you can be fragile.  I can tell by the way you stick to MinHo a lot when you first came here,” he said.  You continue to stare at him, waiting for him to continue.  “I feel a connection with you.  I feel more like myself around you than SooYeon or to any other girl to tell you the truth.  That’s why I love you.  I really do love you.”  You bit your lip and let out a smile and hugged him.  JongHyun smiled and pulled away and leaned in to kiss you.  Slowly, you pulled away and held onto his shoulders with a teary but extremely happy smile.

                “I love you, too,” you told him.  JongHyun smiled back and rested his forehead on yours.

                “Do me a favor and stay comfortable to who you are, alright?  I can tell that wearing a dress makes you a little uncomfortable.”  And with that statement you just laughed and nodded in agreement.


I hope you enjoyed this~! And I hope that the links show ^^;;;

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jonghyunie143 #1

just the way you are!!

im singing !! :LOL
winter-child #2
awww <3
Sweet and nice story! ^^
Cute story ^^
pigrabbit16 #5
Ngaww. Such a a sweet story ^^<br />
So are your others. Keep up the good work~
chas_ssmentrok #6
awww :3<br />
cute story
shineebling #7
yah...i wish i had those clothes -___-
Aigooo. Fluffy!!!! :">