
Regular girl

"WAHHH~~~. I can't believe i'm finally in south korea!!" Yelled the girl when she just got off the plane and was heading outside the airport. "Ahhh~~ i'm sooo excited" she looked around. She started to feel shy as she realized everybody there was korean, has another culture and point of view. 

My name is -someone screamed loudly-, but people call me luna. Even if it doesn't has to do anything with my name. I came here to korea to live. FOREVER. what do i do? You don't need to know..

People think i came to korea just so i can go to kpop stuff, but to be honest..kpop is not my thing. I apreciate it. But it is just no..

"How the hell will i go to my house...?" She saw a taxi man waving at her. The man said " are you going somewhere? I can take you. Don't worry i speak english".

"Thank uuuu" i cried!!

I got off the taxi and saw my apartment. "KYAAHHHH this is just like dramaland!!! Only that i won't find any hot korean guy." I said. "My apartment is number 14, yes! 4 is my lucky number.." i got in and saw that the apartment was so clean and beautiful. JUST LIKE A DREAM!! Then i fell asleep..

I woke up the next was 2.30am. Yup..i drank some coffee. Then i just made myself a ponytail (a really ugly one) i put on my glassess and my coat and went to the terrace. Like mine the other apartments had one too. Maybe i can make friends like this. I thought.

When suddenly i hear someone is coming out of the door from the apartment next to me. "GoD is someone really coming out right now. I look so ugly!!" There was no time, a person just got out and was heading to the terrace.

First thing i notice is that it was a guy. I felt my heart beating not that i care so much was quick. His hair like blonde-white style. It was messy. His lips are really cool. He just stand there looking at the distance. He didn't notice me. It got me angry, so i decided not to care for him for a while.

1 minute passed. He was still there. We didn't even made eye contact...what an . I thought. I got so angry. I did something i regret but i dont regret. And it went like this:

I looked at him. He didn't looked back. " aren't you being a dumb ??" I was so angry, i didn't care whatever he will replied. 

He looked at me surprised. He said in a shy voice "i'm so sorry, my manager told me not to speak to fans".

"Eh?" I uttered. "Excuse me but who are you?" I was so confused.

"Oh. So you aren't... it means you don't know EXO." He said. I started thinking, trying to remember this group called EXO. "OH EXO! now i rember. Those bunch of guys that are so gay and their fans are just the worst thing ever????" I know that was kind of mean, but this is how i am.

He just laughed it off. He got near where the terraces from both of us met. "If that's the way how you see us..then i think is fine. I am Kai." He smiled.

"I am---- the neighbor started playing loud music then he/she lower the volume--- but people call me luna!"

"Ah yeah, luna..hello. where are you from?" He asked. "WOWO i won't tell kkkkk" i laughed.

"It is ok. So emm. If you wonder, yes i'm alone. I feel kinda lonely...wanna hang out." He shyly said.

W...T....F. did a kpop dude just said ..let's hang out...??? Bruhh bruhhh!!! 

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