

Love is difficult yet, it’s still good.

Love is indeed difficult if you didn’t manage to express it personally to that certain someone. Cruel, yet in the end it is so sweet.


“Okay? I’m done dolling myself? Woooh! Seo Jin Young! FIGHTING! Omo, God please guide me today!” So, I finally made it here as an intern. I wish Jae Kyung is also here, how I already missed that brat. How is he doing right now?

“Jin Young-ah~…” yeah, my internship just started and it feels like I was born to work here at Do Entertainment, well this isn’t just an ordinary company. This is one of the most prestigious company on South Korea in term in our field. Yes, I’m an intern here at the Art Department.

“Ne, sunbaenim?” this sunbae has a great impression for a beginner like me. He’s not just an ordinary sunbaenim to me, he’s also one of the popular webtoon artist in this era. He’s known as RyoLu.

“I would like you to submit this story boards to Director Cha.” And not just that he’s also good looking.

“Ah, ne.”

“Ah, Jin Young-ah, next time you should try calling me oppa.” Now that just give me goosebumps and enough to make my heart palpitate!

“Ah, ne. I’ll be heading then.” Gosh! I can’t even looked at him directly and I can feel my cheeks scorching.

“Ok.” As he beamed me a superior feels smile. This is so pathetic!

“Hey! That’s unfair! You should call me oppa, too! And you Shin Ho! You should call me sunbaenim!” and this sunbaenim freaking out right now is one of the accommodating one yet the loud one.

“Ah, excuse me sunbaenim.” Well he just blocked the path way.

“No I won’t, unless you won’t tell the password.” Oh now that just irritates me a bit?

“Ah? Oppa, excuse me?” As I cooed awkwardly.

“With aegyo?” now this is so embarrassing, actually this is so tough since you’re the only female on this department and you’re just an intern.

“OPPA? EXCUSE ME??” as I do aegyo in front of him.

“Good! This department is blessed with such a beauty!”

“Oi, you shouldn’t harass our intern like that, Han Sung!”

“Where are your manners Shin Ho?!”

“Oh? SUNBAENIM????” and I left them quarrel like kids. I do still have to catch up Director Cha.



“Ah, he’s still not here yet?” as I waited to his waiting room of his office. I heard this story boards are for the upcoming music video of Urban Zakapa. Having a little peek won’t harm?

“So, it’s all about high school life?” as moved to the next boards, everything seems so weird? This scenario? This story? Or is it just coincidence?

Flashback 5 years ago

“Jin Young-ah! Here’s your lunch box.”

“Komapta, Eomma. I’m going then!” as I leave the home I overheard those voices quarreling again, I guess its Jae Kyung and his drunk uncle again?

“Aish! I should’ve go with them you just spent all the money that they sent for me! Ssibal!” as he left their home which is just in front our home.

“Oh? Jin Young?” this guy do always pretends as if nothing happens.

“Kwenchana yeo?” as I noticed some bruises on his arm.

“Kwenchana, kaja?” this guy do still pretends as if he’s so cool in front of me. For I know he’s protecting his aunt from battering. Our neighbors tends to pretend as if they are not aware of what happening to their household and I found it annoying.

“Ah, ne.”

“Jin Young-ah, I won’t be able to go home with you again after class.”

“Ah, kwenchana I can still manage to go home.”

“It just worries me, last time those jerks from the boy’s school kept on tailing you and it is so disgusting.” Oh yeah, that just reminds me, I guess I shall try go in group with those friends I have from the different class.

“Don’t worry, I’ll look for accompany. So, no worries. By the way, are you done with your Math homework?” as I tried to change the topic.

“No worries.”

“This mysterious girl still haven’t reveal herself in front of me.” Now that just make my soul leave my body.

“Oh, the one who’s always leaving lunchbox to you and chocolates every Valentine’s Day since freshmen year?”

“She wrote one of her notes that she’ll reveal herself tomorrow. I don’t know when would be that tomorrow. Well, how was that guy who kept on leaving some sketch and drawings to you?”

“Well, it does still keep on going. And I do still keep it since it’s worth keeping.”

“Jinja? That guy still don’t have the guts to show himself in front of you? Is he calling himself a man?” as he smirked in front of me.

“Okay, okay, you’re a real man and he’s not!”

“That’s it, my best bud!” as he messed up my hair which is already messy to look at.

“I don’t know why there are a lots of boys hitting on you?” as he suddenly blurt out of the blue.

“Look who’s talking.” He’s also a campus crush.

“Well, I do admit you do have the wits of an artist and charm of a model.”

“That’s way too deep, Jae.”

“Well, at least I’m telling the truth. I’m pretty sure that guy who’s head over heels to you is pretty jealous of me right now.”

“Aigoo~… you’re too breezy! Can I smack you right now?” now he’s totally on my veins right now.

“Oh, don’t be like that. See this bruises?” as tried to look so pitiful in front of me.

“Pabu!” as I walk ahead from him.

“Yah, Jinnie-yah~…”

“Shut up!”well, this is us every day.”



“Oh, Miss Seo? What can I do for you?” I was totally startled seeing Director Cha in front of me.

“Ah, anyeonghaseyo, Director Cha. Shin Ho-sunbaenim asked me to give this to you.” As I gave him the story boards.

“Oh, thanks! Just as I expected, it was right on time. Would you like some cupcakes and coffee?” as he offered me. Well, this is just so overwhelming.

“I would like too, but I’m afraid~”

“I’m not busy and I know so you are, your Oppas at the department are working like Flash knowing that they’ll have a beauty as their assistant editor.” Can I cry right now? I am totally in debt.

“So, come in.” it seems it leads me no choice.

“I do already gave them their share actually, here grab a sit.” As he pulled out a chair for me, such a gentleman.

“Kamsahamnidda.” As I politely show him my appreciation.

“You’re too polite, it makes me old you know? Well, I always loved to have a little sister especially like you.” As he served me a red velvet cupcake and caramel macchiato. Both were my favorite.

“A friend of mine suggested to order that for a girl like you and it seems he was right.” He’s way too accommodating.

“Jinja? It seems he do really knew girls that well.”

“Well, actually he’s not. He’s pretty stuck with his unrequited love.”

“How romantic.” As he sat in front of me with his Americano and green tea macha cupcake.

“You just said so. Well? How was your first day here at our department?”

“It’s great, I do feel so good with the sunbaeanims. They never failed to treat me as an intern.”

“Well, good to hear that then. So, when are you going to update your story?” oh yeah that reminds me of webtoon, too.

“I’m planning to have my update tomorrow since I’m done with the betas.”

“Oh, good to hear that, I’ve been your secret fan. I heard you’re an underground rapper too.” Now, he knew everything about me.

“Ah, yeah I but I do already quitted after I graduated.”

“You want to join Show Me the Money?”

“Now that is pretty impossible, I’m pretty drawn to my work right now, Director.”

“I have a suggestion? Hmmm, please do call me oppa or else my sister complex towards you will worst.” Now guys who are indeed in need of female coworkers are pretty creepy.

“Ne, oppa?”

“Sorry, if I do creep you out. It is just I missed my little sister.”

“Where is she right now?” and his eyes suddenly changed, now I get it.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Actually she left peacefully when I’m still 8 years old, I think she was 5 years old when cancer took her life. I’ve been waiting her when she’s still at our Mom’s womb so I can take care of her and be a good model to her.”

“You’re such a great big brother.” And he finally beamed up a happy smile.

“Aigoo, I think you and Mi Rae are on the same age if she’s still alive.”

“Jinja? Owo.” Director Cha do really missed Mi Rae.

“You do still want some? I have some honey glazed donuts. I know you loved sweets.” Now I can’t really resist this treat! It’s one of my favorites!





“Thanks for your hard work! Now we can finally go home!” as Han Sung-sunbaenim happily ought.

“Thanks for your hard work.” As I ought politely.

“Let’s have our first dinner together as a team?” as Shin Ho-sunbaenim suggested. Our work was done on time as we wanted to catch up an early than meeting up the deadline. Being an artist is no joke.

“Director Cha? Are you busy?” as we saw Director Cha out on his office.

“Count me in!”

“Great! At our usual place?” as Han Sung-sunbaenim asked Director Cha.

“Oh yes, she’s the new member of the family and she must eat there on her first night of hanging out with us.” Actually I do still haven’t met the other two artist of the Art Department since they are pretty caught up to their schedule overseas.

“Well, don’t worry Jin Young we will fetch you home, safe and sound so it’s a rest assured!”

“Ah, kamsahamnidda.” As I bid my thanks to them politely.





“Thanks for everything sunbaenims.”

“Ehem!” as Shin Ho-sunbaenim cleared his throat since he’s the one who can see me clearly. I almost forgot.

“Ah, mian~… komapta oppa deul!” as I do a slight yet so embarrassing aegyo in front of them. It does really bothers me since I got lost to the bet we have.

“Good! We will be leaving then.” As the three of them waved at me as the car left in front of our gate.

“Ne.” as I waved back.

“Oh, Jin Young-ah?” as I catch up our neighborhood, Dae Han. Actually, they are the ones who moved in to Jae Kyung’s home since his aunt moved to the province where her sister lives while his uncle got caught up to a raid of illegal activities and got jailed. That’s why his parents took him to America.

“Oh, Dae Han.” Dae Han is also at the same age as me, the both of us graduated at the same university. But he took up civil engineering while I took up visual arts, this dude is amazing actually.

“How’s work?” as he happily asked me, it seems he just got home too.

“Hmmm, great?” as I can’t help myself but to smile as I remember those welcoming moments I have with my sunbaes.

“Good to hear that, I was about to ask you if you’re pretty interested working in our company we do handle interviews since we’re pretty short for some artist.”

“Oh thanks for remembering me. How about yours?”

“Well, it’s great? And pretty tiring?”

“Oh really? Now you just mention tiring and we’re no longer students. Want some fish cakes?”

“That would be great if we match it up with soju?”

“Deal?” it’s been also 5 years since I met this guy too. He never fails to help me as a friend, we may graduate at different schools he’s always there for me. He just simply reminds me of Jae Kyung, the much more gentleman version of Jae Kyung since Dae Han is not up to fights.

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