
Life After You

I have an announcement to make. In three days from now, I will deactivate my account due to personal reason, so that's impossible for me to write a longer chapter for this story. And I hate to say that this story ends here, so let's just imagine that somehow Kris and Mihee will be back together, alright?

Since this is the last chapter from me, I want to thank you for supporting this story and also sorry for any inconvenience that I caused. I really grateful that you guys read this story, thank you so much.

I don't know if I ever will comeback again, so goodbye for now.

Anyway, this story will be passed to another author so you can still reread it if you want.

Thank you for everything guys, goodbye :)



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2407briana #1
Chapter 3: I hope you're okay!
Mariadayo #2
Chapter 2: I'm crying inside。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 this so sad(T.T) i hope you make a sequel with them together.♡
2407briana #3
Chapter 2: You can just add some chapters. You don't have to have a full on story
loverof88 #4
It will be better if you make a longer chap or just sequels :)
gizibexo #5
Chapter 2: Sequel please!
Chapter 2: I cant believe that they're not together. I'm waiting for the sequel ;u;
I refuse to believe that this is Minhee and Kris from MHAYG. aren't they supposed to be like the cutest couple that live happily ever after?! How can you do this to us?!
anyway, you're pretty good writting angst :)