Late for class

Light Wind

The girl that had been following my brother around early quickly fix my make up, but I was still lost until my brother Nam Soon, grabbed my arm and pulled me down two floors and to the right classroom. Every one was running around and scearming.'Ah, still the same as always.' I thought. Nam Soon pulled me around the corner so that we were hidden before pulling me into a hug. It was the first hug we had shared together in a long time. At first I was shocked that my big brother the top fighter was been his old teddy bear self. I wrapped my arms around him tighter and then, knotted my hands in his jacket. I wanted to cry so much, and right now I was holding back all the tears that threaten to fall at the worst of time.

"Young Soon, try everything to prove people wrong about you. I know that you my little whirlwind can do anything. Just know that I care about you and if anyone hurts you let me know. I was not there to protect you durning middle school but I am now and I swear on mom's ashes that you will be okay." Nam Soon said, pulling away from me. I nodded my head and smiled at him. Yes my Brother was been an over protected prick but I can't blame him, I can only love him. I moved away from him so that I could head to my class only to run into someone for a third time today. I bowed to them before getting thrown back into my brother. Nam Soon caught me with easy but I was about to throw a nasty punch at the person right now.

"Lee JiHoon, right now is not a good time to fight for me, lets do it later." Nam soon said, pulling me behind him. The boy looked foamier to me. Lee JiHoon where had I heard that name before. Oh yeah my summer class, he was there and every day he drove me up a wall.

"What do you want bastard?" I asked him. Nam Soon looked at me like I was nuts but then again to my brother every day I was nuts and could not think about anything other then my studies. Heck I took classes year round.

"You should say something at the same time if you run into people, little Go." He said before smiling. I am not going to lie he is cute when he smiles and every thing it's just he drives me nut more then my brother, and I always thought that was impossible. I pulled my book bag up higher on my shoulder before, walking away. I pulled out my books and placed them inside of my desk. I also pulled out my pencil case to put in the right hand corner of my desk. I felt like people were staring at me so I turned to them. Pretty much everyone in the room was looking at me. I looked at their name tags to see that they were blue while mine was bronze. I gather my stuff and texted my brother which room I was meant to be in.

'Get here now Young Soon. Your late, I really should of lead you to your class room.' Nam Soon texted me back. I was a little confused on what he was talking about so I went back up to his class room. I knocked on the door before entering. I bowed to the teacher who seemed to understand the mix up for the new student. The teacher was a small female with near black colored hair and the normal dark brown eyes. She motion me to come up front.

"Every one this is our new friend and class mate please show her a good example for she is younger then you. Go ahead and tell every one your name." she said. I bow to every one.

" My name is Go Young Soon, and I hope that we all can be friends." I said before bowing again. The teacher pointed to a seat in the back, in the middle row. I bowed to her one more time before, going to my seat. I pulled everything out again and got ready for morning lessons. I was about to pull out my pencil case when someone's hand landed on my shoulder. I will tell you I jumped a little, but I did not freak out all the way. I look up to see one of the other teachers. I know what the hand on the shoulder meant, it meant that I was in trouble. After morning assemble I followed the homeroom teacher and the other one to the staff office where my brother was waiting.

"Would you two like to explain, what happened." the home room teacher asked us. 

"Ma'am it is my fault, I was not going to swallow my pride and let my brother show me to my class room." I said, bowing my head, to her. She then looked at Nam Soon and waited for him to explain farther. He told her the same thing I had just said, my pride to do everything by my self, had gotten in my way. I know that I was going to be in trouble, because I was yet again late for class. I had not ever been late on the first day of school, but there is a first time for every thing. I could tell that the home room teacher was not happy with the two of us. A man walks in and looks at Nam Soon, as if he know this was going to happen.

"Go Nam Soon, I thought you got that all out of you last year. And new girl, I will let you off with a warring because today is you first day here and you don't know the rules that well." he said, crossing his arms at the two of us. I bow my head before, moving away from my brother. He looked to be in bigger trouble then me. I looked down at my feet, until I felt someone's hand on my arm. I looked up to see Nam Soon. I look at the teachers and bow once more, before the two of us walk out of there.

"Young Soon, I am sorry, if I got you in trouble. Here's the thing we draw trouble to us. And with both of us in the same class, it is going to be hard. That and people are going to mistaken you for me again, but look on the bright side we are back in the same class as each other." Nam Soon said. It is true we are going to be in the same class as each other again,and that good for the two of us but sometimes I feel sorry for the teachers because they have to deal with the trouble twins. What you thought that I was a few years younger then Nam Soon, no I am a few minutes younger. I decided to go all the way back to where I left off at before we vanish from peoples sight. They must of read my record to figure out that we are twins. I was about to hit his arm, when someone grabbed the two of us and pulled us up a couple of flights of stairs, and out of a door. There were already a few people there to. 'Oh no, this can not be what I am thinking.' We both slipped through the cracks into a different life then what we once lived. I looked behind me to see the boy that caught me this morning. Great they find us.

"Go Nam Soon and Go Young Soon, you though that we would not find you two. It has taken sometime but we found you bastards." Park Chul-Moo said. My guest he too leader once me and Nam Soon vanished. I was the second best fighter, so I was second in command. And Park Chul-Moo was towards the bottom of ranks, so he must of done some major fighting to get where he is now. I just rolled my eyes, but before I could do anything Chul-Moo pulled me towards him and held a knife to my neck. I just stood still and clam. This is not the first time someone has held a knife to my neck, the first time was my brother, but still that was because we got into another one of our fights. I know not to take a deep breath, but still I was still one of the top fighter in this gang and if anyone can take Chul-Moo it could be me or my brother. Everyone was waiting to see how I would react to this.

"Chul-Moo, I am sure that someone as dumb as you can remember what happened to people when they crossed me." I said, clear and clam. Before he could say or do anything his feet were out from under him and I had the knife in my hand up to his neck.

"Young soon, stop right there, I see that you have not change on bit, but then again you left, meaning you just took down our boss." my oldest friend ,Lee Yoon, said. The fact that he would say that to me, made my heart ach. Lee Yoon was the first person to hold me back from a fight. I dropped the knife, and the next thing I know is that I am been thrown to the ground and punched repeat. I could not hear anything and I don't know if I was screaming or not. But I do know that I was hurt more then anything, just hearing him say those words made my world crash around me.

I finally came back to my scenes and could hear Nam Soon calling my name. I picked my self off of the ground and started to go full whirlwind. I was throwing punches and kick left and right like a full blown storm. If it was not for Hueng Soo and Nam Soon, I would of killed someone. I was breathing heavy and everything was spinning. I was not sure what was going on but I knew that someone had come and broken up the fighting. Not only was I feeling pain in my chest from the lack of air but also in my back. I just wanted to scream so much because of the way every fell into place.

"Young Soon, are you okay? Are you hurt any where?" Min Ki asked. He was the one that called for help. I should thank him but everything didn't make scene to me. Why was he up here? What does he have to do with me? Does he like me or something? I felt like a coward for losing all contorl in front of him. Min Ki was one of the few people I had me today, but he was also the nicest to me.

"Min Ki, you should head back to class, after all there is not much you can do, I was once second command of this gang so to not drag you down, stay away from me." I said before looking away from him. The next thing I know is he wrapping his arms around me, not to tight but still he held on to me.

"I am not going to leave you, the teachers know what you and your brother did was in defense. I recorded the whole thing. Nam Soon thought something like this was going to happen so last night we meet up and he asked me to protect you no matter what." he said. That made me want to throw him away from me, but at the same time I wanted him to stay with me. I rubbed my eyes a little, only to find bloody tears. Explain why my eyes stung, I broke the blood vessel in my eye again. I was about to get up when a red hot fire spread up my back and everything started to spin again. I fell into the calm pit of blackness.   

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320 streak #1
Chapter 4: Hi Authornim~~ how are you? I hope you will update this storyyy. I bet Young Soon is actually Minki's sweet angel. Hehe. I hope you won't abandoned this eventhough it has been yearsss since you last updated it. Will be waiting. ^^

You got a good story going, minus the minor grammatical error and spelling, everything else looks promising. Don't give up, and I hope you keep writing Authornim. :3