
Beauty in the struggle


He doesn’t know anything about his new neighbor, only that he has huge eyes and a beautiful mouth. He seems fragile; milky skin and seemly lanky arms hidden under long sleeves.

But when he sees him in the basketball court a few days later, he realizes he’s quite wrong. This guy has a strong aura, he makes you think twice before making fun of his size and the game they’re playing, although that doesn’t stop his others friends from doing so.

The court is the best thing around there, renewed not too long ago with equipment and everything, bleachers big enough to fit all the kids in the hood. Everyone wants to play basketball since the renovation. However, when there’s a new face over, everyone notices, no matter who that person is.

—Hey —Said one of the best players in the suburbs, blonde hair and confidence as high as himself—, don’t you think you’re in the wrong place?

—I don’t think so —He answered, looking straight at him, with a calm but strong voice that despite having to look up at the other one, made him seem at ease.

—I do think so. Maybe you wanted to go to the kid’s park… it’s just a block away from here —He smirked, putting a hand on his hip, ball on his other hand, while the other players were laughing a bit around him.

Jongin just stared from behind them all, wanting to go out there and defend the boy.

—Good. Do you go there often to staring at the children play? —Black haired guy said, appearance not matching the words coming out of his mouth. Today he was wearing a white tank top, and the first impression about his arms was wrong as well: he was quite muscular, broad shoulders and defined collarbones; he was right about every inch of his body being milky white. He had a pair of black skinny pants and sneakers, not even one jewelry like Kris was wearing.

Kris was a tinted blondie; when he bleached his hair, half of the hood’s kids did as well (embarrassedly, Jongin included). He had thin lips and furry eyebrows, tall and a bit awkward body, but his eyes made you forget everything about the awkwardness his height produced; the thing about Kris was his style. He was “fresh”, as everyone would say, mostly because he somehow had money… that somehow being obviously illegal, and coming from a poor family he liked to show off. He’s always wearing his gold necklaces, Rolex watches, Givenchy t-shirts, Nike everything, white Lamborghini roaring in the streets, and he owned the only decent house in the whole hood.

That doesn’t make him, in any possible way, a bad guy.

He was the one who financed the renovation of the court, he’s been giving presents to the kids for Christmas for two years now, every week he gives away a bag of food to each family, he built a drug store one year ago with every type of medicine, and gave some people job.

So, there was no need to say everyone loved him and respected him.

After the new kid pronounced those words, all the people around him were ready to ing kill him. Like, for real.

—What did you just say, motherer!?

And it wasn’t even Kris the first one to answer, it was his best bud Tao, who threw himself with a punch in the face of the other, with an amazing strength that made the crowd of almost 20 people yell in excitement.

—You damn bastard, get the out of here!

It was Chen’s turn to give him a hard punch in the stomach, poor new kid didn’t see that one coming. His face contorted in pain, grabbing his stomach with both hands, his cheek hot.

—You clearly don’t know who you’re messing with!

He had time to react to that, though, and he protected himself with his forearm, blocking the punch noisy Taemin was going to give him, aiming his other cheek.

And as Jongin saw all the boys getting nearer to him, he felt his heart thumping really hard, not knowing what to do. And in a second, he was getting himself inside the crowd, passing through them all and approaching the boy first than the kick he was going to receive. He swallowed, grabbing the other’s hand in a big hurry and feeling like he just betrayed Kris.

The brunette didn’t seem to be really grateful; fighting his way out of the hold in his wrist.

—Let go of me! —He screamed while running, trying not to fall, pavement seeming way more painful that those fists.

—I’m helping you, okay! —Jongin screamed back, without glancing at him, just looking at the front, passing all the little houses. That made the other silent, and they kept running until Jongin stopped at one white house with silver fence, unlocked.

He let go of the other’s hand, and tried to calm his breath, while making sings with his eyes as if asking if it was okay for him to invite him inside. The smaller didn’t protest, so he opened the gate and went inside to the front door, unlocked as well.

—Get in —Jongin said, letting they guy in, and closing the door behind him with the key.

He offered a seat in the four seats table just in the entry.

He sat there, quiet, looking around like a lost child, a bit out of breath.

—I’m sorry —He finally said, looking at Jongin standing next a small fridge, taking out a big plastic bottle of water.

—You should be —Taking two glasses in the almost empty cabinet on the top, started to pour the water—. What the were you thinking back there?

—I could ask you the same —Said, looking with desire at that glass of water—, you don’t know me.

—I would start to if you tell me your name.

—It’s… just call me D.O —He answered after a while, receiving thankfully that glass of water, Jongin sitting in front of him—. Why did you do that?

—I’m Kai —He was drinking his water as well, looking at him a bit suspicious—. That’s not my real name though, because D.O isn’t yours.

—Okay —He answered calmly, looking around the blue-ish walls, the paint peeling. There was only one old photography, it was of a young looking woman in black and white.

—Aren’t you curious about my name? —Smitten Kai asked with pouty lips.

—Not really —Kyungsoo said honestly, now looking beyond the division of the kitchen and the living room.

Jongin’s house was pretty small, just like Kyungsoo’s. When you entered, to the left was the kitchen which consisted of a four seats table, a stove, a shelf with plates, a few cabinets almost glued to the ceiling and a little silver fridge and behind of it all was a wall. To the right was the living room, with a big ugly coach, a decent sized TV and a table in the middle. If you kept going straight, Kyungsoo could imagine there were one or two bedrooms and a bathroom. It didn’t smell bad, though, and Kyungsoo liked it. He liked the tidiness of everything despite the quality of this boy’s life.

—Do you live alone? —He asked, and Jongin’s face lit up because the other was asking stuff about his life.

—With my dad, but he never comes home, so yea.

—What do you do for a living? —Kyungsoo asked again, now looking straight at his face.

That made Jongin nervous, suddenly feeling like in an interview, this blank faced dude asking him questions with such formality, while seating right in front of him.

—Um… I work for Kris —Looking at his finger on his lap said, and then it hit him hard—. , he’s going to ask me about you later. I hope Tao won’t punch me.

—They’re quite strong, you know —Kyungsoo said in front of him, making Jongin look up at his face.

Startled and feeling like , he got up quickly.

—Your face! —He pointed, his eyes wide opened— I forgot about that, sorry.

He went running to the bathroom, and in a few seconds came back with alcohol, cotton, band aids and bandages in his hands.

Kyungsoo just stared at him, something sparkling in his eyes.

Jongin got closer, kneed next to him with all the stuff on his hands and putting some on the floor. Then he started wetting the cotton with the alcohol, while Kyungsoo turned in the chair, so that he was facing Jongin and not the table, his legs spread in front of the tanned boy’s figure.

The youngest, still kneed, got even closer and Kyungsoo spread his legs wider, the other’s torso almost hitting his crotch, his hand reaching to touch Kyungsoo’s pink cheek with a little tint of blood caused by Tao’s knuckles with the wet cotton, pressing it light, but a drop of alcohol still went down the smallest cheek to his chin.

Jongin was breathing hard, not actually processing this whole situation, only pressing the wet cotton on the swollen cheek but not really looking at it. He was more concentrated on peachy full lips, a bit opened, and deep brown eyes staring at him with great force, making a hole in his soul.

—Just leave it —With a raspy voice demanded the brunette, taking the other’s hand in his, making him drop the cotton on the floor. Slowly interlacing their fingers together, and it’d be cute if Jongin wasn’t thinking it was an action too intimate for their new weird relationship.

He let it be, anyway.

The other milky hand found its way through Jongin’s frizzy and bleached blonde hair, slowly moving between brands of hair and caressing his skull with a small but strong hand.

Everything was silent outside, and the only sounds Jongin could hear were their breaths and his own heartbeat.

Kyungsoo’s grip on his hair got harder, and he pushed his head towards his own, Jongin helplessly watching him close his eyes, little eyelashes displaying, while his head was moving alone to reach those plump and inviting lips. He his own, not closing his eyes until they were touching and could feel the bliss of having such glorious lips against his.

He started to move them slowly, feeling adventurous and lucky, titling his head a bit and sneaking his free hand to D.O’s nape, his knees were starting to ache but he couldn’t bring himself to give a right now. So he kept kissing the other, who was kissing him back stronger, opening his mouth and Jongin felt obligated to do so too, and he felt a tongue against his, making sinful movements and him, eating his mouth and swallowing his moans. He moved even closer, without parting from the kiss… his chest was touching Kyungsoo’s groin through skinny jeans. He felt hot inside, like, really, really hot.

But then, the other pulled apart, and a line of saliva was connecting their mouths until they were away and it became thin enough to break.

Jongin felt like he was in Cloud 9, his cheeks and the tips of his ears were flushed, his heart beating faster than ever and he always knew kisses were so much better than the sloppy ones he and Sehun gave to each other some time ago.

Such a shame Kyungsoo wasn’t thinking the same.


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