2012 - twenty-six

hope is the thing with feathers
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2012 - twenty-six


and maybe they don’t really talk anymore (but it still kind of hurts)


* * * * * 


It couldn’t have been a better case of right person, wrong timing (but then again, maybe it wasn’t really the right person either – just fragments and pieces of who she wished it could be – and maybe that’s why it’s the wrong timing because it’ll never be the right time when she still missed him). 


Eunhyuk, Taemin, Yunho. 


They all stepped into her life, seemingly all at once, and it’s hard for her to differentiate which one was which and what she felt for each of them (and it made her wonder why – despite how great they all were – she’d always compare them to onyx orbs, brown hair brushing against his temples, the smell of cigarettes and autumn-in-the-woods). 


Well, with Eunhyuk, it’s not that hard to tell. It really wasn’t anything more than a little attraction (good laughs and fun times during practices for their performance of ‘Only One’). In all of the years of knowing him, she’d never actually spent that much time with him one on one, and now that she did, she could honestly say that he was a nice guy (and given that if she’d spent even more time with him, maybe, just maybe, she could’ve fooled herself into feeling something more than just attraction for him). And so things faded out as quickly as they’d started, but they keep up with the joking banter every time they pass each other in the halls of the studios. Boa couldn’t help but think if only it were something more. If only he were someone more. 


With Taemin, things were a little more complicated (mainly because they not only perform together, but because he’s also chosen by management to be the male lead for one of her new music videos). She couldn’t deny that the chemistry was there (even though it was for the screen). She was a little fascinated by the way his ears would turn pink whenever she accidentally brushed her fingers against his, and whenever he looked at her, it seemed like he was more than just a little attracted to her sof

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joros_ #1
Chapter 9: Hi! I hope you'd be able to read my comment :)
I just wanna say that this is one of the best stories I've read on asianfanfics and it made me miss bojoong again T.T It's sad that a lot of new gen kpop fans don't even seem to know about them
@supergeneration09: Haha aww I miss them too... I'm glad you liked the story :) I really hope they're still friends even after all of these years. And if not friends, as long as they still look back on their friendship with fond memories, that's enough, isn't it? Thank you so much for reading this story love! <3

@Maggielam: Haha yes, they finally meet after all of these years! Glad you enjoyed the story!

@CorinneluvSnsd4ever9: Hahaha you're so cute :D And nooooo thank you so much for reading, liking, and commenting on this story <33333
Chapter 9: this made me miss bojoong... I used to ship them back in time and this is like a very good story after the years of JYJ' departure in SM. :'( I hope they're still friends
Maggielam #4
whooaaaa finally !!! they really did meet !!! Authornim u did an amazing job !! thank you soo much xox would u write a sequence after that ?? it will be soo cool :P
Chapter 9: ASDFGHJKL THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS UPDATE THIS IS THE BEST EVER altho i was hoping for some back hug scene or sth ADSFGHJKL don't mind me HAHAHA I love this <3333
@Maggielam: Aww don't be sad :( Haha I hope I did justice to the ending (and of course, to Jaejoong and Boa). Thank you so much for your constant support and encouraging words <3 I really appreciate it so much!

@lollipopXcandy: Haha hopefully this chapter didn't disappoint you :)

@CorinneluvSnsd4ever9: Haha yea, I read it! :) And it's okay, I think as writers, we can always improve our abilities and hone our skills further <3 Keep up the great work! I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future! And aww nooo, no hearts breaking allowed </3 I can't bear to break poor Jaejoong and Boa's hearts :P
Maggielam #7
Chapter 8: yesss its soo sad !! will they meet ? its a happy ending ?
lollipopXcandy #8
Chapter 8: I hope they'll meet soon
Chapter 8: Aw you did? Thanks ahahah!! Nah I still have much to improve on...
@Maggielam: Hehe you'll see ;) It'd be too sad if these two old friends/more-than-friends didn't meet after all this time, huh? Thank you so much for your constant support love! I really appreciate it! <3

@CorinneluvSnsd4ever9: Aww thank you so much love! :) <3 You're too sweet! I really appreciate your kind words, and it's always so humbling to hear encouraging comments from readers! BTW, I read your Jaejoong and Boa story a while ago! Keep up the great work too!