The lonely firefly is

La vie en rose

The ride to the camping site is about two hours long journey.You can easily guess how the state in the bus is. Yep full of riot. Of course since all the students are girls,the ride would not be so quiet. You know how girls are. Which is why the driver feel annoyed hearing the loud chattering,sarcasm,and squeal at the same time.He couldn't concentrate driving the bus,but he understands though girl in that age rarely can quiet their mouth.


Looking at the girls,the feminist kwon yuri is drowning her self in the book titled 'we can do it' ,flipping the pages one by one. But truthfully she's also having a hard time to concentrate her thought,when a flash of someone's doe-eyed roaming in her mind.Sitting at yuri's side ,taeyeon is busy looking at the window saying 'ooh' and 'ahh' everytime she got a glance of hot girl's booty on the road.Hyoyeon groaned when amber put some ice on her black eyes,the result of her fight with the eye-smile girl.

"That is sure crazayy..imma sure i'll get rid that fake brows of her ..AW.."hyoyeon groaned once more when amber pushed the ice too hard on her eyes.


Her rival ,Tiffany is also groaning in pain while putting some make up to cover the black part near her lips. That will get my revenge,i apologize my lord ,i have such a mean thought but this is my duty to banish this demon for the good of humankind.The deeds is for thee. Tiffany start to think of the scenarios for getting hyoyeon a revenge.


Jessica as usual is sleeping,while in her side sunny is listening to some EDM music through her ipod staring at the window feeling like she's in a music video or something.Sooyoung is eating the home-made burger that mama choi packed for her,now she start to miss her mama ,her cook for exactly.Seohyun is just plainly locked her eyes to the window , her mind she's imagine horrible things like.What if the bus crashed ?,falling to the ravine ,or imagining there's a bad guy in the bus holding them as hostages,like that keanu reeves movie,yep the bus who couldn't slow down.She smirks enjoying her thrilling thoughts.



.She needs a therapist.


And last our beloved yoona,new to this kind of things ..she just sit there awkwardly and occasionaly stole a glance to the hot stuff across her seat.They are side by side but not in the same place.Not just beautiful ,she also has a brain.Yoona thought admiring the kwon who's busy reading the book that have a cover of retro woman having biceps.


"The ride is boring as ..!!" Taeyeon suddenly groaned throwing her arms on the air ,there's no hot girls for her to check anymore on the road because they are already driving into the forest zone,so there's just only tree,tree and tree. "lets do karaoke.."Taeyeon suggested get up from her seat,take the mic and the remote from the dashboard "Lets sing together fellas.."Taeyeon shout through the mic,there's a slight shrill after taeyeon spoke.

"Woo..right homie. Yo da man.."Hyoyeon clapped giving her shorter friend a spirit.Taeyeon smirk guiding the remote to the plasma tv which hanging from the bus roof.After a couple of times clicking she then choose the song that she's about to sing.


Im a single ladies..i'm a single ladies

i'm a single ladies..i'm a single ladies..



The groan from everybody heard when taeyeon sing the song.Not because she has such a down on her voice,but because the song is soooo..yesterday.

"Damn homie..imma glad dat you sing the hot mama's song ..but it ain't kickin' nowadays.."Hyoyeon said getting up from her seat stopping the older girl " yo an' beside we knew dat you single..don' make me pull ma trigger,lemme do it in ma way.." she grab the mic from taeyeon's hand and choose the song of her own make the latter squint her eyes at hyoyeon in such a hell glare.


So taeyeon is single.Someone said at the back


"Yo dawg..giv'em some drake ,eminem or yeezy bruh.." Amber shout encouraging her new ace.After picking the right song  hyoyeon smirk. 


This hit,that ice cold,michelle pfeiffer,that white gold

this one for them hood girls,them good girls 

Straight masterpieces

Stylin', while in

Livin' it up in the city

Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent

Gotta kiss myself I'm so pretty


Everyone facepalmed hearing hyoyeon sing that catchy song, they thought she's gonna nail some rap or .


"Homie..that's not rap ,that's funk ! " Amber shout stopping the gangsta' girl from her track

"what ??! ain't you read yo history book mothaah ?! Rap and funk is brotha' .." suddenly hyoyeon got push from her position by someone's booty and the mic change the holder again.


"Because you're such a bollocks.." Tiffany mocked pointed to the poor girl who drop to the other girl's lap . Hyoyeon have a good time there though."let me sing..and i'm not gonna dissapoint you ..i'm an unidentified talented soon to be singer,that gonna won grammy for 12 times my career..and,-"

"start the song already's not some sunday morning church.."A girl protest from the back

She glares"ehem.." she clears her throut and start the lyrics.

It feels like a perfect night

To dress up like hipsters




"for the love of jesus ! why are you wooing at me ?! is it because i sing taylor's song..?don't be hypo . i know all of you have her catchy song even if just one in your damn phone..!" the eye-smile girl said in rage.But she got wooed again by the crowd ,more even.Hyoyeon who saw this laugh her off while still lyin' on the girl's lap who she learns that her name is KendL Seeing her enemy's priceless face is such a show.


"i hope jesus sent all of you in hell for eternity.." Tiffany said pointing to the girls one by one .She rest a bit then come with a new suggestion " How about some  justin bieber ?"


wooo......,She got more and even a throwed empty bottle.such an obstacle for the soon-to-be singer who's gonna win the grammy.12 ing times.


Different from the chaos situation in the front,at the back our deer yoona is just let a little chuckle here and there everytime she saw the antics of her phenomenal seniors. They such an entertainment making the ride didn't felt bored after all.She suddenly felt like someone watching her,when she turn to thee source that like have an eyes on her she frown ,It's yuri's  side but the latter didn't watch her she still busy at the book,maybe she just imagining things because she's a little bit sleepy.Exhausted ,she close her eyes to get a nap a little with yuri to be the last in her vision.


Across from her,yuri is pretending to read the book seriously ,she nearly got caught watching to the doe-eyed girl secretly. But if it's not because her adorable chuckle,yuri wouldn't do this creeper thing.Yep ..she find the girl is adorable. She turn her attention to the doe-eyed once more to get a look if she's didn't suspicious at her.But the next thing she saw make her turn to be the one who's chuckling,she saw the doe-eyed sleep peacefully leaning to the left.It seems like the sleep is contagious ,because yuri found her self also feel sleepy.Might as well take a nap for a bit.She close her eyes with yoona to be the last in her vision.


"i'm a single ladies...~~"

"don't believe me just watch!"

"cause i'm twenty two~~"


"Yah all of you SHUT UP ! or i'm gonna kick your from here !!!!" HellSica turn from the cave scolding people who's disturbing her sleep.

"sorry J../sorry jeeessy/sorry sica.."


Finally they have arrived at the destined place for the campsite to be held . One by one they emerge from the bus bringing their belonging with them.The place named,Kukuru mountain one of the most beautiful place in the world .The sight is breathtakingly alluring ,and the camp is in a really wide grass field they also can easily saw the town from here.The buildings look so small almost like a dot,you can get the feeling that you are on top of the world.


The girls start to build the tents for them to sleep,putting the stuffs and being a shield ofcourse.Not exception for yoona,she'll be in the same tent with sooyoung and seohyun ,coincidence ,i think not.All the girls work together ,the senior is still busy taking their stuffs from the bus though so there is no attention to the freshmen from their senior.The freshmen doing the tents by their own,some are expert,some are dummy but they finally succeed to make it though.As for yoona,seohyun and sooyoung,they also doing the same like others,making a tent,well mostly yoona because sooyoung is occupied by the activity of puking her guts out in the toilet of the campsite after too much eating in the bus .Don't worry though,she'll get soon and back to her shiksin state,as for seohyun she's now in the quiet place somewhere,punching her one eye keroro doll behind a tree.

" you three girls who has an awful voice in the bus.." she keep repeating it over and over because eventually she has mad to the seniors but she couldn't express it and poor thing become the rebound.


She really need a therapist.


So just yoona now,left alone with this undone tent,she didn't have an experience about camp and now she's building tent ? .Too much for a day.But,she didn't give up though,she believe that human mind is infinite ,and scientist say we just use the brain for about 10% of the capacity,and we already build a flying machine , stepping on the moon and create the holy recipe of pizza. With the help of the brain ,anything impossible,possible.



10 minutes of trying later...


Tada !. Finally the tent stood on the ground with just yoona's effort. Eventhough it's a little bit unsteady or decrepit, it is all that she can do.While smiling triumphantly she guide her self to enter it,she wants to feel the pride of being in the place that she builds with her own do.The feel that some architect experienced.But when her just touch the carpet ,her vision turn into dark,the tent is fell.

"ahhhhhh" she shout real loud when it's cover her body,but no one help her ,the other freshmen just laugh at the scene because they find it hillarious.


"What are you all laughing about ??"Yuri just came after taking the loads from the bus,sweat still visible on her forehead.It's just her and taeyeon who do the work while the other is fooling around,walking like such a foreign tourist and taking selfies.She checks the circumstances of the freshmen and got surprise seeing someone moving in the collapsed tent,struggling to get free "why you no help her ?!" she scold the girls who did nothing but laugh.With a shaking head yuri approach the poor girl and help her to uncover it.

"There.."Yuri mumbled after the girl finally get free from it.Again she got surprised knowing the girl is the innocent doe-eyed.


Yoona also feel surprised ,someone who help her is kwon yuri,the perfect senior who she start to fangirling at.She feels so happy but embarass at the same time,why yuri have to see yoona's unclever side. There..the thumps in yoona's chest coming again,if she's near this beautiful angel,it's like a burden but felt good at the same time ,she cannot describe this feeling ,what she knows ,this feeling is consume her energy and rationality.


"Where's your friend ? why you're alone ? " yuri asked snapping the younger girl from her reverie.

"i-i don't know ..whe-where they are.." geez why she's being such a stutterer in answering yuri's question.But that stuttered angelic voice is so good in yuri's ears.

"if you don't know how to build a tent..just ask for help" Yuri told the girl in a seniorly tone.The younger girl lower her head feeling ashamed ,yuri found the simple act and the blush is so cute.

"it's not your fault,get up !..i'll help you make the tent.." As instructed yoona immediately get up from her seat but she's doing it too fast then accidentally crushing her forehead with yuri's chin.


"aww.." yuri groaned while holding her chin.

"i-im sorry yuri unnie...!! i'm sorry ..." Yoona bowed a couple of times showing how sorry she was.

"t-that's ok.." the older girl smile a bit showing how ok she was,usually yuri will get annoyed or angry if someone so careless like that but at this doe-eyed girl,she couldn't . Look at the bright side though,because that accident yuri can smell the girl's sweet scent from her hair . Now i sound like a maniac.


Yuri turn her attention to the tent before she imagines another scent to her nostrils,she began to lift the tent and arrange it step by step.While in another side ,yoona is cursing her self for her second careless acts this day.

"so.."yuri began the conversation cause it's bloody quiet there " you know my about you ? what is your name ? " There,she finally asked the doe-eyed her name.

" name is im yoona" she has such a cute name but still stuttered,am i making her uncomfortable.?


"Am i making you uncomfortable ? " yuri blurted out she couldn't hold the curiosity about people's feeling to her ,including how yoona's feeling

"n-no of course not,i just.." yoona lowered her head " didn't often talk much to people.."

So she's an introvert girl."it's ok, i understand "yuri turn and smile at the doe-eyed"sorry for asking you that kind of question" 
"that's o-ok" Oh yoona stop stuttering.Yoona thought.
"could you pass me that rope.."Yuri pointed to the thing near yoona's feet the younger girl nodded,bent down a bit and giving it to yuri.For a brief of time,their fingers brushing sending a weird feeling energy to each other.It's beyond the feel like electricity.Realize with what they're doing yoona and yuri pull their fingers at the same time in a slow motion.Strange,they feel the touch is like a right thing to do,and they long for it again.
"Done..!" Yuri smile in proud seeing the tent finally stood perfectly on the ground.She knows it's a simple thing, with just a click she could make it fastly,but knowing it's for a certain doe-eyed it's a big accomplishment.
"yuri unnie..sorry,i'm being a burden" The doe-eyed girl bowed politely,liking the fact that the gergous chairman is such a caring person
",it's nothing. it's my duty to help.." Yuri laugh awkwardly scratching her not so itchy head.
"ahh..i'm ing wasted up, i need to eat some food for my poor stomach.." sooyoung said in limp tone rubbing her flat stomach.
"seriously,you've been puking your out and then you're going to eat some more?? i guess you have such a rubber for a stomach unnie.." seohyun scoffed didn't believe with what she heards from sooyoung's mouth.Usually when someone vomitting a couple of time,they gonna lay limp without having some interest to eat,but it's different for the lanky girl
"ehemm..hey you two" yuri coughed calling sooyoung and seohyun as scary as possible "where you've been going ? don't you know that yoona having such a hard time here ?!"
"sorry senior ,i've been puking in the toilet stomach felt awful.." sooyoung answered while clenching her stomach,her now hungry stomach.
"and i've been exercising.." now seohyun turn to answer with unexpression face.
Yoona felt so sorry seeing her new friends got scold by the senior like that,yet she is happy,liking the way yuri defend her . She doesn't know though,if it's plainly care or out of pity.
"don't do that again !"
"yes senior..yes!"
"what ? you miss me bae ?..oh you such a sweet talker ma boo"Hyoyeon grin ear to ear talking to the phone hearing her girlfiend #4 voice." what?! you e while looking at ma pictuh ?! oh no you didn't do that stuff..yo lil' " she said in such a playful and dear tone " really ? so how wassit? "
 From the far ,taeyeon squint her eyes and shielding it with her palms looking for her friends to find,noticing there's a certain blonde with gangsta starter pack under the tree,she rush to there with an angry face."HYO ?!!" taeyeon called tapping the latter on the shoulder but it's no use,hyoyeon still talking at the phone ignoring the older girl
"what ?! you even twice ..good gals" Taeyeon knew the hip-hop girl is talking to her girlfriend but she doesn't know which number is it ,since hyoyeon is such a playa'.Fed up being ignored ,taeyeon grab the phone fastly from hyoyeon's grip.
"hey ??!!! Tae..gimme ma phone back !" Hyoyeon struggle to take her phone back but taeyeon hide it behind her body.
"i wouldn't give your phone back ..until you help me and yuri preparing this campsite!"
"Don't be a hoe ,man. It's ma bae who's calling..MA BAE !"
"i don't care if it's your bae ,your cae or dae!! quit talking and take your self from here..or i'll kick you!"
Hyoyeon rolled her eyes "YOLO!!"
"say YOLO again and i'll throw your damn phone from the cliff..lets see if you still can say that.!" Taeyeon threatened getting the younger girl's serious attention
"NO ,don do dat hoe! i got dat phone from a hard labor in aunty mary's crib..spare a pity"
"Do i care playa'?"Taeyeon smirked and pretend will throw the phone,making the other girl frustrated.
"ok..ok,geezz..i'll go homie..i'll go!" with annoyed feeling hyoyeon stomp her feet harshly to the ground" yo no wonder you're still single"Taeyeon want to snap back but the girl already walk away though,it's no use anyway.Now it's time to search the other ,.The three es.
"Ahhh..this place is fab. I was wrong though,it's worth a try after all.Don't you think S ?"Fixing her pink love frame glass,tiffany wait the other girl's respond.
"yep T,..not bad after all .How about you J ?" The three of them is laying together somewhere near the camp site ,tanning and sunbathing while wearing that victoria's secret bikini they can brought with them.Getting no respon ,sunny and tiffany get up from their position,lift their glass a bit to check what the other girl doing for not responding to them .Like usual she's peacefully asleep with a glass on.It's her character .Deal with it.
Getting back to their previous position ,tiffany took her phone that have a case of pink bunny ears on the top then start to taking the pictures of her down part.You know,in instagram, the one with just a flat stomach that didn't get any nourishment,bottom part of the bikini and a background with pool,beach etc.That make us think that their life is cool or so much fun while our life is dull as hell.
"i'm gonna post it on instagram with hashtags 'nofilter'.." Tiffany grinned like a cat that has been kick from alice in wonderland.
"you always post everything you did T..even the simplest things like,cutting nail or having a lice and ,-"
"i didn't have a ing lice.."
"supposing tiff suppossing,,you wouldn't have so much privacy in everything you do if you post everything you do in internet.What did you get anyway ?" sunny asked skeptically while sipping her orange juice.
"There's much .like self satisfaction,narcisstic fulfillment....,rub s on everybody's face in purpose.."
"Hmm..touché .I'm glad that i'm not an internet freak.."
Tiffany scoffed " Are you for real saying that ?! then what's that youtube channel of yours that full of song cover,dance cover,fail make up tutorial or just talk about everyone.."
"That's just how i'm doing my hobby"
"Hmm touché"
"Hey you three !" taeyeon yelled stopping the two girls who's busy bickering.The short girl stomp her feet towards the girls. " like that!" she stare with sarcastic eyes "me and yuri is busy doing the duty while all of you laying in here beautifully ,sunbathing and tanning your damn skin ..!!" Tiffany and sunny stare at her with bored face "what am i to all of you ? A MAID ?!"
"YES !!" tiffany and sunny said in sync not caring the other girl's anger.and it's make taeyeon mad even more.
"YOU !!" she pointed to them " you better take off your from here ! or i'm gonna kick it with my self !"
"Like you can ~~" tiffany challenged
"Oh so you want a prove ? !" the short girl start to pull her sleeve in a red face.She doesn't ing know ,what this kim taeyeon able to do.
",not necessary taeyeon.Ok we'll give up ! we'll help you " before tiffany can ptotest,sunny pull the eye-smile girl's hand "Come on tiff,.Don't you know that a single midget is biting when they're mad " Tiffany giggled hearing that.Taeyeon who just realize what the other short girl said can only held her anger.Later sunkyu later..
"Jessica!!" taeyeon shout to the only girl who left here " JESSICA !!" she shout louder and finally wake the girl up.
"WHAT ?!! YOU DISTURBING MY SLEEP GO AWAY !" jessica shout ,glaring to the othet girl.
"LISTEN..! i don't ing care if you're mad at me or not.I don't want to deal with you now..i'm ing tired with your friends ,Oh speaking of them,they are in the campsite now and you better go there too or i'm the one who drag you there.!! Good afternoon"With that taeyeon take her leave and sigh still annoyed after dealing with three es.If being life get a salary,she should have a raise right now.
In another side ,jessica watch as taeyeon leave ,anger is wrote all over her face because taeyeon wake her up but then suddenly and drastically jessica's face become soft like there's never anger in that. "OH kim taeyeon~~" she said with a dreamy stare then took something from her bra and touch the object softly.It's the photograph of taeyeon's dorky face in the heart shape frame."oh..i'm sorry baby .You must be face so much trouble,you must be feeling tired right ? " jessica talk to the picture like taeyeon can hear it "why can't you see that ,i'm here for you .If you realize and accept my feeling,i'm sure i'll be the happiest girl in the world .Oh taeyeon.." jessica's been crushing to taeyeon for a long time,but she couldn't tell it to the short girl,since her group and taeyeon's group never be in the good term ,especially hyoyeon and tiffany . Jessica stare at the picture for awhile then kiss it passionately.
Again,! that snickering sound heard again.The voice of someone bugging her everytime she's fangirling about taeyeon. Wendy,she's always pop in out of nowhere ruining the moment of joy for jessica.Luckily the girl,is an introvert person and a nerd,she got intimidated by jessica and surely wouldn't spill the bean.*Brak* .With one blow ,jessica knocked the girl to the ground ,then ,take her leave ,walk away from there without any expression in her face.Don't worry about wendy though,it's usual for her. A routine.
As time goes by,the night then came.The sky begin to look orange in colored,then grey and last become black .The stars also start to pop one by one,then group by group making a pattern on the night sky.The doe-eyed girl don't know how to react upon knowing that she and her two friends will be in the same tent with the seniors ,including with yuri.Since all the freshmens tents have been occupied and no more place for them.Unfortunate or fortunate. it depends.
" why did i have to be in the same tent with you ? Like..everytime i go. you're always following me hyo.! Why you're so obsessed with me ?!"
"what did you say hoe ?! me ? following you ? Yo the fan of mine ,admit it.."
Ofcourse the night wouldn't complete without them to start the debate.
The time for sleep came,but yoona can't even close her eyes a bit .Beside seohyun' s snoring voice or sooyoung sleeptalking about food ,(well no one become a real friend without knowing how they act in sleep right ?) And also the fact that there's a certain tan girl in the same tent as her make her keep awake . Eventhough they didn't sleep side by side.Yoona felt.there's a movement in another side,she notice it's yuri.She's getting up and yoona don't know why.The doe-eyed girl then pretend to close her eyes afraid if yuri notice she still awake,but never forget to take a peek.
In her blurry and little vision,yoona saw yuri leave the tent.Where did she goes ? did i have to follow her ? what if she's just going to the toilet ? but what if she's sleep walking and didn't realize where to go ? or worse how if she posessed by a demon ?! it's a mountain anyway,we don't know the urban legend about this place.
After contemplating for minutes,whether she follows yuri or not,she then decide to get up and also leave the tent.Her eyes roam everywhere ,trying to get the sight of the older girl,but she's nowhere to be found.Yoona sighed in relief ,finally she saw yuri ,sitting on the dead tree while looking at the town.No worry again then,she start to turn and back to the tent but * crack* she accidentaly step onto a dead branch gaining yuri's attention.
"who's there ? !" yuri asked in surprised " yo-yoona ? what are you doing here ? " she asked when she notices it's yoona.
Yoona slowly turn and smile awkwardly "ahhahaha..i-i cannot sleep" she.lied.
"oh,so you cannot sleep too.Come here then.lets enjoy the night together.." yuri asked and tap the place beside her.The doe-eyed girl blushed and lower her head but walk towards yuri anyway,then sit beside her ,a little bit away.
There's a comfortable silent for awhile,the only sound is just from crickets,a distant waterfall and their breath.
"The sight is beautiful.." yuri suddenly said starting the conversation
" is" the front sight is indeed beautiful, but beside her is beyond beautiful.
"are you sure you didn't uncomfortable with me ? if so,i'll just go.." 
"N-no !" yoona blurted " not that,like i-i said. i didn't often talk much to people."
"i understand " yuri nodded her head and turn again to the town sight.
another silent..
"when you didn't talk much to people. Is it because you're introvert or just didn't used with it..??" yuri asked turning her eyes again to the doe -eyed.
"Both..i think ?"
Yuri chuckle "you didn't even sure with your answer.." she paused a bit " can i ask ,why ? it's ok if you didn't want to answer it though..''
"ehh.." yoona scratch her head " it's because ,i didn't used with people's company.M-my father's job is nomad,we often in order,not to get troublesome,they decided to give me homeschool.That's why ,i didn't have many friends and didn't used to talk much,the only other people i know is just my former tutors...then..they send me he-here,to formal school,after years of holding me in home " there's a pause and yoona chuckle "it's funny you know,they are the one who close the outside world for me,but they also the one who push me again into it..for the sake of 'get socialize'"
There's a firelfy,flying alone above the tree while seeing the other fireflies who's flying in group.
So that's why ..yuri thought
"I think because,all the parents are like that.They seems to know ,what the best for us,but they didn't want to know how we feel about it.But im sure though,that in the end everything will fall into place"yuri smile gaining the same reaction from the doe-eyed girl.
The lonely firefly start to fly towards the group,and then stop mid track feeling like something pulling it back.
" must be feeling so lonely ?"
There's an ironic smile on yoona's lips "i-i don't even know how the feeling of lonely anymore,my life just like this from the start.."
Yuri nodded "well..when one forced to believe a lie over and over they will eventually accept the lie as a truth" yuri then realized something "i'm sorry,i didn't mean to ask you that,-"
"i-it's ok,it's happened anyway.That's just it.."
The lonely firefly sigh and lowering it head,and start to fly away to opposite direction of the group.
"Have you ever miss,how it feel to be in the outside world?" Truthfully,yuri didn't want to ask the younger girl too much.But something,keep yuri doing it.This girl is intrigued her.
"ofcourse..but something always pulling me back*chuckle* .it's over though ,i'm here right now." 
The lonely firefly turn it head for a bit ,watching the group for the last time.
Yuri nod " are here.(beside me)." she then lift her head to look at the stars "A person who live for a long time in a palace will want to know,how it feel to live in the forest.And people who live in the forest must be really want to feel how to live in a palace.."Yoona nodded and her adoration towards yuri is increase even more.This tan girl is a philosopher.
"Yoona ?"
"Yes ?"
"if you need my help,about this outside world.I'm here to help,since i'm an expert at it.."Yuri grinned pulling out her hands towards yoona.She doesn't know why though,she wants to help this girl.There's something,pulling her to yoona .and it's something big.
In another side,yoona so surprised seeing yuri's action and hearing her offer.It's the first time someone did it to her.She doesn't even know how to react.Slowly then she direct her hands towards yuri's,with blushing.
"m-my pleasure..thankyou."Does it mean yoona and yuri become friend right now ?
One of the firefly in the group turn it head and notice there's another firefly,flying alone away from them.It immediate fly to the lonely one and drag it to the group.
"let's go back to the tent.."
The lonely firefly then fly together with the others ,till their time ended.The lonely firefly is not lonely anymore.
To be continued
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Trackstar #1
Chapter 14: Good job author! Luckily taengsic has patched up and got official ~ Thanks for ur effort and it's a wonderful story!
Chapter 12: Espero nuevo capitulo autor!!!!
Muy bueno :D
Trackstar #3
Chapter 12: Whaa so soon? Why u want to end the story so soon? I like the yoonyul moments!
Trackstar #4
Chapter 9: Haha the last part is so funny! Yoona is getting me daring and bold. It may be Yuri the one who guides her first but in this chapter it seem like Yoona is the one leading Yuri. Haha Yoona asking Yuri to ride her. It sounds weird and wrong but I Guess the situation has been saved due to Yuri's fainting. Should I say saved? Well more like the situation stopped due to her fainting.
Chapter 10: Hay taengsic. Ang buhay ay kulay-rosas.
Chapter 10: yay! taengsic kissed~
cocky T thinking S is crushing on her.. it's the other T actually.. ㅋㅋㅋ
thanks for the update..
Chapter 7: hahah.. sooyoung and her flat gaydar b**bs..
had fun reading this story.. will subscribe for more fun.. ㅋㅋㅋ