18th of July


Sometimes, the happiest day of your life can also be your worst.



It was all a blur. Like a fogged up glass during winter. Everything happened so fast. With a blink of an eye, everything was lost.


It was a cold morning, 18th of July. Upon waking up, I had this feeling. A feeling I shouldn't have neglected. It felt like I was losing something. I decided to shrug it off and went on my usual routine. 


As I was preparing breakfast, I didn't notice the plate and I accidentally nudged it off the table. It shattered instantly like how a drop of dirt would disperse right away on water. There was a saying though, that if you break a plate something bad would follow. I still pushed the thought to the back of my mind. No, it can't be, nothing bad would happen today. I really tried to convince myself but my intuition screamed otherwise. But still, I went on.


I was so hyper. I went through my room like a storm! I was picking up all the things I needed and stashing them to my bag like I was being timed. I was too excited. Well, why not, after all it was our special day. I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted to look good in his eyes. I wanted everything to be meaningful and special.


I wore my baggy sweater. It was yellow in color with a big rabbit print on the front. It was my favourite since it was him who gave me this sweater. I paired it off with black jeans and sneakers. I let my hair down since it was cold. I walked towards the café, smiling like there was some kind of prize upon reaching the end. I won't deny, I was really excited and happy. Finally, after such a long time, we would meet again.


You must be wondering who I was going to meet at such time of the day. He sure was someone important because I even woke up that early. Considering I always wake up really late, this proved that he was indeed someone important. And yes, you read it right, it's a HE. He was a classmate from college. He was one of those people who I never thought would ever befriend me. He was one of those famous men-with-killer-smiles while I, on the other hand, was the not-visible-in-anyone's-view type. His family was very well known for their knowledge, wealth and power yet when you look and talk to him, you wouldn't even know. He was really good at making conversations and making a person feel at ease. Just the image of someone like him coming up to someone like me and say "Hi! I hope we'll be friends!" Was very unlikely but of course, the world was full of surprises. It did happen and we..well..we became more than just friends


I sat there at the corner of the café, with a hot latte in hand, waiting for him to arrive. It's 8:30 am where the hell is he?! He's never been late, ever. Not even during Mondays or Fridays or whenever there was heavy traffic! I really was starting to get worried but then he showed up at the door. He still looked dashing with his smile, which was his best accessory. I couldn't help but stare. 


"I'm sorry for being late, did you wait too long dear?" he said worry etched all over his features.

"Nope, it's okay! What's important is that you're here already" I said, flashing him a reassuring smile.

He sat on the chair across me, he held my hands tightly while his eyes were glued towards me.

"I love you" he said softly. 


"I love you too" I replied and gave him a smile. I gave him my gift since it was his birthday. We talked and talked for hours as if we didn't see each otheryesterday. He took me to the place where we first dated. I could still remember that day very well. We went around the area, reminiscing and re-enacting like kids. We spent the whole day together. We were having so much fun. We didn't care what othersthought, all we know was that we were happy and we were with each other. 

The day had ended, we were just at the park star gazing when suddenly he knelt to the ground and took my hand. 

"My dear, we've been together for so many years. I cannot express how thankful I am to have you and your love in my life. Would you let me repay you with the rest of my life?" He then took a box and opened it.

I was too shocked to speak. My tears were streaming down as I said a faint yes. He placed the ring on my finger, kissing my hand after doing so. I hugged him as tight as I could, not wanting to ever let go. I was very happy, we were very happy. It was a night I would never forget. Indeed, it was a night no one would ever forget. Who would've thought that at that the same night, everything would change.

"Lee Taemin!" someone from a distance yelled, "seems like you're having fun." He looked utterly familiar. Yes! He was the guy who had been following us for days.

"What's with the surprised look my lad? I thought you knew very well that this day would come." He had that evil smirk. Taemin stayed composed yet I can feel through his grip that he is worried.

"This has nothing to do with us, leave us alone!" Taemin said firmly. 

I was too baffled to speak. 


"Oh no, I won't. Your father shall see the consequence of his work." The man retorted with a sly smile.

He took out a pistol and aimed.


And with that, he pulled the trigger. It happened so fast. I saw the man ran away after hearing the shot. I lost my grip on Taemin’s hand and felt my back hit the ground. A sudden gush of pain went through my body. I could feel the warmth of my own blood and slowly with it was my life running out. It was all a blur..then..then everything went blank. 


I died.

Well I did hope I was kidding every time I said I died. But I couldn't. I just couldn't. Everything disappeared. All the memories, happiness and what should have been -- gone.

But our memories shall remain with our love that would never die.

Once again, it was the 18th of July.


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I can't believe it's been a year since YOU died :))
Whoa. This was short, but good.
Can't believe it was her who died.
chas_ssmentrok #3
0.o<br />
wow :(
Aw.<br />
Woooow nakaka-100+ views na. YAAAAAY!!!
Woah O.O
lisa_desu #7
omg so the girl died?! wow i was sooo not expecting that...poor taeminnie T_________T" i hope you write more taemin fics! oh and please check out my taemin fic too if you have time? it's called 'It's Complicated." thank you! fighting!
MINDBLOOOOWN as always. Hahahaha .