Sky is Teething

Congratulations Taeyeon Your a Mom
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“babe the baby is crying” mumble Tiffany

“yes can you please go see her”

“Babe is three am in the morning please go see her” said Tiffany

Taeyeon lazily got up and when to her daughter room

“Hey Sky why are you crying” said Taeyeon picking her up and rubbing her back softly

The baby just cry and cry to the point that Tiffany had to walk into the room and take Sky into her arms

“hey baby girl why are you crying” said Tiffany softly the baby just cuddle into Tiffany chest until her crying stop and she fall back sleep again. “What is wrong with her” said Taeyeon

It has been a month since Sky was with them and she was sleeping every night until today just as soon as Tiffany put her back into her crib she started to cry again.

“Tae she has a fever” said Tiffany worriedly

“ok let me call Sunny and ask her” Taeyeon grab the house phone and dial Sunny’s emergency line

“Tae is three am in the morning”

“Sunny the baby has a fever and she won’t stop crying Tiffany try to put her back into her crib but she cry again can you please come” said Taeyeon

“I am on my way Tae”

Tiffany was still rubbing the baby back and trying to make her to stop crying and it work for little bit

“Sunny is here” said Taeyeon walking into the room with Sunny right behind her

“hey Tiff” said Sunny

Sunny when to check the baby and then gave her some medication to lower her temperature

“she will be ok is just that she starting teething so it usually has some effects like fever, diarrhea, she might also refuse food so be patient with her ok” said Sunny

Taeyeon and Tiffany were relief that it was nothing serious and she was just teething

“oh she might start to bite so you might need these” Sunny gave them one of those toys that baby’s usually use to bite.

Taeyeon walk Sunny out of the house and thank her for coming at such hour

“oh don’t forget her appointment ok”

“I won’t and if is not me taking her probably Tiff will so don’t worry”

“alright then bye Tae”

Taeyeon when back to the house and when to look for Tiffany only to find her sleeping on the sofa with the baby on her chest, it was such a beautiful picture that she when to look for her camera and took many pictures of them together.

The clock show six am and Sky woke up crying again, Tiffany this time just walk around the house with Sky on her arms so Taeyeon wouldn’t wake up

“so baby tell me do you like my arms better than umma Tae” Tiffany ask

Sky just smile when she heard Tiffany’s voice

“I guess she likes it when you hug her” said Taeyeon hugging Tiffany from behind, Tiffany lean back feeling comfort in Taeyeon arms

“you know after being with her for a month is really great to be a mom I can’t wait for her to start calling us mom you know”

“I know me too”

“so you want me to watch her today or you want to do it” ask Taeyeon

“actually why don’t we skip work today and just stay home with Sky” said Tiffany

“you know now you are saying that a lot often so I got something to tell you”


“why don’t we take the whole year off”

“what do you mean”

“Tiff financially speaking we are fine and a year off won’t hurt us”

“but you love going to the café Tae”

“I do and so do you but the café is just a few floor below us and we can go and see how it is going every now and then but I want us to be here for Sky”

“why the sudden change”

“because I don’t want you or I to be at work when Sky says her first words or when she takes her first steps”

“I guess you right so, let’s take the year off them”


Taeyeon and Tiffany spend their morning playing with Sky and just being a family, the ajumma that was with

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HiroTakahasi #1
Chapter 15: Authornim take your time we can wait.
Chapter 16: Take your time. Cool man. We could wait.
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Yellowjacket #6
Chapter 4: Baby cry for reasons whether they sleepy, hungry, wet dryper, feel scary or unwell. After checking the reason of crying, just lullaby them back to sleep. They need to be feed in every 2-3 hour so you also have to wake up at night to feed them and some time if the wet their dryper more, it mean you have to stay up more with them too. My baby got scared when he feel no one around him. IF he open his eyes and don't see anyone near, he would cry.
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