becoming a family

Congratulations Taeyeon Your a Mom
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After Sunny and Sooyoung left the apartment, Tiffany and Taeyeon where silently watching Sky sleep, since Sunny help the girls to put the baby to sleep.

“So how are we going to sleep tonight” Tiffany ask

“I’ll sleep in the couch and you can sleep in the bed with the baby" said Taeyeon

“I don’t know about that Tae you know I can’t really take care of a baby"

“Neither can I so do you want to share the couch with me" 

Tiffany agree and they went to change taking turns to watch the baby, then Taeyeon laid on the couch and Tiffany laid on top of Tae making herself comfortable, while Tae her hair.

“Tae you think we can do this" Tiffany ask 

“It will be hard to take care of Sky I know that but hey we are going to do it"

“Seohyun and Yoona will be here tomorrow to decorate one of the rooms, which one do you think we should give Sky"

“How about the one with the view to the city, meaning next to our room and we can you know maybe joint the bathroom door or the closet to get to her room fast"

“mmm sound like a plan but can we just join the bathroom instead, it will be easy to close once she can be on her own”

“sure whatever you want honey"

Taeyeon kiss Tiffany on her forehead

“I love you” 

“I love you too" Tiffany said lifting her head just a little bit to kiss Taeyeon on her lips.

They both drifted of to sleep but it was soon interrupted by a babies cry, the clock show 3:18am 

Tiffany hit Taeyeon on her arm to wake her up, Taeyeon got up and pick up the baby on her arms and shh the baby back to sleep.

Taeyeon went back so sleep and hug Tiffany so she wouldn’t fall off the couch.

Surprisingly enough the baby slept thru the whole night and woke up like around 7 both Tiffany and Taeyeon got up and take turns to get ready, they weren’t going to work since Seohyun and Yoona would come and decorate their babies room and they will go and register the baby as theirs. 

Taeyeon let Tiffany get ready and she went ahead and change the baby and went to also prepared the babies food. 

“miss Taeyeon how was your first night with the baby" ask the lady that works with Taeyeon in certain days but now she was to work with them full time and so was the rest of the staff which Taeyeon only call when was necessary but now with a baby she had ask everyone to work for her full time which they all agree since they would usually just work at the Kims mansion.

“it wasn’t that bad she woke up only once also ajumma the rest of the staff should be here by noon please tell them to occupied the rooms that is for the staff" Taeyeon said while she was feeding the baby.

The ajumma put the food in the table and Tiffany walk in and greeted the ajumma.

“miss Hwang morning coffee”

“yes please, so what’s for breakfast today"


The ajumma put breakfast for both Tiffany and Taeyeon and help to watch the baby while they eat their breakfast.

After breakfast both Taeyeon and Tiffany left their house to go and register the baby in their family register 

“so Jessica lend me their car seat until we get one, what do you say if we go and buy one after we leave the registration office” ask Taeyeon 

“Sure I did some research yesterday about babies seat’s  and I found one that I like and it would be useful is a 4 in one basically we can use it until she is old enough to seat in her own"

They were already in the road 

“Really then we can go to the store and buy it  then” 

Taeyeon was really happy that Tiffany had taken some of her time to check for a baby seat and trying to make things work for them. After driving for a while they finally arrive at the office, Taeyeon park the car held the baby and walk inside.

“hello I am here to register my baby"

“please have a seat you will be call soon" the lady gave Taeyeon a number and they both went to seat, after waiting for minutes they were finally call

“number 33, number 33”

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HiroTakahasi #1
Chapter 15: Authornim take your time we can wait.
Chapter 16: Take your time. Cool man. We could wait.
Chapter 16: Dont worry author :) you just need a little bit of inspiration that's all
Chapter 16: Its okay take your time author shi
Movie91 #5
Chapter 16: I thought you're back with an update :(
Yellowjacket #6
Chapter 4: Baby cry for reasons whether they sleepy, hungry, wet dryper, feel scary or unwell. After checking the reason of crying, just lullaby them back to sleep. They need to be feed in every 2-3 hour so you also have to wake up at night to feed them and some time if the wet their dryper more, it mean you have to stay up more with them too. My baby got scared when he feel no one around him. IF he open his eyes and don't see anyone near, he would cry.
1122 streak #7
Chapter 16: Ok we'll wait for you
taeny_bear #8
Chapter 16: Fighting!!!
Chapter 16: ok