I love you

"I love you..."

Youngbae woke up in a small room. The floor was wet and it stinked. He got up and found Seunghyun sleeping on the couch. He tried to wake him up. Poking his face, calling his name in a cute way and even scream at him. He didn't wake up. Then Youngbae thought of the only way he could wake him up.

"Hyung~It's too big~"

Seunghyun woke up in shock, with Youngbae looking at him, smilling. Seunghyun sighed and layed again. His head hurted like hell because he drank too much last night. 

"Morning hyung."

"Morning Bae."

"Having problems with the hangover?"

"Yeah. And you?"

"Not really. I don't drink like you do."

"Shut up."

Youngbae rolled his eyes and searched for the orange juice. He gave some to hyung and they both start talking about last night. They had a little party for no reason in special and started telling secrets to each other. Now they're talking about them again.

"You remember any secrets I told you last night?"

"A few. You got married twice to the same woman because she had these gigantic s. When you were a kid, you thought an was a magic banana that only women could eat. And, you Seungri two weeks ago because he bothered you at reading." Seunghyun had red cheeks on his face. The fact that Youngbae knows all that, is embarracing. 

"Do you remember any of mine, hyung?"

"Only one of them..."

"Jesus, you were drunk yesterday! I told you like, 20 secrets and you only remember one?!"


"Then, which one is it?"

"The one where you said you like Jiyong." Seunghyun said with quiet voice. Barely a whisper. Youngbae's cheek quickly became red. Of all the secrets, hyung needed to remember that one? Youngbae hid his head between his legs. "You ok kid?" Youngbae didn't make a sound. He didn't even move. Seunghyun came closer to him and gave him a hug. "Bae...you ok?"

"I'm fine...Just, don't tell Jiyong."

"You're gonna tell him?" Youngbae didn't respond. Seunghyun became a little mad at the idiot who was in front of him. "When are you going to tell him?"

"When I think it's time..."

"Bull!" Seunghyun exclaimed with an frustated tone. "You like him since you guys were trainees! You're almost 25! You have to tell him."

"How? If I feel a zoo inside me everytime I'm close to him?"

"You feel butterflies. Not a zoo."

"You know what I meant."

"Look, I'm not the right person to give advise about this crap called love. But, I know that it's time for you to tell him. And Jiyong will understand your feelings. He's your best friend."

"Will you be there?"

"Not there. Somewhere close."

"Ok. I'll try and tell him tonight, at the park."

"Great! That's the spirit! Now, let's go have a drink to celebrate!"

"We need to go to YG. We're already late."

"You really don't have any party spirit in you, do ya?"

"Guess not."


As Youngbae and Seunghyun entered the building, they could hear their leader screaming at them.

"Where have you been? You're 20 minutes late!"

"We kinda have a problem. Right Bae?"


"Since when you call him Bae? I'm the only one who can call him that you hear?!" 

Why's Jiyong so mad at something so insignificant? Youngbae thought to himself. They entered the building and the youngest members were doing their stupid things.

"It's not like that Seungri! You need to make your look bigger!"

"Like this, Dae?"

"The are you two maniacs doing?" Seunghyun asked before anyone could.

"Imitating Nicky Minaj." They both answered.

"You guys are mentally ill." Seunghyun added.

"But you're not the best example to say that." Youngbae said, while smilling to his hyung.

"Enough with the bullcrap! Let's start the training!" 


"Can we stop, Jiyong hyung? Please!" The maknae of the band pleaded to his leader, several times.

"Fine. We're over for today."

"Yay!" He screamed in happiness. Jiyong noticed that Seunghyun and Youngbae were pretty close today. And they still are. They are at the corner of the room, whispering stuff to each other. Jiyong was a bit angry but he doesn't know why.

"Hyung, will you have dinner with us?"

"I can't. I have some problems to solve."

"I understand." 

Seungri and Daesung left the room and those two were still whispering stuff to each other. Jiyong lost his temper when he saw Seunghyun grabbed his friend's waist.

"What the hell do you think you're doing??!!" Jiyong screamed, coming closer to the taller man.

"I-I'm helping Bae."

"I told you not to call him that!" Youngbae just looked at them.

"Jiyong, he was just helping me..."

Jiyong quickly grabbed Youngbae's wrist, pushing him into an dark alley.

"Ji, what's going on?"

"I-I don't know...I get angry when he calls you that, when he looks at you with those eyes and when he touched you...I just lost myself."


"I-I-I...think I was jealous...of Seunghyun. You guys have been really close to each other these days and, you just ignore me."

"Ji, I'm your best friend, I could nev-"

"But I don't think us being best friends is enough!" Ji cut Youngbae off. "I want us to be more...more than this..."

"Ji..yong?" Youngbae said with a scared face. Jiyong came closer to him.

"I love you." Were the words he said to Youngbae. He didn't care if someone was there to listen, he just cared that his best friend could knew. "I love you, Bae."

"I-I love you too, Ji." Youngbae whispered.

Their foreheads were touching. They were looking into each others eyes with lust, desire. Jiyong leaned and touched Youngbae's lips. Youngbae tip toed, because his friend was taller. Jiyong was grabbing Youngbae's waist, pulling them closer. They stop the kiss to catch their breathes.

"What are going to do about them?"

"We're only going to need to tell Dae and Riri. Hyung already knows."

"H-he does?"

"Yes, I accidently told him yesterday."

"It's ok."

"I'm gonna talk to him."

Youngbae went to the practice room again, with a bright smile on his face.

"Why the bright smile?"

"Jiyong confessed to me."

"Really? That's a relieve. At least I won't need to hide behind a bush."




So was it cute enough? Or TOP hyung ruined it's cuteness?

And now you know what I dream about!

That so good for you! XP


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Chapter 1: This was so cute and beautiful.. Loved reading this
sailoru #2
Chapter 1: He Seungri!!!!!!!
sailoru #3
Chapter 1: They were planning how YoungBae was going to tell him and Top hiding?!?! Sweet.
Chapter 1: Super cute