Chapter One

Hunts Are Better With Two

"Huang Zitao. The man who has claimed the bounty for countless crimes. Most known for his murder bounties, Tao has a relatiely wide fanbase in the law department. Always praised for his work they welcome any theory he has no doubt..."
     Tao read the newspaper and eventually lost interest as the paper droned out in endless praising and compliments. Not that he minded in anyway, he just thought they would've mentioned the justice he's served. But being put on a momentary pedestal was okay too. Today was another day, nothing new since the Nevada case, which he expertly shut down in one month. Only 5 people had been killed - a new record for the average of 45 that had been victims before he caught the bastard causing trouble. That didn't mean it was any better, however. Families were still grieving and Tao wasn't quick enough.
    Next time, Tao told himself, next time no one will get hurt. Just as he made a promise to himself, the doorbell rang. Tao rolled his eyes in annoyance. Who would be here at 5am?
    Upon further inspection, Tao found a box and papers stacked neatly on his patio table. No one was there. Carefully, Tao opened the door and peeked around. Although the town was known for rebellious teenage population, no one ever ding-dong-ditched Tao. He was too high on the society pryamid for that. Chuckling at his own conceited complex, Tao stepped fully outside and inspected the box. The papers were letters, some in interesting colors. One was brown with red spots. Funny, it looked like someone was mimicking the effect of dried blood.
    Tao let out a laugh to ease the strange situation, shaking his head at the thought of a murder targeting him. "They probably chose the wrong color and went over it in brown."
    He lifted the brown box, which was much heavier than he expected. Stumbling in the doorway, Tao eventually placed the package and papers on the kitchen counter beside the newspaper. He locked the door and began inspecting. He found letters from anonymous adults and teachers, all admiring his work and ambition for ending hate. Smiling to himself at the secret admirers, Tao pushed the pile to the side.
     "Now, what exactly are you?" Tao asked as he patted the brown box. It seemed to be bound together by strict cables. Odd. Packaging shouldn't been done that way regardless of the content.
    "Alright Tao, you've been too tense. It's only 5am, there hasn't been any murders, you need to relax," Tao breathed, inhaling deeply to calm himself. His hands shook in anticipation, which he found strange considering the only time he felt himself shake was when he knew something was wrong. "Enough of this bull." He clutched a knife from the drawer and sliced it across the cables. Instantly they popped apart and left wrinkly imprints on the box. He began to slide the top of the box up to reveal what was inside. A strong smell slowly entered the room, one that Tao knew familiarly, not in a pleasant way. He gulped and assumed that an animal nearby had been rotting and the AC had . It was when he removed the top and a layer of tissue paper that he immediately sprinted for the phone.
    Three rings and the other end picked up. There was a sleepy groan and Tao exploded.
    "Call Davidson right now. I need to scheudle an appointment as soon as posisble," Tao impatiently tapped his thigh, staring the box down and whispering into the phone. "Charles? Are you even there? I'll get Yimar if you don't get your lazy -"
    "I'm up, okay! I'm awake, I'm out of bed, I am alive. What is it? Huh? You sound so paranoid," the voice boomed. If it weren't for his situation, Tao would have gladly shouted obnoxiously right back.
    "Charles, listen to me loud and clear. I recieved a box-"
    "Oh great. Another one of your goodie-baskets from your kiss social justice warriors, huh? Listen punk, I may be your partner for investigations, but you  need to piss off about your high almighty status. I never get any credit, have you even considered my feelings? All you do is bask in the limelight of the press and journalist industry while I tag along on your horrifing quests. I've seen some , man. All because I swore an oath to be your ing partner. So if you think I'm gonna be here for you to brag about you have another thing coming. Because-"
    "Charles, I was sent the reminants of a child." Tao said sharply and swiftly. Not only was he scared beyond belief, but he felt betrayed by the only person he had to call home. "Call Davidson, make an appointment for 8am." Without another word Tao hung up.
    He was overcome with vertigo suddenly, and found himself sliding down the wall. A great fatigue washed over him.

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