Chapter 1 - The Odd Eye

Odd Eyes

Moon Yewon grew up with heterochromatic iridis. In other words, she has two different eye colors. With one hazel iris and another brown, Yewon has been deemed the mutated monster ever since childhood. Even though her parents tried to convince her that it was a gift from God, she had soon fell into deep depression and locked herself up in her own world.

At 5 years old…

“Yewon-ah, you must believe that your eyes are a gift sent by God. These are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Promise me that you will take good care and be proud of them, okay?”

“Okay mom, I will.” The 5 year-old Yewon smiled at her mother as she placed a kiss on her forehead before bedtime.


At 8 years old…

Yewon came back from school with her head held low and her eyes red and puffy.

“What’s wrong dear?”


“Come on Yewon, you got to tell me what happen.”

Yewon gradually lifted her head and spoke, “T-the kids at s-school…they avoided me like as if I’m a m-monster. T-they said my eyes…”

“Oh god. Come here sweetie,” her mom embraced her into a hug, “I’ll see what I can do.”

Later that night, Yewon woke up to the sound of her parent’s quarrel.

“So you are saying that it’s my fault for giving birth to her like this?! Aren’t you her father? Don’t you have a part in this too?” she saw her mother trying to hold back her tears from the outrage.

“I don’t mean that Daeun. Haven’t we discussed this before? I thought we already saw this coming and you said we should stand by her by supporting her? You know how kids are these days, don’t you? They will get over it after a while.” Yewon’s father retorted.

“Fine. If that’s what you think, then let’s get a divorce. You don’t deserve to be her father.”

Yewon covered while crying in bed. “This is all my fault.”


It has been 10 years ever since Yewon’s parents got divorced. She managed to graduate from middle school under her grandmother’s care while both of her parents got remarried to their own spouses. These 10 years didn’t come easy for her. Living without her parent’s love and being a victim of bullying at school made it harder for her days to come by. She decided to move away from her grandmother to start everything anew at Seoul.

“Yewon-ah, why don’t you get yourself a pair of colored contact lens when you go to your new high school?” her grandmother suggested through the daily phone call she had promised.

“I’m not so sure grandma. I can’t hide the fact that I’m odd eyed.” She sighed.


Yewon was walking down the streets of Gangnam since her apartment was located near Seoul High School in a hoodie and her fake glasses that she uses to hide her eyes. She came across an optical shop at the end of the street.

She read the promotional board that was placed outside the shop. The board wrote: Buy a pair of contact lens and get another for free! Only available for today! Yewon immediately thought of what her grandmother told her on the phone the other day.

“Yewon-ah, why don’t you get yourself a pair of colored contact lens when you go to your new high school?”

“It wouldn’t hurt to try right?” she thought to herself.

Just then, a worker from the shop walked out and greeted her. “Hi miss! Are you looking for contact lenses? It’s on sale today!”

Yewon slightly winced at the worker’s over enthusiasm and lowered her head. The worker seemed like her age but he was much taller than her.

“Erm, does this apply for colored lenses too?” she asked as she hesitantly pointed at the board.

“Of course! Do you want to come in and try our lenses?”

She nodded and followed him into the shop.

After choosing the colors of her lenses, the worker said, “I might need to check your eyes for your degree…” Yewon looked uneasy and fumbled with the ends of her hoodie.

“…or if you know your degree then that’s fine.” He smiled as her as if he read her mind.

“I have perfect eyesight…” Yewon mumbled.

“Alright then! Let me check out the bill for you.” The worker then proceeded to scan the items into the system and Yewon paid for it.

“Thank you! Hope to see you again!” he greeted her on her way out.

“Wow. Her eyes are beautiful.”

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I also think this will be interesting. Ppalli update juseyo~