Because Your All I Need

Stay With Me


"Thank you and please come again" Jonghyun smiled and waved to the family leaving the dessert shop. It had been a long day and had been busy with many customers, wiping the counter down, Jonghyun smiled as he walked round to close the door and lock up.

A soft sigh catches his attention, turning his head to face his best friend and secret love. Frowning a little, Jonghyun walked over to the table where is best friend was seated. "What's wrong Bummie" Jonghyun asked softly. He knew Key didn't have the greatest life, living with his friend Taemin, they both worked hard and were still studying and couldn't afford much.

The  apartment although Jonghyun hadn't seen it yet wasn't very nice. The boiler never worked, there was mould on the walls and the old carpet was worn and stained. Wall paper was peeling from the walls and during the nights the place was like a freezer. Jonghyun had only gotten to know Key just four months ago when he had come in to ask about the job that was in the window.

The puppy like man had worked his magic and managed to pull a few strings so Key could have the job. He had barely known the boy but that cute smile and dimples had already won his heart. Since then, they had both worked (and studied) together, both were studying in media with Jonghyun also studying in music. They seemed like the oddest couple but over all they got on like a house on fire.

"J..j..just, oh it's nothing" Key mumbled and closed his books. Key had been studying while Jonghyun finished up and served the last few customers. Key put the books into his bag ready for his Monday morning lectures, scared to look up into those beautiful puppy eyes.

Key could never resist those gorgeous eyes he had fallen so madly in love with since the day he saw them. Jonghyun was everything he secretly wished and dreamed for, he was perfect in every way even though he was a teasing idiot at times. Jonghyun had been the only one to understand his situation and support him, forever grateful to have gotten the job because of the slightly older man.

Peeking up under his soft brown bangs, Key sighed again. Those puppy eyes were like an open book of emotions, he could know what Jonghyun was feeling by just gazing into those soft brown orbs. "'s just now Taemin has moved out to live with Minho, I feel lonely and on top of that I can't afford the rent on my own. It's the cheapest place in town yet it's just a dump" Key sighed and fiddled with his fingers.

Taemin had moved out a little over two weeks ago, Minho his boyfriend had asked the younger to move into his apartment just ten minutes down the road. It was a lot better, had hot water and was like a palace compared to the dump Taemin used to live in. On top of that, Minho had offered to pay for Taemin to continue his dance classes, something Key was very grateful for as he struggled to buy even food to last a day.

Key watched as Jonghyung ot up and vanished into the back room, the younger sighed, he wondered why Jonghyun still put up with him. All he ever seemed to do recently was moan and complain, snapping at people when he was in a bad mood or stressed. Staring out the window, Key bit his bottom lip, he had just enough to buy a cheap cup of noddles for his dinner tonight although he was thinking of skipping and buying a cheap cup of coffee in the morning. Five minutes later, Key heard some shuffling and bumping about, curious, Key tried to peek over the counter when he saw Jonghyun bend down to get something.

"No peeking Kibummie" Jonghyun cooed softly and smiled. He banged about for a few more minutes, Key was even more curious now, Jonghyun was always up to something. Not much later, Jonghyun sat back down and placed something down in front of the younger.

Key looked up and his lips, a soft smile blossoming on his lips. Jonghyun had made him his favourite dessert. It was a freshly made pancake, smothered in Nutella, with crushed Oreo's, freshly whipped cream and ice cream. Jonghyun beamed like a happy puppy, nodding his head for the younger to start eating the extra sweet treat.

Jonghyun always knew how to cheer him up even if he was in such a foul mood, the dork always managed to put a smile on his lips even through the toughest times. Key hummed as he put the spoon in his mouth, he couldn't help but close his eyes, the pancake was still warm and the chocolate and Oreo's added so much flavour. Jonghyun was a pro when it came to making desserts, he had worked in the shop for nearly two years which surprised the feline man.

"This is so good Jjong" Key said before taking another bite,  Jonghyun smiling even wider. When Key was happy then so was he, Jonghyun wasn't dumb and he wanted to help Key in any way possible.

Many times he had treated the younger to coffee or brought him lunch, Key had promised to pay him back but Jonghyun didn't want to be paid back. As long as his sweetheart was well fed, looked after and care for then Jonghyun could sleep a little better at night. Jonghyun watched like a love sick puppy as Key ate the dessert, his heart hammering against his chest as he watched those bow shaped lips stretched around the silver spoon.

The puppy like man gulped as he watched Key those soft looking lips, a little bit of cream remained. He was tempted to kiss those lips but resisted, leaning over to gently wipe his thumb tenderly over the younger's bottom lip. Key gasped and watched with wide eyes, his heart flipping in his chest as warmth spread through his body. Jonghyun sat back down after what felt like a long drawn out few minute, his thumb tingling from the softness of Key's lip.

"Say Key, I want to ask you something" Jonghyun said after a few minutes silence. Key looked up after finishing his tasty dessert, now he didn't need to worry about dinner for later. The younger was curious as Jonghyun always called him by the cute nick names he had come up with, the serious expression also worried Key.

The feline man gazed into those puppy eyes but the couldn't tell what Jonghyun was going to ask him. He wished in the back of his mind that Jonghyun was going to kiss him and ask him out or to be his boyfriend but he didn't have much hope. Jonghyun gulped, he had been thinking about this for a little while and it made such perfect sense.

He really hoped Key would say yes to him, not only would it make him the happiest man alive but he would get to spend so much more time with Key. "I won't take no as an answer Key, I want you to move in with me. We can go and get your stuff today and stay with me Bummie" Jonghyun said with a small smile on his lips, scratching his neck sheepishly.

Key was shocked, mouth open and eyes wide, he really wasn't expecting Jonghyun to ask him to move in although it felt like such an amazing idea. Speechless for a few minutes, Key wasn't sure if he truly heard right, Jonghyun had always done so much for him already. "B..But J..Jjong, I...I can barely afford anything" Key stuttered out softly, he hoped he was not coming across as ungrateful because he truly did think that living with Jonghyun could be amazing. Jonghyun sighed but the smile didn't fall from his lips, standing up and shuffling around the table, sliding down to sit next to Key and throwing an arm around the younger man's shoulder.

"My mum helps me so I hardly pay much rent anyway Bummie. All I will ask is if your chip in a little with the weekly food shop. I can cover the other bills, please come stay with me Kibummie" Jonghyun pleaded, he really didn't want the younger going back to his old dump of an apartment.

Key sighed, his body feeling warm from Jonghyun's arm draped over his shoulder, the strong minty scent calming his beating heart.  The younger bit his lips as he thought about what Jonghyun said, it felt too good to be true. The older was like his angel who saved him so many times already and yet just continues to make his live worthy of something.

Jonghyun started to worry when Key didn't say anything, his heart sinking slowly at the thought of being rejected. "J..J..Jonghyun, I...I don't know what to say. W...Won't you get sick of me or want to bring your perfect lover home" Key said, a soft blush on his cheeks as he spoke the last part softly.

He didn't expect to blurt out the last part but deep down he needed to know if Jonghyun would get sick and just bring home lot's of girls. The puppy like man chuckled and ruffled the younger's soft brown hair affectionately which made the blush on Key's cheeks darken. Jonghyun hadn't expected Key to ask such a question but it made his heart pound faster.

"Well if you move in Bummie then my perfect lover would already be living with me" Jonghyun beamed while staring deeply into those gorgeous feline eyes. Key gasped at the confession, Jonghyun had just basically confessed (in a strange way), Jonghyun actually loved him.

It felt like a dream, too good to be true, Key smiled before leaning forward to capture the older's plump lips. Tenderly they kissed, Jonghyun was surprised at first but soon closed his eyes as he felt soft bow shaped lips move against his own. It felt like time had frozen as they slowly kissed, pouring their deepest emotions and pouring the love they had kept bottled up for many months since they had met. It felt like fire works were exploding around them and their hears desperate to leap out and intertwine together. Jonghyun could smell the younger's sweet strawberry scent and it made his head spin and body tingle.

"Y..yes J...Jjong I..I would love to move in with you" Key breathed out as their lips parted. Jonghyun's eyes widened for a moment before he threw his arms round the younger and planted butterfly kisses all over the younger man's face.

Key's light giggles were like music to his ears and honestly Jonghyun had not seen Key look so happy in a very long time. "Oh Bumme I love you so much, you have made me one happy and lucky man" Jonghyun said as he caressed the younger's face softly. He adored the way those cheeks would turn such a pretty rose pink when he would compliment and shower Key with his love.

Key was just so perfect in every way and now he was going to get to live with his Kibummie. Waking up and going to bed with such a beautiful man in his arms is all he had ever wanted, seeing that wide, dimpled smile made Jonghyun want to squeal over how adorable the younger really was. The two smiled before Jonghyun stood up, rushing to the back and throwing his light pearl aqua apron off.

He came back a minute later with his jacket on and back pack on his shoulder, taking Key's bag and taking the younger's hand in his own. They both felt butterflies in their stomachs as their fingers intertwined together, smiling as the older led Key outside, locking the door and walking down the road to where the older had parked his car. It wasn't a fancy car that Jonghyun owned, it was rather old and a little worn but it still run well.

Like the gentleman he was, Jonghyun opened the door and helped Key in before throwing their bags into the back and getting into the drivers seat. The feline boy gave the puppy like man directions to his apartment, feeling giddy that from tonight he would no longer be living there. The thought of living in an apartment with hot water and food and with someone who he loved was like all his Christmas and birthdays had come at once.

It was a twenty minute drive to the run down place that Key called home, it was in the middle of a run down, rough area which made Jonghyun uncomfortable. He could see lot's of drug dealers around, homeless wasted on the streets and teenagers stealing and breaking things, the older was so happy he asked Key to live with him now. The younger man gave Jonghyun a concerned look as he lead the older to the small room, unlocking the door Jonghyun was shocked at how cramped it was.

"Why don't I help pack your clothing Bummie and you can sort out a note to give to the landlord" Jonghyun said as he followed Key into the small bedroom. The younger had already dug out his suitcase and opened his wardrobe, Key had started to throw his stuff on to the bed to stuff into the suitcase.

The younger sighed, Jonghyun was right, he had to leave a letter to his landlord, the man he hated with a passion. Nodding his head Key went to walk to the kitchen but was stopped when strong arms wrapped around his waist. Plump lips softly touched bow shaped lips, Key closed his eyes as warmth once again spread through his body, toes curling in delight.

"I love you Bum" Jonghyun breathed out softly, smiling and brushing the younger's bangs from his eyes. That kiss alone gave Key all the energy and happiness he needed to write the letter, Jonghyun smiled as started to fold up his lover's clothing.

Looking around, he was so pleased to be giving Key a home where he will be safe and sound. The mould, peeling wallpaper and stained carpet grossed him out but Jonghyun understood that this was all Key could barely afford. He was going to make sure Key got to have a hot bubble bath and a nice hot meal once they reach his home.

It didn't take Jonghyun very long to pack Key's clothing and shoes, gather his personal belongings together, the furniture came with the apartment so they hadn't need to worry about that. While Key finished writing, Jonghyun took the bags and suitcase down to his car, putting everything in the trunk and back seats. Key read through his letter, happy with what he had put down, placing it in an envelope and sealing it down. Key would rather not see the landlord, he was weird and not a very nice person.

The younger walked round the apartment, it was basically bare, dvds packed up, clothes gone, his laptop and sewing machine was all that was left to take down. He couldn't believe this was the last time he would walk in this apartment and he was just so glad. The puppy like man walked inside, watching the man he loved wondering around one last time, his puppy eyes admiring the beautiful creature before him.

"You ready to leave Kibummie" Jonghyun whispered as he walked up behind Key and wrapped his arms around him again. He rested his chin on the younger's shoulder, smiling when he felt Key's hands rest on top of his own. They remained like that for a moment before Key sighed and smiled, he turned around and pecked Jonghyun's lips.

"I am ready to leave Jjong" Key replied softly. The older man took the letter from Key while the younger took his laptop and sewing machine. He looked back once more, Key smiled and walked out as Jonghyun locked the door and took the letter and keys to the main office in the lobby. The feline boy placed his bits on the back seat and sat inside, watching younger children cause chaos in the streets.

"Sure you want to do this babe" Jonghyun asked when he had returned from posting the letter for Key, holding the younger's hand tenderly. The younger man blushed as the warm hand covered his own, Jonghyun's thumb caressing the back of his hand softly.

Key was so grateful to Jonghyun and the fact that he hadn't really pressured him meant a lot although he won't decline the offer. "I am 100% positive Jjong, this is what I want, to stay with you" Key said and leaned over to kiss the puppy like man again. Jonghyun beamed and started the car, his left hand never letting goof the younger's as he started to drive off.

The feline boy didn't look back, leaving his old apartment behind him, looking forward to the future and living with his dorky, lovable puppy. It wasn't a long journey, Key felt a little nervous as he hadn't been to Jonghyun's apartment before. They ended up close to the sea, many apartment blocks stood tall and looked very expensive, it was just out side of town and close to the uni and dessert shop they worked at.

The feline boy's eyes widened when they pulled up in front of a large building, it just screamed expensive and luxurious. Jonghyun got out and opened the door for Key, taking the younger's hand, the older guided his lover inside. It was clean, flowers around and everything seemed the complete opposite of his old place, they took the lift up to the fifth floor.

Jonghyun wanted to get Key settled in before going down to get his bags. Opening the door, Key was speechless, the apartment was perfect. The walls were painted a soft creamy colour, beautful framed photos hung up around, the carpet was so fluffy beneath his feet once he slid his shoes off. It felt like he was living in a palace, no stains, mould or coldness around.

Jonghyun smiled as he watched Key wonder about, gazing in awe at everything. The older let Key explore while he went down to get the younger man's belongings, it felt like a dream knowing Key was now going to be living with him. Once the puppy like man got back up to his apartment, he noticed Key seated on the sofa and his cheeks were puffy and eyes red which alarmed Jonghyun.

"What's wrong Kibummie, are you hurt or regretting anything" Jonghyun asked with concern as he rushed to the younger man's side. He took Key's hands into his own, waiting for the beautiful angel to speak to him.

Key smiled despite the tears, shaking his head lightly "I..I'm f..fine J..Jjong, J...Just this is just perfect. I.I..I never imagined I would live in a place like this,'s perfect and y..your perfect" Key stuttered out softly as his gaze remained on those beautiful round puppy eyes. His heart was thumping against his chest, emotions getting the better off him, Key hadn't felt so happy and content in a long time.

The couple shared a sweet kiss "I love you Jjong" Key whispered as their lips parted before pressing his own back against those soft plum lips again. Jonghyun made sure his boyfriend had a nice long sock, pouring in lot's of peachy scented bubble bath. The older unpacked most of the younger man's clothes while he bathed, leaving the more personal belongings to one side for Key to sort out.

The puppy like man cooked a nice hot meal, making sure the younger finally got to eat a nice, decent hot dinner. It was time Key was treated like a king he was and Jonghyun was going to make sure that Key remained happy and spoilt like he should be. It felt like a whole new world to the younger, everything was just so nice, clean and warm, the dinner was delicious and Jonghyun was just so perfect in his eyes.

As night time came around, the two laid in bed, snuggled up together, Key was still in shock that Jonghyun had confessed to him. The perfect man was now his boyfriend and he couldn't be more happier and feel so lucky, Taemin was so happy with Minho and Key could understand why now. What Taemin has with Minho is what he is sharing with Jonghyun and the feeling is just out of this world.

"Thank you for letting me stay here Jjong, I am forever grateful but I don't know how to pay you back for everything" Key said as the older brushed his hair softly. The feline boy could hear Jonghyun's heart beating fairly fast, the minty scent soothing his tired body.

Jonghyun smiled and pressed a kiss to the younger's forehead tenderly, one arm securely wrapped around Key's waist. Key had never felt so loved and wanted, Jonghyun was just so good to him, treated him so well and gave him love that he never thought could exist. The slightly older squeezed Key's body and tried to bring him closer to his chest, chuckling softly at his lovers words.

"Oh Bummie baby you don't owe me a thing.I am so glad you are here to stay with me and honestly your all I need Kibummie" Jonghyun replied softly. The older's words made Key blush but he felt so light, bubbly and happy like his life had been splashed with colour and excitement. Key snuggled down, kissing Jonghyun's chest mole before closing his eyes, feeling more warm then he ever had before.

Leg's tangled under the blankets with Jonghyun's, the older munching Oreo cookies in bed with crumbs falling on the blanket. That was just something so typical of Jonghyun but Key loved it. Life with Jonghyun was just so perfect and it had only just begun, life ahead was full of excitement and happiness and living with Jonghyun (The man he loved even when he was a cheesy idiot) was just the beginning.

Staying with Jonghyun was the best decision of his life and he knew Jonghyun was going to be in his life forever, there was no way he was letting someone so perfect go now. Key would be a fool to let Jonghyun go although Jonghyun was just like a puppy, he was loyal to his master like he is loyal to his Kibummie. No matter what, they are going to stick together like glue, neither was going anywhere with out the other by their side.

Their love was more sweeter and more beautiful then the desserts they made in their shop and unlike their pancakes, their love won't fall apart so easily.

A/N Hello lovelies ^^

Thank you to everyone that subscribed <3

I hope you will enjoy this random fluff XD (Jongkey are too cute ><)

Comment, Subscribe and enjoy lovelies :3

I will see you all soon

P.S Why does Jjong look like a clingy puppy here XD

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Chapter 1: awwww creamy oreo filling and cold milk!!!!!
Chapter 1: This was a very nice, cute and surprisingly refreshing story! ^^ Keep up the amazing work!
daddy-jjong #3
Chapter 1: omfg i couldnt sleep so i went on aff and i squealed when i saw u u updated this
Chapter 1: *spontaneously combusts due to the overload of fluffy fluffy fluffy*
Shawol365 #5
Chapter 1: Omfg the last line tho*^*
I loved it*-*
Rellamellow #6
Chapter 1: Oh my god this was awesome. So sweet and adorable and oh my god the last line made me want to squeal *^*
ShawolXxX #7
I've been craving some sweet fluff :3
Hope you'll post it soon. ^.^