I like games, especially if they involve you

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Chen is seemingly, innocent, or is he? Chen loves games, especially if it involves you. The game has only just begun. 


Who says games are for kids? I like games; I know all kinds of games. Chen is an expert at game playing, he never loses and he always wins. At first glance Chen seems… shy, very deceiving he is, you wouldn’t even believe that he dances, but once he has you under his spell, you’ll never know until it’s too late. That’s just how he likes to play. With the body of a dancer, not only can he bend, but he will bend you anyway he wants, just to hear you scream his name. So come on, come play


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Wallieb #1
Chapter 2: This would be a great story!!!
Chapter 2: Actually that would be great! I thought this was an update already oops hihi
Chapter 1: Hehe so sweet.