Who's the Mom?

Who's the Mom?
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"I'm here!" Jongin announced as he enteres his favorite place on earth, His and Taemin's apartment.

There's no reply, but hearing the running footsteps coming towards him, he breaks out in a wide grin anticipating his lover, Lee Taemin's welcome.

"Jonginah!" He squeals excitedly almost stumbling, fortunately Jongin catches him, while laughing at his Taemin's clumsiness.

"Glad to see you too. Taeminssi" He pecks Taemin's cheeks.

Not really interested in his lover's antics at the moment, Taemin continues excitedly. " I saw your pictures with Taeoh!"

Jongin takes off his jacket and places it on a hanger right by the door. Then they both proceeded inside as they converse.

"Wah you stalker." Jongin says faking disbelief by forming an o with his mouth and a hand covering his mouth.

"Don't flatter yourself, I was actually looking at Taeoh." Taemin says rolling his eyes, but smiles brightly while saying the little boy's name.

Jongin snorts, not convinced. 

"You know, Its actually not that hard taking care of a kid." He starts boasting.

"I just remember how I deal with you, and viola Kid Expert!" He continues then Laughs his off, so sure that he'd get an adorable reaction from his lover.

And as he thought Taemin glares at him pouting. 

" Yah right Kim Jongin, You taking caring of a child, is just like YOU taking care of YOURSELF, in my opinion." He retorts.

"Are you implying that Im a kid Taeminssi?" He says slowly, in a sad playful tone.

Taemin nods smugly

"But anyway! Taeoh is so cute Im envious! Dou you think you could see him again, but on a regular day, and can you bring me along." Taemin requests cutely clutching Jongin's arm.

"Im not sure... But, yah! Im starting to think you actually were only looking at Taeoh and not me." He answers squinting his eyes at Taemin.

"Well, hes just sooooo cute, so ofcourse." Taemin explains with a hint of a joke.

"Yaaaaah, He looks just like me, everyone says so, I can pass as his father you know." He whines. Making a pinching gesture "Im just a tad bit cuter."  He continues, acting cute.

"Pfft. Defenitely a kid!" Taemin laughs while pointing at his pouting lover.

Taemin gets up from their sofa and heads back to the kitchen where he originally was, before Jongin arrived. He was making ramyun for Jongin and himself. ( Yes, thats as good as its gonna get for dinner made by Lee Taemin, but Jongin never complains. Oh love, art though miraculous.haha)

Taemin was preparing food bowls for Jongin and himself when his lover decided to be clingy.

Jongin hugs Taemin from behind, wrapping both his arms tightly around Taemin's slender waist and placing his chin comfortably on Taemin's shoulders.

"Buut, you agree that Im a TAD BIT cuter, right? He says cutely, emphasizing the capitalized words.

Taemin couldn't help but laugh at the jealous Jongin, jealous of a kid Jongin. " Hilarous" he thought as he laughed his adorable laugh causing Jongin to stare.

" Fine fine, you're

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Chapter 1: Awwwww blushing taem..yes yes I love taemom!!!!
Shihaam1 #2
Chapter 1: I Enjoyed Reading This Story TaeKai's The Sweetest Cutest iest Beautiful Adorable Loving & They Have A Manly Aura The'll Be Greatest Parents Ever I Can't Choose Between Them Who's The Mom:DYay!TaeKai:DPlease With A Cherry On Top Of A Chocolate Cake Write Sequel To This TaeKai Story:D
Chapter 1: TaeMin of course. ~
It's a cute story !
Chapter 1: Taemommy !!!!!! :3
Piggybunny3 #5
Chapter 1: Yesss!!! Totally Agree with you~ with "taemin as the mom,since jongin has a more manly aura" kekeke

Story is so Cute~ and Enjoyable~
chocotwister #6
Chapter 1: TaeMom~ sounds legit
woosansweetkins #7
Chapter 1: Of course taeminnie as mom if taekai have a little kid:) hahaa thanks for sharing this cute story^^
woosansweetkins #8
UPdate soon
Shihaam1 #9
I Can't Wait For This Story It Sounds Sweet Cute Adorable Loving & Funny:D
Piggybunny3 #10
Yess cute Taeoh. Its so cute how he looks like kai but His name starts with Tae. ;;;D kekeke

~ Cant wait for the Update ;D