One Ending is a New Begining

BlackRose Love


My name is Jiba Black, I go by Minji now. Nam Minji is what my mother chose as my Korean name even though I am only half Korean she thought if I ever went to Korea that I should have a Korean name.  I always told her that I didn’t need it and that if I did ever go we could think of one then. Now I’m glad she gave it to me. 


I had a happy life.  I had my mother, father, younger sister Sumi, and my twin sister Yoonji. Yoonji and I were both models, she was always there for me. We loved each other so much. We lived in the U.S and were rich, lived in a big house, with nice cars and lots of friends. We were happy.  I was happy. 


Until that day. I’ll never forget what happened.  Yoonji and I had just placed second in a musical competition, she played the violin and I played the cello. Our parents were so proud of us so they took us out to dinner.  After our driver brought the car around front. Yoonji got in, then Sumi then me.  Father was standing outside talking on the phone with mother by his side. I’ll never forget what happened next…not even the moment I die will I forget.  Fastening my seatbelt  I saw Yoonji doing Sumi’s belt.  “Unni I can do it myself!” I smiled Sumi’s only 8 but we both treat her like she’s four. “It’s just cause we love you, that we do thing for you.” I say as I hug her, and give Yoonji a wink but she’s not looking at me.  I know from the look on her face that she is terrified, following her gaze I see a big SUV speeding towards us with no sign of stopping. “Yoonji!”

I will never forget the feeling of Yoonji throwing herself over top of me and Sumi just as the SUV collides with our car.  Our smaller car had no chance, the force moved our car flipping it over and over until it landed upside down. I remember looking to see if my parents were ok, I couldn’t see them so I assumed that everything was ok but that we would need a new car.

“Yoonji can we leave now?” Silence was my only reply. “Yoonji? Yoonji answer me!” I was beginning to panic and was so scared.  “Minji unni..” I had almost forgotten about Sumi. Her voice was so quiet but I could hear how frightened she was.  

“It’s ok.  I’m going to get us out here.” Quickly I slipped out of my seat so I was standing on the roof. “Sumi wrap your legs around my waist…that’s right, good…now put your hands on my shoulders.  I’m going to unbuckle you now ok?” My voice sounded so calm and sure, but I was just as terrified as she was. “mhm”  With Sumi in my arms I tucked her head into my shoulder so she wouldn’t see Yoonji. The sight shocked me to the bone.  Yoonji had not had a seatbelt on yet and had taken most of the impact from the hit.  She was laying there on the floor..roof.. covered in blood but what shocked me more was the fact the there was a bullet wound right through her heart. “Go…protect o..our..pri..ncess..” I nodded, I wanted to help her I really did but I couldn’t not with those wounds. 

I opened the door and crawled out. People were trying to get a look at the accident. People started to hush each other as we came out of the car, but their voices reached my ears.  “..both the women…”  “..crushed..”  “…man too..” “…two girls…” “…lucky…”

I turned to look at the scene. It wasn’t like the movies where the car is on fire with no blood and the survivor only has a few scratches but is other wise lucky. No there was nothing lucky about this. I could see where my parents had been crushed by the car and the building we collided with.  The ground was covered in blood. “Yoonji…” I was crying.  “waahhhhhh…..mommy!..daddy!” Sumi was so distraught.  Mentally cursing my self for crying I try and shush her, people were starting to stare.  The sirens in the distance slowly coming closer frightened me because they seemed to make this nightmare a reality.

The ambulance’s and police arrived. A lady from one of the ambulence’s rushed over to me. “Everything’s going to be alright. I will just do a few tests on you.”  I shook my head, the lady looked confused. “Her first.” Meaning my sister, she understood and tried to take Sumi from me.  The poor thing was so frightened, cried and wouldn’t let go of me.  In the end the lady checked her vitals from my arms, and then mine.  


The last thing I heard in the ambulance was “two dead, one serious case…” and the last thing I saw was my mother and father’s bodies with white sheets covering them, and my twin being rushed into another ambulance with 4 paramedic’s rushing around her. 

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