Tears of Angels

Tears of Angels
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I hate the rain.



When it rains, the roads become slippery and dangerous

The laundry we spend so much time washing doesn't dry

It's also such a hassle having to carry an umbrella everywhere

It causes floods, not allowing us to go out on our scheduled date

It makes people feel gloomy

It makes people prone to sickness, especially you




I can think of more reasons why I can't love the rain,

but there is one reason why I find it a bit tolerable.





You love the rain.



You said that it decorates windows with it's jewel like droplets

It makes the roads glisten like the ocean

It makes the wind feel cooler

You love how it falls and sinks into your skin

It makes you feel like you've been touched by the skies

You always tell me that the rain are actually tears of angels

Their tears of joy and sadness.



You can think of more reasons why the rain is lovely,

and there are times when I feel like you love the rain more than me.




 I'm on my way to you as I feel raindrops fall on my cheeks, on the tip of my nose and on my forehead.


I can't help but think of you when it rains.

How you'd suddenly run out of our apartment just to feel it on your skin.

How I would chase after you, grabbing an umbrella for protection from the evil rain that damps everything it touches.

How you run around smiling and giggling happily while I beg you to get under the umbrella, fearing you might get sick again.

How you would always catch a cold in the end, as i have feared.


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Chapter 1: this story is so sad, but i love it. i love the way you describe every detail in it. good writing!
Chapter 1: Omg this story is soo sad <\3333 enjoyable though
woosansweetkins #3
Chapter 1: its hurts... you makes me cry.. :'(
maythetnwe #4
Chapter 1: I m crying :'(
It hurts...
I really love all your stories,authornim <3