What Fishie Sees, Fishie Hogs (Chapter 2)

What Fishie Sees, Fishie Hogs

The Second Night

Kyuhyun gritted his teeth and launched a particular hard pull, for the zillionth time that night, over his claim of the blanket. Donghae still wouldn’t bulge. Not only that, Donghae had also kicked him twice in his sleep over the course of the night. At first he thought Donghae realized his little stunt from yesterday and was planning a revenge... but apparently, this particular fish was just a very restless one.

The maknae sat up in the dark, completely frustrated. They had early schedule tomorrow, and he only had, oh just barely 3 hours left, to sleep. Fine. He thought. I don’t need YOU. He glared at his edge of the blanket, now barely peeking at him from under Donghae’s arm, feeling utterly betrayed by the whole thing.

It was time for a new strategy.

He got up and went to his luggage, pulling things out in the air. Four long sleeved shirts, two pajamas pants, two regular pants, two jackets, three pairs of socks, two pair of gloves, a few of Donghae’s clothing (he would have to not mind, because this was all because of him) and a scarf. He put it on one by one, layering one on top of another. It wasn’t as easy and simple as he imagined it would be. His head got stuck on the third shirt, then he couldn’t pull up his second pair of pants (he just realized—why all the pants he brought were so tight-fitting?), and even if he managed to, he couldn’t close the zippers (that was bad, he thought, he didn’t want his most precious part of his body being the one least protected—it was the matter of future Cho generations here).

And when he succeeded at putting everything together, he was so stiff he barely could walk... let alone crouch down to put on his socks. His socks! He could see his toes wriggling under him, turning slightly blue. Darn it. He had forgotten about them.

So he went to take off his jackets and shirts one by one again. And then, it was still hard to reach his toes with all the pants layered thick over his legs, so he took them off one by one too. The taking off process hadn’t been very much easier than the putting on, but he figured he didn't have to take off everything, only until he could move. Reaching two layers of clothing, he stopped to catch his breath. And then he began again. This time he started with the socks. It made it even slower to put on all those pants, and he went through everything again—the head getting stuck, the pants getting stuck, the zippers...

It all went so strenuously slow... but—Finally! Finally he put everything together and albeit being extremely stiff and uncomfortable and feeling like his blood had stopped flowing because everything was so tight, at least he wasn’t freezing to death. Maybe finally he could sleep now. Kyuhyun hopped towards the bed like a Chinese vampire (normal walking was out of question), feeling a sense of accomplishment. In a minute now he was going to drop himself over the soft mattress, close his eyes, and finally, just finally...

His alarm rang.

Kyuhyun’s loud profanities woke Donghae up.

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lilacsky #1
Chapter 7: This is precious! I chuckled all the way reading it. I love you! I love Kyuhae! Looking forward for more, much more.
The song!!! Hahaha! I actually sang it while reading. :))) this story is waaay funeeeh. love it. :)
This is so hilarious! I was hoping you expand the part though. Haha.
I love your story and the lyrics were just so darn funny!!!!XD<br />
Gawd, Kyu was the funniest but lol, in the end he took the initiative!!!XD <br />
Yesung and Ryeowook have some imagination but lol, they know!!!XD<br />
I like your story!!!XD
HAAHA!<br />
Stupid fishy! This was so funny!!<br />
This was great loved it. <3
...Oh my gosh, I laughed like a mad man at your lyrics! It's fabulous! And the fanfiction itslef was really cute and adorable. I love how this little fishie and evil maknae complete each other.
Kyaaaaaaa, its sweet!! And ckckck fishy hoggs! LOL
allmidnighter #8
@eunsihae1987: Not really... :P <br />
It wasn't about shutting him up though, their real problem is the fight over the possession of the blanket.
eunsihae1987 #9
i betg kyuhyun kisses him to shut him up