First Love

LONG TIME NO SEE PEEPS <3, I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH OMG. I seriously apologized for the update to take almost a year long! I was so busy with univeristy and it such a big adjustment for me! I just did this rn so it might sound ty and i apologize for that! ANYWAY HERE IT IS ENJOY! <3


Dara’s POV


“Just like yesterday, where I have never thought of myself getting married and start a family. Not falling in love either. But there you were, you showed up, healing the wounds that I have never mind all these years until you touch them with your gentle hands” he grabbed my hands


“You’ve given me everything I never knew I would need, the love that I have felt every minute just by spending time with you has been the best times of my life, no matter what problems goes to our way” he said, as he brought my placed a gentle kiss on my hands


“Even better now, that you have agreed to be my wife, and that you have given me the best gift of having a chance to be a father” his eyes started glistening with tears


“I love you, and will never ever hurt you no matter what happens. In sickness or health would I never think of leaving you as you are the crazy person who I have loved deeply and made me feel like a person again” he ended his speech


Jiyong’s POV


“I love you too” she answered, “from the bottom of my heart would never forget the moment I saw you on the sidewalk, practically yelling help but by sleeping” she joked


“You may be a person I have never thought of meeting or marrying, but that does not mean I do not love you for who you are, but because it is the best thing that happened to me” she continued


“Instead of you being grateful to me, it should be the other way around, s you have taught me to love a person by what they feel and who they are instead of what other people thinks of you” 


“I will always believe that we as a family will be happy for the rest of our life Jiyong-ah, and I love you so much” she finished


The priest then smiled to us, while our special friends and family were crying their hearts out from our speeches to each other


“Do you, Kwon Jiyong, accept this lady to be your lovely wife for sickness and health?” He asked


“I do father” I answered while looking directly in her eyes


“Do you, Sandara Park, accept this young man to be your husband for sickness and health?”


“Definitely!” She answered which made me chuckle a bit, NOW YOU’RE GOING SOFT!


“You may now kiss the bride” he says, while I quickly grabbed her face and kissed her like my life depended on it. 


“I love you Mrs. Kwon” I whispered, “I love you too, Mr. Kwon” she answered, “and you too baby Kwon” I muttered while rubbing her belly.




It has been four years since our wedding, and of course our child, Kiyong is now 3 years old.


“appa, is it okay if I marry eomma?” He asked


I looked at him, trying to hide my overprotectiveness to my wife. “No” I simply answered him


He started crying for goodness sake after what I told him, so now here comes his mother running for his help


“What happened?!” She asked, “Appa said that I can't marry you!” He answered, this kid holy


“I won’t honey, but I will always love you!”she answered, which made me really happy

The kid started crying again, “But, we’ll be together forever?” He asked his mom


“Of course, appa and eomma would always be with you forever!” she answered


I went ahead and hugged both of the most special people in my life and swore that I would protect them with my life.




Also, you please do not forget to write a comment about what you think about this chapter and the whole story okay? I would really appreciate it! ALSO you, YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT MY STORY ROYALS, AND IN THE END OF THE CHAPTER IT HAS A POLL ABOUT THE SEQUEL SOOO DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! I'll probably attached them here too! LOVE YOUUU <3


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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 1: Interesting..though it only have few chapters
Chapter 2: I ❤️❤️❤️ your story authornim very sweet couple
Janaky011203 #3
Chapter 5: Hahaha lol I like that boy. Hahaha lol going to marry Dara. I like your update thank you so much!!!
Chapter 4: Soo cheeseball hahahahha so cute ❤️❤️
Chapter 3: Yes
Chapter 2: Very interesting authornim i love daragon
Chapter 7: i missed this
i missed u too
thank u for sharing this cute story♡
maridanzannet #8
Chapter 1: Cool story
Imoengkardur #9
Chapter 7: Nice story,,hope u will write another story
Chapter 7: Keep writing your story ....I love it... fighting...wish I read your other stories...haha