Ch. 3 Another special chapter for y'all

First Love

The unexpected date

Annyeong you! Welcome back you! I decided to make another chapter because I haven't really started touching any of my other stories besides this since I was already reading the latest comments of my stories lol and this one came up xD SO MAYBE IF The Missing Princess have latest comments I would add another chapter, HAHAHA JOKES. I'll do it even if there aren't any, but not now, maybe after iKON and BIGBANG releases their full album haha :D 




I woke up with the sunlight blinding my eye, but despite that the beautiful fall scenery was everywhere and it was amazing. I unknowingly smiled after seeing it.


But it grew wider when I saw the man that I love sleeping so soundly and beautifully beside me, his arms were wrapped around my waist and putting his face a my .


I carefully removed his arms without waking him up after hearing a continuous knock at our front door. Which I'm sure is Bom, obviously.


I put on my maroon robe and slipped my feet into my slippers.


I immediately went to the door and saw Bom, Seunghyun, her husband and their beautiful angel Jae. I smiled knowing that they were there standing before me after a year of not seeing each other once again, since ever since Jiyong knew that when the girls and I met up, Jaejoong and the others were also with us which I don't really mind but he does.


"Good morning Bommie~ Seunghyun-ah! And my favourite Jae~" I greeted them as I hug Bom, Seunghyun ad picked up Jae and showered him with million kisses. Kyah~ I love this cute little boy~ So just you know I really love kids too, and I want to have a lot soon :D


"Kyah! Ssantokki-noona~" Jae wrapped his arms around my neck, totally loving what I was doing haha! "Morning Tokki!" Bommie greeted back and was about to hug me tight but realized I was holding Jae.


"Goodmorning Ssantokki!" TOP sweetly smiled at me while wrapping his arms around Bom. SO CUTE~


"Come in, come in!" I told them which they gladly obliged to do.


"So... what are you guys here for? Not that I want you to elave or anything" I said, while putting Jae down, but the kid doesn't want to let go of me so I sat down while carrying Jae.


"Well... we wanted to ask you for a favour" TOP started while he and Bom were looking at each other, "Is that okay Tokki?" Bom then asked me.


"Of course it's okay Bommie-ah and Seunghyun-ah! What is it anyway?"


"Well.... TOP and I have this business trip we have to attend for 2 days and a half and we're wondering if it's okay for you to watch Jae while we're okay" she asked.


My face immediately brighten after hearing their favour, I then looked at Jae who was playing with my hair, and touching my cheek or continuously poking it, "Is that okay with you though Jae-ah?" I asked him.


Bom and Seunghyun looked a little confused for a moment, but Jae stopped what he was doing and looked at them then immediately showed his gummy and kind of toothless smile [keke] "Neh noona~ I would love too! So please say yes. I really want to stay here and spend some time with you!" he excitedly told me.


I then chuckled a little then put my gaze back to where Bom and Seunghyun was, "Well, this cutie just said he would love to do it, then I would be okay with it too!" I told them. The couple then smiled widely at me and thanked me a countless of time.


Seunghyun glanced at the wall clock hanging and tapped Bom then nodded, "We need to go Dara-yah..." she said, so I stood up still carrying Jae who seemed like he doesn't have any plans on letting me go, "That was fast" I told her.


"We're very sorry Dara" Seunghyun apologized, "We're just really busy right now, but Bom and I promise that when we come and pick Jae up, we will definitely catch up together with the others of course, right honey?" he said which Bom was very glad to agree with.


"Arasso! Just make sure you do it!" I told them, while leading them outside the house, "Of course Ssantokki!" Bom said while she bids her goodbye by hugging me very tight and Seunghyun too, and they did the same with Jae.




On the same morning, after Bom and Seunghyun left, Jae and I spent our time watching his favourite cartoon and talking about his hobbies.


"Noona, I'm hungry!" Jae suddenly exclaimed while he runs towards the kitchen, I then followed him there and chuckled at him. "Arasso prince Jae. I'll go and cook breakfast for three of us"


"Three?" he asked confusely, I nodded my head while looking back at him, "Who's the third person noona?" he suddenly asked.


"Your Jiyong-samchon is living with me remember? And right now he's still asleep so why don't we go cook breakfast?" I asked him while giggling, how forgetful this kid is! Kyeopta!


"We? So you mean I could help you cook noona?!" he excitedly ask again. I immediatey nodded my head, "HOORAY! But..." he trailed off.


"But what Jae?" I asked him while grabbing the small stairs for him to use so he can help me, "But noona, I don;t want Jiyong-samchon to live with you!" he said,


"Why not Jae-ah?!"


"Because you're mine noona! And when I grow up you're going to marry me!" he suddenly blurted that surprised me, his face redden when he realized what he said and immediately runs back to the living room, leaving me all alone. My heart soften with what he said so I followed him back and saw him pouting in the corner of the sofa.


"Arasso, but I don't think your Jiyong-samchon will like it if he knew what you said so we'll keep it a secret" I told him while patting his head and while he looks at me with his puppy eyes.


"Jinja noona?! I will fight for you kk!" he said, I laughed and grabbed his hands "Then let's go and make breakfast prince!" I told him which he happily obliged to do so.


Jiyong's POV


I immediately stood up after knowing Dara wasn't beside me anymore. "Dara" I exclaimed while looking around the room hoping that she's there somewhere.


As I was starting to panic, I heard some pan clanging in the kitchen and realizing she's already cooking breakfast, a smile then immediately appeared knowing that she'll be cooking my breakfast and I will see her wearing apron, and I'll be able to cuddle her while she cook. [author *me*: this guy. tsk tsk]


Author-nim, please shut up! [author *me*:arasso Jiyong-ah!]


I decided to go to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth then go take a shower before I go down. After I was done, I put on a pure black v-neck shirt and ripped jeans. [author *me*: why are you dressing up? Are you and Dara going somewhere?] AUTHORNIM JUST SHUT UP! I WAS ABOUT TO TELL THEM THAT! [author *me*: *bows head and keeps writing then a light buld suddenly appeared in my head* YOU KNOW I COULD CHANGE DARA'S BOYFRIEND TO JAEJOONG RIGHT? I'M THE AUTHOR AFTER ALL] Authornim, you wouldn't! [author *me*: I could, but I'm too nice so go on...]


I'm actually dressed like this because I'm thinking of inviting Dara to go on a date with me since I barely have a day off from work but now I have one so why not right? [author *me*: Wait, I though your the CEO of your company? Don't you have the decision if you want to tae day offs or not?] Authornim, even if I wanted to, Dara wouldn't let me so I don't have a choice [author *me*: ah~]


I was on my way to the kitchen when I suddenly heard two voices, the other one is definitely Dara and the other one I don't know, but it's a boy. My face darkens and immediately stormed inside the kitchen and was surprised seeing a kid, a 3 year-old kid.


"Baby?" I called out on her, she was surprised seeing me in the door frame but then her face reaction changed to a happy one. She walked towards me and gave me a peck on the lips, which I responded.


"Who is he?" I asked her while pecking her lips and looked back at the kid who had this killing aura around him and a glare that wanted to kill me which is very much the same look that I have when I see other with other guys... Could it be? Could he be my son?!


"Oh that's Jae, you've met him before right?" she asked, I shook my head "I don't remember meeting a kid once..." I said as I think back to the past to recall some of the times.


"Oh! Is-" "Good morning, Jiyong-samchon." the so-called Jae interrupted me in the middle of my sentence, he clinged to Dara's legs and 'summoned' his super-cute-you-wouldn't-be-able-to-reject-me puppy eyes while directly looking at her and said, "Dara-noona, I'm very hungry, will you feed me?"


"Eh?" Dara surpringsly said, "Noona, please feed me~" NOW HE FCKIN' USED AEGYO!!!!


"Don’t you have arms to use?" I sarcastically asked the kid.


Instead of answering, tears on his eyes started falling me, which made Dara panic a lot, "Arasso, Jae-ah, I'll feed you. Don't listen to your samchon!" she immediately went to him, picked him up and hugged him tightly while glaring at me. She then turned around while still comforting Jae.


While Dara was facing the opposite way as me, Jae then smirked in front of me and stuck his tongue out and mouthed, "I won, ajusshi!" I glared at him and was about to grab the kid and throw him out of my house when Dara suddenly turned around, which made me freeze to where I was and pretended to grab the juice and pour some to our glasses.


"Let's eat." she says.


"Dara-ah, whose kid is this?" I asked while not rudely pointing at the kid who's sitting beside her which is my place, and who my baby is spoon feeding which SHOULD BE ME!


"Don't be like that Ji-ah" she scolded me, which made the kid smirk at me once again, EVIL KID!


"I'm sorry. So whose unlucky parents own Jae?" I asked once again, which is less rude if you ask me. She threw me another glare and rolled her eyes. "Arasso!" I gave up.


"Who are his parents?" I very, very, very politely asked her.


"His parents are Bom and Seunghyun don't you remember?! The last time we saw them including with Jae was like 2 years ago!" she answered while she playfully smacked my arm.


“Anyway, aren’t we supposed to go somewhere today?” I asked, totally changing the subject about this ungrateful child.


“We are jagiya~ and Jae’s going with us!” she exclaimed excitedly, “WAE?!” I suddenly blurted out that made her glare at me again. SERIOUSLY THOUGH!


“Because I said so,” she replied, I sighed when I heard her, “And so did Bom, so if she were to hear your reply I’m a hundred percent sure, she would kill you” she added which made all the hair on my body to stand up just by hearing Bom’s name.


I mean, have you seen her when she gets mad, or annoyed? She’s even worse than me when I’m fighting I mean she’s Bominator after all!


“Jagi, I said ‘wae’ because I’m seriously excited to have Jae to come with us for our date today, I mean the more the merrier right?” NO IT’S NOT, THE YOU SAYIN’ BRUH. “The wrong words just came out because of the excitement!”


“Of course Ji” she said while smiling and turning to Jae’s way and feeding him again.


“I would love to go with you Jiyong-samchon, Dara-noona!” Jae then said after the silence.


I secretly glared at the kid who seem to have felt it and looked back at me while smiling so widely like he just won a lottery.




After we finished eating, Dara immediately did all the dishes, while I fixed the table. After doing everything she needed to do, she went straight to the bathroom to take a shower, leaving me and Jae alone in the living room.


The room was filled with silence and annoyance, I never really wanted to be here with this kid but Dara insisted me on playing with him or just watching him.


“Ahjussi” he called out, I glared at the kid. I’m too young to be called an ahjussi!


“I will marry Dara-noona in the future, so you better back off ahjussi! I would never let an old man like you to take her away from a handsome man like me!” he continued which made my blood boils so bad, but made my competitive side to rise up again.


“Kid, seriously though, Dara loves me more than you, so how can you be sure that she will marry you? I mean if you grow up, she’ll be old and wrinkly but still beautiful, you’re just a kid after all. Also, I would marry here first before you even go through puberty” I honestly told him without beating around the bush.


“ANIYO! I WILL MARRY HER SOON ENOUGH!” he started yelling at me, I scoffed at him and muttered, “Kids these days!”


I was about to say something else when the bathroom door suddenly opened, revealing Dara and her white porcelain skin, and her hair let down, dripping wet.


Jae and I immediately stopped talking and was captivated by her beauty. Wait, did I just say with Jae? AISHT! THIS ERTED 3 YEAR OLD KID!


“I’ll be fast” Dara woke us up from reality and immediately ran towards our room, leaving those foot marks on the floor.


*scoff* hah, she’ll be fast… when will that happen? Like seriously, you wouldn’t even trust girls saying ‘I’ll be fast!’


“Y’know ahjussi, by ‘I’ll be fast’, she mean it’ll take her the next two hours to get ready” the kid who kept his eyes on the television all along after Dara left uttered to me.


I looked at me and chuckled, “Where’d you learn that?” I asked innocently.


“I learned it because of my mom. Like, when we’re going somewhere, and she’ll say ‘I’ll be fast’ but in reality, my mom takes two to three hours just to finish” he told me.


I laughed as hard as he can, “PWAHAHAHA, that’s Bom alright. But kid, your Dara-imo is different. She doesn’t like being pretty and whatnot, I mean she does, but she values time, and if she said something, she’ll definitely do it, just wait for a few minutes and she’ll be done” I told him, he looked at me in disbelief, thinking I was lying, which I’m not.


So thankfully, Dara just came out of the room being pretty and everything without even trying. She was wearing a ripped jeans on the bottom, paired up with one of the Jordan’s couple shoes that we both own, that was layered with black and red colour, on the top she was wearing a white v neck shirt topped with those oversized jackets, and she was also wearing those thin gold chain necklace, and the infinity ring that I gave her. Her platinum and silky hair was let down that made everything better.


I looked back at the kid who was saying it’ll take her two hours to get ready just to be this pretty, but look at his expression now, his mouth gaping, almost watering too lol. And his gaze kept on her.


“Noona, you look very very pretty!” he exclaimed which made me so proud of my girl.


Dara unconsciously blushed which annoyed me a bit since she blushed because of other man’s words, I mean for some kid. I mean she’s my girl! She should just do these things because of me!


“Kamsa Jae-ah, you look very handsome too!” she complimented him back, my gaze turned to slits after hearing her complement him.


I cleared my throat and said, “How ‘bout me jagi?”


She looked at me, then walked towards me while she was smiling beautifully, “Why would you need to ask when you definitely know my answer jagi?” she said while cupping both of my cheeks. Which I definitely expected her to kiss me since she cupped my face, but she just gave it a tap and smiled then let go of me.


I looked back at the kid who was giving me death glares, so I smirked and pulled Dara to me the started kissing her, when she felt it she then closed her eyes in embarrassment while I looked directly to Jae.


Jae’s expression was priceless, I tell you. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped open when I kissed Dara, when he realized it, he immediately went between us and kept on pushing me, “Why are you harassing noona!” he screamed at me which woke Dara up in reality.


Dara then immediately covered her face as long as I pulled away from our kiss. I looked back to Jae after seeing how flush Dara’s face was (which totally ) [author: ERTED FREAK!] yah authornim! I’m not a erted freak! Maybe you are! I mean how can you even think of such things about adults when you are only 16 years of age!



“You should’ve closed your eyes!” I told the kid who was still glaring at me, “I couldn’t since you were harassing my Dara noona!” he replied back which made Dara giggle and look at him.


I was about to say something again when Dara interrupted us, “Let’s go guys, so we won’t be late to wherever we’re going!” she said, which Jae and I gratefully did.


But before going out of the house, and I noticed that Jae was already out, I pulled Dara in once again and kissed her. After that I saw her face flushed again, so I smiled at her widely and took her hands then started walking out of the house.




Hey, you! How was it? Sorry it was kind of short since I really out and I didnt know what to write anymore, but the good news is that bevcause of this author's block, I could add more chapters hooray! LOL. ANYWAY, PLEASE COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE AND UPVOTE AND SEE YOU TO THE NEXT CHAPTER~ PPYONG!






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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 1: Interesting..though it only have few chapters
Chapter 2: I ❤️❤️❤️ your story authornim very sweet couple
Janaky011203 #3
Chapter 5: Hahaha lol I like that boy. Hahaha lol going to marry Dara. I like your update thank you so much!!!
Chapter 4: Soo cheeseball hahahahha so cute ❤️❤️
Chapter 3: Yes
Chapter 2: Very interesting authornim i love daragon
Chapter 7: i missed this
i missed u too
thank u for sharing this cute story♡
maridanzannet #8
Chapter 1: Cool story
Imoengkardur #9
Chapter 7: Nice story,,hope u will write another story
Chapter 7: Keep writing your story ....I love it... fighting...wish I read your other stories...haha