"Is Jongin married?"

What A Beautiful World

"Who did you say she was again?" Jongin asks, as they get out from the car. He catches up to his boyfriend who is already heading towards the restaurant, locking the car clumsily.

"She's an old friend. She's going to help us with publishing the book." Sehun explains as he ascends the stairs, Jongin behind him. Just before they enter the restaurant, Sehun stops and whips around to face Jongin, a serious expression plastered on his face. "And no touching or hinting about anything. I don't wan't her to freak-"


Suddenly, Sehun finds himself with an armful of a squealing Choi Jinri. He laughs and hugs her back. "Oh my God, how long has it been since we last met, Sehun-ah?"

"I believe it was about 5 years ago."

"I can't believe it has been such a long time. Oh, who's this?" They only break apart when Jinri notices Jongin. 

"Jinri, this is Kim Jongin, the photographer. Jongin, my friend, Choi Jinri." Sehun introduces them but frowns when he sees the starstruck look Jinri is giving his boyfriend. Jongin, being the gentleman he is, puts out his hand for a shake with a friendly smile. "Hello, Jinri-sshi. It's very nice to meet you."

"O-oh hel-hello." Jinri takes his hand into both hers. Sehun notices Jinri's lingering touch and the brief confused look Jongin sends him. He just shrugs. 


When Jongin excuses himself to go to the toilet, that's when Jinri starts.

"Is Jongin married?"

Sehun who was calmly sipping his wine, coughs a tad too hard when he chokes on the liquid. He gives her an incredulous look. "W-what?"

"Is he married? Jongin?" Jinri asks innocently, not realizing how her question makes Sehun nervous. Sehun clears his throat and tries his best to act casual. "No, he's not married." At this, Jinri raises an eyebrow. "But I saw the ring on his finger. Why would he wear a ring if he's not married? He got a girlfriend or something?" 

Sehun gapes at her. 

I forgot to tell Jongin to take the ring off.

Sehun quickly pulls his ring off under the table and slips it into his pocket. He's starting to panic inside but again tries to look calm. "I.. don't know about that." Jinri pouts at the answer. "How can you not know about that!? I thought you're his best friend! Well, I don't care, I want him."

Now, Sehun really panics. "Yah, are you joking? You can't do that. What if he-"

Just then, Jongin comes back. He sits at his seat next to Sehun and gives a smile towards Jinri.

"What took you so long?" Jongin stares dumbly at Sehun when he heard a small - barely there - hint of whining in his voice. "A-ah, I met a student of mine." Jinri takes the bottle of red wine and offers it towards Jongin. "Here, Jongin-sshi."

Jongin receives the offer with a polite smile. "Thank you, Jinri-sshi." All the while, Sehun is having an internal battle with himself.

"So, how old is your girlfriend?" Jinri asks with a not-so-innocent grin. Jongin steals a look at Sehun next to him before answering her question. "Uh, we're the same age." Jinri laughs gleely. "Do you hear that Sehun? I have a chance."

"What?" Jongin asks, his eyebrows knitting. He is very confused right now.

Jinri is now looking at him with an almost predatory glint in her eyes. "I want to date you."

"Yah! Are you drunk!?" Sehun bursts at his friend. He is now downright flustered. It's not that he's jealous of Jinri or anything - for heaven's sake, Jongin is as straight as a cooked spaghetti - but he's worried that Jinri might find out about them.

Jinri ignores him, opting to bat her eyelashes at Jongin. "Take off that ring and date me instead."

"Yah Choi Jinri! You can't do that! He's-" mine, Sehun wants to say but stops himself short, though he's sure Jinri wouldn't hear him even if he says it from the way she is making googly eyes at his boyfriend. "Let's go to a club tonight, Jongin-sshi!" Sehun could only gape at her.

"Ah, I don't go to clubs exactly." Jongin's a bit taken aback from Jinri's straighforwardness. 

"Choi Jinri!"


"Bye Sehun! I'll see you tomorrow!"

Sehun and Jongin wave back as they watch Jinri enters the hotel building before Jongin driving them out from the lobby.

"Well well, look who's been targeted." Sehun starts playfully. Jongin grits his teeth but keeps his eyes on the road, "Just what the hell, Sehun."

Sehun laughs and Jongin feels his annoyance level decreases. 

"She saw that ring of yours yet she still wants to date you. You should give it your best shot." Jongin could feel Sehun's hand on his thigh. His right hand leaves the steering wheel to clasp the pale hand in his, intertwining their fingers. If Jongin takes awhile to steal a glance at Sehun, he would see the fond look Sehun is giving him.

"Fine, I'll just do it my way."

"Your way how." Sehun says, still with the teasing lilt in his voice. He's not looking at Jongin but there's a small smile playing on his lips.

"Tomorrow when we're picking her up at the hotel, the first thing I'm gonna do is give you a deep kiss." Jongin says nonchalantly.

"You wouldn't." Sehun whips his head to glare at his boyfriend, his clasp on Jongin's hand tightens. Jongin just smirks.

"We'll see."


"Yah Sehun-ah." Sehun was just casually ogling his boyfriend who's editing the photos across the room when he feels someone pulling him to the corner. He flinches a bit when he feels the strong grip Jinri has on his arm.

"Did I went overboard last night?" Jinri asks him in a timid voice, her face full of worries. "I did, didn't I? Because Jongin doesn't even smile at me at all today. And he's less.. gentlemanly than last night." She's now pouting and Sehun feels a bit sorry for her.

Sehun let's out a sigh, "Yeah, you did. You know, maybe you should stop this courting thing. Jongin's really not comfortable with it."

Jinri just pouts harder, "But I still want him! It's been a long time since I really liked anyone.." She trails off, her head hanging down. Sehun groans inwardly at her sad face. Then suddenly, she brings her face up and stares at Sehun, a fiery determination visible in her eyes.

"Well, whether he's comfortable with it or not, he's going to be mine!" She walks off with her back straight. Not more than a few steps, Jinri halts and turns toward Sehun. "Oh, and I need his number."

Sehun just facepalms.


"You're not getting dizzy, reading a book?"

They're in the car, heading towards the airport to send Jinri off. Jongin asks with a concerned tone when he sees Sehun reading.

Sehun smiles to himself. He likes it when Jongin is worried about him in little things like this. "No, I'm fine. Don't worry." He almost let out more mushy things to Jongin when a voice came from the backseat.

"Do you come to Seoul often, Jongin-sshi?" Jinri asks. Jongin could hear Sehun sighing next to him.

"Ah, about four to five times a month." He says truthfully. Jinri hums in understanding, "Do you go there to see your girlfriend?"

Jongin looks through the rear view mirror and he could see Jinri's very hopeful expression before glancing to the person reading next to him. 

"No, that person is here, in Jeju actually. My parents live in Seoul though. Oh, and I go to the gay clubs there too." Jongin lets it out calmly, his eyes focused on the road. He could feel both other people in the car staring at him. "Are you biased against people like me, Jinri-sshi?"

Jinri snaps out of her shock at Jongin's question. "Oh.. No, I.. I don't mind. Well, I don't care, actually." She stutters awkwardly. Jongin nods at her answer. 

"Hmm yes, not caring is the best thing for us."

Jinri stares at the back of Jongin's head, gasping as she manages to put the pieces together. She whips her head to stare at Sehun in disbelief. Sehun just sighs and closes his book. Jongin smirks in victory when he hears Jinri curse.

The car is quiet through the rest of the journey.


"Oh Sehun, is it true?" Jinri almost shouts at a grinning Sehun, when they entered the airport building. Jongin decides to wait in the car so he doesn't need to park his car. Sehun nods apologetically, all the while still grinning. Jinri groans and buries her red face in her hands, before hitting Sehun's right arm not-so-softly. "You should just tell me in the first place, you lil' !"

Sehun scratches the back of his neck, his face flushing a bit, "Well, that's not for me to do." Jinri just scowls, sending stinky eyes at Sehun, "Aish, you're an , you know that?" She huffs before hauling her luggage, "Just go. I'll be okay." She hugs Sehun before walking off, turning back to wave goodbye.

Sehun waits until he can't see Jinri's figure anymore before leaving to find Jongin.


Jongin was about tell Sehun who's entering the car that he did good and Sehun should give him a present for being such an awesome boyfriend but was cut short.

"So you go to clubs when you're in Seoul huh." Sehun says coldly, his eyes shooting invisible daggers towards Jongin. His boyfriend is clearly confused right now and if not for the jealousy bubbling in him, he would've laughed at Jongin's stupid face. "You better tell me the truth. You went to clubs?"

"No I didn't!" Jongin counters, his voice getting high-pitch. He opens his mouth to say something but Sehun's glare.

"Then why did you say that if you didn't?" Sehun hisses.

"I did it to get your friend off me!" 

Sehun sighs and his expression softens, "If you did go, then tell me you did. It's okay." Jongin smirks and Sehun almost melts there.

"I know how mad you'll get. Do you think I'd tell you I'd go?" 

"YAH THAT MEANS YOU DID GO TO CLUBS." Sehun is already fuming at this moment. 


Sehun stays silent but keeps on glaring daggers at his boyfriend. Jongin let out a disbelieved huff. " Wow this is craz- I SAID I DIDN'T GO TO CLUBS."


Jongins rolls his eyes and instead of making a comeback, he pulls Sehun for a deep kiss.



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